So he's objectively the worst brotag yet right?
So he's objectively the worst brotag yet right?
For real?!
Nah. Ryuji's an idiot, but he's a lovable idiot.
>Complaining about "muh adults" when you're fucking 16 years old.
junpei > ryuji >>>>>> yosuke
Yosuke is awful, as is most of the P4 cast. Junpei and Ryuji would be cool to hang with
>Complains about Kamoshida being a perv
>Constantly pervs on Ann
What did he mean by this?
>tfw you have to buy your own steak
He's not Yosuke.
Here's worst brotag in history
>mista we need your GUN
>gets fucking shot by his own gun or by enemy
Junpei was the worst.
Yosuke was a nothing.
Ryuji had the highest highs and lowest lows. Parts of him were the broest bro ever and other times when he spoke if he was a real life dude I'd sock this motherfucker for saying dumb hateful shit.
Junpei is a hotheaded idiot like the rest, but I think he's the least annoying out of the 3 of them. Ryuji is surprisingly likable. Despite constantly fucking things up and blowing up at the drop of a pin, I never really disliked him
>that part where they think he's dead
>feel nothing because none of intra-party relationships are fleshed out beyond some boring text message conversations
The characters are good on their own but the way they interact with each other felt forced
in terms of TRUE nigga status. Ryuji is probably the only one who is your friend through and through the entire game without feeling jealously of the protag being in the leader role and accepts his role at being the muscle as he knows Akira is more fit for the job.
Yosuke and Junpei develop feelings of Jealously towards their MC and if I remember one of them act on it.
Oh Skull, you're pathetic.
I liked Morgana a lot. Glad he didn't turn into a god damn homofaggot human. I would've shot myself
Yosuke was a fucking dick to Kanji and Chie.
Starts out the best (he saves your life), turns into awful shitter.
Being a cat is great. You get to suck your own dick and cuck Joker from doing meaningful ever.
What the fuck was his problem?
What you failed to realize is that Ryuji isn't the brotag, it was Yusuke all along.
I actually started to feel bad for Ryuji over how much the other characters bully him.
I get he's the joke character, but it's just none stop shitting on him.
I didn't do all of Yusukes social link but the part where they were in the boat was pretty good. I wish he had more to him than being an artist but he's cool
I find more annoying how the girls got angry after that
Araki probably wanted to justify his moments when he had to deal with the number 4. Mista is unique.
He's not the worst brotag in history but probably in Jojo you'd say. However, Hermes is the absolute worst companion in the series. You can't deny this.
Girls getting unjustifiably angry at a guy is a classic Japanese trop
He was a fucking idiot.
Junpei was like that for a while before he got his second Persona, Yosuke confesses about it near the end of his social link if I'm right.
There's a difference between gawking at a girl the same age as you in a swimsuit, and actually raping your female students.
The difference being that Kamoshida gets more ass than a toilet seat while Ryuji is going to die a virgin
>Phantom thieves declare war on Shido
>Shido essentially accepts their challenge
>mfw I thought that he might pull something drastic such as entering his own palace and use something from Futaba's mom's research to his advantage
>lel i'll temporarily kill myself
>Palace is slightly more secure than normal (but not really)
>Boss is slighty tougher than other Palace bosses (but not really)
>Palace collapses slightly sooner than it would have when taking his treasure
It was a pretty big let down. I thought his Palace was going to turn out to be really different. Like the guests visiting his ship were actual people and not just cognitions or something.
Stay away from that Sakamoto-kun, he's bad news. He even bleached his hair, which makes him a punk to boot.
>oh hey here's a melee only stand
>but she's also got like a duplication ability that can hurt people, she's useful, right?
Maybe in niche situations where you need a key or something, but other than that she seems really useless.
Stone Ocean felt weird. From Annasui's sex change to Araki completely forgetting that Jolyne could use Stone Free to listen in on conversations
Ann gets caught talking about the phantom thieves in public too, no one blames her though.
Because she just replying to Ruyji and she later points out that he should stop screaming "PHANTOM THIEVES" from the top of his lungs
But Ryuji was bad news for a long time and is also a punk
Stay away from that Sakamoto-kun, he's literally the stupidest person on the face of the planet. Also he bleaches his hair.
His costume spine thing looks a lot like the health monitors from Dead Space.
maybe, but Ryuji was the most realistic 16 year old, dude acted his age. Give em that
Junpei was best bro
I thought you couldn't bleach you your hair in prep schools?
Did you miss the part where a teacher tells him off for doing it?
Stay away from that Sakamoto-kun, he yells at a cat at the top of his lungs, I think he's crazy. Did you know he bleached his hair?
I didn't like him at first but he grew on me. I was legitimately annoyed when he wore his school uniform on a night time scope out. Fucking retard.
Yet he still has bleached hair throughout the game.
>he yells at a cat at the top of his lungs
I can't stop laughing now imaging how utterly demented he must look to passerbys.
You can't argue that persona 5 has easily the best social links, and unlike persona 3 and 4, all of them are at the very least passable.
I wonder how much more smoothly things would've gone if Ryuji wasn't in the group
They were going to crack down on him, but then he started to have an argument with a cat like a crazy person and they got scared.
It definitely had the best. 4 had the worst, by far. 3 still has my favorite one in the series though, your MMO playing teacher
>Makotos S Link
>Mishmas S Link
How can anyone think these are anything but terrible.
Joker would never enter the metaverse and awaken to his powers and the phantom thieves wouldn't exist.
Mishima's link is good because the game lets you call him out for the faggot ass he is. I don't like him as a character, but the writing acknowledges his faults and shows him improve as a person by the end.
What's wrong with Makoto's link? I enjoyed it. It's not the best or anything, but it's serviceable and works with her character.
There must be something wrong with you since Mishimas S link is the best, since it ranks up every time you can say literally anything to him, its pretty entertaining.
I forgot about that. I don't remember him actually doing anything to help even once all the way up until the end of the game though
Yeah, I loved the SL with a Mementos mission at Rank 7.
I don't think P5 has the best individual links out of the three, but it also doesn't have the worse individual links either. So the average quality is perhaps the best overall.
Like remember Moon in P3? Fuck.
Seeing a group of mix-matched teenagers would give the PTs some odd looks, especially with Ann being a model so she'd be recognizable. Seeing Ryuji having an argument with a cat inside a school bag would definitely make some people shit bricks.
Just manage your time so that you don't have to go to Mementos just for 1 social link, Nigga. It's not that hard.
I'd rather have a friend that isn't either secretly or outwardly burning in jealousy for me.
Ryuji is an idiot but I like his honesty. Would hang out with him out of the three.
Junpei's the best character still.
>4 had the worst ones
>when 3 had Kenji's link
>Meanwhile she's a prostitute and later is fucking her student
Who said anything about managing time? I maxed all of them on my first playthrough.
He's likeable enough at the beginning and end of the game I feel.
P5 had the best slinks overall
It's just that almost all the best ones are outside the main party, aside from Yusuke and Futaba all the in-party ones are shit
I think Toranosuke's link is my favourite one in persona history. Sure, it's kinda feels-good and super idealistic, but that's nice in a game that for the most part kicks you in the balls about muh shitty adults. The final speech made me smile like a fucking idiot.
Nothing wrong with that
Someone should give her a medal
No, that would be this closet faggot.
Ryuji's a idiot but a loveable one at that, and he's pretty much got your back 100%.
Junpei is jealous of door-kun at first but eventually they become Bros. He also has a more going on with him since he also had Chidori as well.
I don't remember his, so I must not have done it
Mishima's Slink is pretty good. He has a character arc instead of just slowly getting friendlier with you.
Makoto's Slink isn't bad but needed more Makoto and less Eiko. *clapping emoji* *clapping emoji* *hot springs emoji*
>What's wrong with Makoto's link?
Not the guy you're replying to, but I found it disappointing because I wanted to spend time with Makoto, not some cheap tart she picked up off the street.
Makoto/Haru wouldn't have been recruited
I think he's talking about the retarded MILF hunter classmate.
I think it works because Makoto (or Anne, one of the two) is easily the most well adjusted Phantom Thief, sans her detachment from other teens. So, her social link focuses on her learning about other teens and taking after her father by helping people.
His was about wanting to bang a teacher. Doesn't matter anyway because Moon was way worse.
>have code name throughout the game
>they never made a codename for phantom thieves or other words
>also using the fucking train station as a hideout (populated as fuck and people would see them dissapear)
Even saying "PT" would be better. Defend this shitty game.
Protip: you can't
I feel bad because I didn't do his at all. Whenever I go back to the game, I'll have to give it a shot
Its perfectly fine, I always ask him if I can deepthroat his cock. So its consensual, please don't take me to court.
I honestly wish they did make the cafe a permanent hideout earlier, it was retarded to be out there in the open.
She is not a prostitute, that's just a shitty meme. In Japan someone in the "water trade" is considered a sex worker, despite no sex actually being involved. This involves things like hostess clubs, massage parlors (that do involve non-intercourse sexual favors), and maid services like Kawakami's.
But yes, she totally boned her student/
Japan's collectivist society means no-one's going to give a shit about a few kids disappearing from a crowd. They're too busy getting slaved to death at work to care about what happens inbetween.
Them not using codenames for stuff like their team is kinda dumb though, yeah.
Please post any more of these you have. I forgot to save the Hifumi one.
It's hardly a shitty game because of those minor things. It was stupid to be out in the open. Did they actually know that they just disappeared at that point in the game though?
What else could they think was happening?
I like how it's all but outright stated that every character, even the Protag and Mishima himself, hates Mishima
>ignoring the time Ryu-chan looked up Ann-dono's skirt when she passed out on the couch
please say there's one for takemi
Thanks muchly user.
This is all I have. I think there might a couple more but I dunno.
If you don't hook up with her Ohya probably rapes him so there's that.
Sometimes I just want to kill ryuji