A Way Out

What do you think about this game?

Looks very fun, the guy was really pumped up and the entire concept is really new and refreshing.

>What do you think about this game?


the nose is distracting

>story driven
shit-tier gameplay
I don't like shit-tier gameplay

Don't mind it. Just buy the game.

I'd buy it but i don't have anyone to play co-op games with so i have to pass on it.

I have the same problem. What a shitty idea co-op is for this game.

Might be cool. I can imagine it being pretty railroaded though.

Looks like Prisoner of War remake with Heavy Rain mechanics.

It's a fuck you to pirates.It'll take em some time before they can hack this shit.

Its another cinematic press x to cutscene game. Looks a bit like quantom break

That fucking nose

Interesting concept, but I doubt it will be executed in a way that I would really like. These movie/puzzle games don't ever hold my interest because I just stop caring at some point. not to mention trying to find someone to consistently play it with would be a pain. It's like the creators think that all my friends and I just sit around all the time looking for shit to do.

I thought Brothers was pretty enjoyable, and the story in this game looks neat, so it seems like it could be fun to play through once with a buddy

I'm super excited for this game. My favorite announcement, right behind monster hunter. My gf will probably play this one with me, unlike portal 2, because of the story and they'll probably be less chances to dick over your partner. But overall I hope this turns out some unique moments.

>needs a friend

>also needs a friend

You two.... Should become friends!!!!

Looks like a good game, good story, good characters, and really interesting co-op gimmick.

Issue? I bet there will be 0 replayability and nobody will want to play through it once they've seen the story the first time.

Additionally if the game IS designed to be forced co-op then I can't imagine it's any longer than 5-6 hours.


Interesting to say the least. I like how couch coop is in thr focus but it will probably be boring and clunky gameplay wise.
I'm just glad it's something mildly innovative.

user what did we tell you about trying to make strangers on the internet become friends

But I want to see them become best friends and maybe fall in love with each other and hold hands!

Fate brought them together in this thread!

Sauce me up my dude.

Private Standard By Minato Fumi

Anyone have the announcement clip from E3 of the guy saying his own name wrong?

I think that really set the tone for this game

Thanks user. I love you. Be safe today. I'll make you a nice tunafish sandwich for lunch.


Points for the setting I guess, but I'm worried about all the scenes where one of the players is stuck watching a cutscene while the other guy gets to play. Doesn't seem really fun.

No mone no friends

I thought it looked decent. If it's something like $20 per player I'll probably pick it up.

>Issue? I bet there will be 0 replayability and nobody will want to play through it once they've seen the story the first time.
Given the whole style of presentation I imagine it'd be alright to play twice, once as each character. We can only hope it's interesting enough to warrant that though.

What did they mean by this?

It's not the game's fault that you're friendless. Any platform today has communities especifically made to look up people to play with, if you keep playing games alone, the game is not the issue, but you.

Doesn't look like it has a lot of gameplay depth but since it's meant to be coop I don't care, I'll probably have a chill time with a friend playing it.

>tfw no gf to play games with

The 70s setting is cool i guess but the studio doesn't seem to be able to deliver animation on par with the newly upgraded graphical fidelity compared to their other game. It's also likely going to be worth only a single playthrough as it's a story driven cinematic adventure. Forcing co-op is dumb as fuck, and will hurt sales along with the other two factors stated above.

>split screen
>implying gamestream won't work for this
if you're an amdfaggot you need not apply

the author looks like that. thats why.

movie-game garbage
>same person behind BATOTS
directors turned game makers cant make good games.

I didn't know happy merchant had his own game.

I heard it is coop *only*. Can you play it splitscreen?
Because even if I got it, it's highly unlikely I could convince any of my friends to get it too and I'd just end up wasting money and never playing it because I don't want to coop with randos

I imagine the game should only be played with a friend locally cause them online people only gonna fuck you over.

the game is forced splitscreen, even online. Some sequences will fuck with how much screen each player gets, e.g. the cutscene gets priority.

Homosex propaganda

>even online

Whether the game will be good or not is a question of "Are there QTEs?" because if there are, they'll be everywhere.