Watch the E3 conferences of the big three without Sup Forums

>watch the E3 conferences of the big three without Sup Forums
>Nintendo was the worst one by far
>wonder how Sup Forums will spin this into a Nintendo victory this time

ok let's have a look

>"they showed a picture of the title of a game from one of the franchises Nintendo kept milking for centuries. therefore they won!"

this makes me roll my eyes so hard the foundation of my house is about to crack.

Other urls found in this thread:

There were 2 metroid games, why ignore the one they did show?

It's a rehash from 1991. It's further proof that Nintendo only needs to constantly regurgitate the same stuff to make Sup Forumstards happy.

For some obscure reason Sup Forums attracts Nintendo fanboys

Because it's on the same level than all the Indie shovelware shown during Microsofts conference. Nintendo can make the cheapest, most barebone games and you buy them for full price just because of the skin of the MC.

>Nintendo kept milking for centuries.
>hasn't had a new game in like 10 years
lol cheap bait, still got me to reply 4/10

>hasn't had a new game in like 10 years

I didn't even say that.

>Nintendo kept milking for centuries.

It's an obvious hyperbole. Everybody who isn't autistic knows what I mean by it.

t. sony pony

it's okay sonybro, maybe if you make another poll it will be different this time

Well, what did the other did better ?

>microsoft conference
>Sup Forums is fine
>sony conference
>Sup Forums is fine
>nintendo conference
>the whole fucking board drowned in 4 logo threads
Threads were going from page 1 to 10 in a second. Fuck nintendogaf

Because Sony and Microsoft announced literally nothing relevant.

I'm sorry the other conferences didn't have the megaton announcement as important as Metroid Fucking Prime 4

It's as important of an announcement as Half Life 3

It was beautiful desu. I was waiting for the WE thread spam when the Asscreed trailer started off with that word but it never came.

You only get to see shit like that once a year anyways, so I look forward to it each year.

Nintendo games are fun, BOTW is the best game this year so far, and Odyssey looks even better, and I haven't given a shit about Mario since Sunshine. Odyssey looks so damn charming, it's hard to not being hype as hell for it after Nintendo blew my expectations for LoZ away.

>I was waiting for the WE thread spam when the Asscreed trailer started off with that word but it never came.
Where were you looking? Are we from different timelines?

Who drew this? How much times did they spend drawing it? Do you think they spent time considering whether or not to have the penis spraying pee everywhere, or was that something they were totally confident needed to be included?

I'm just concerned because a grown ass adult spent longer than twenty minutes making this.

>sonydonger trying to change the identity of NeoGAF to Nintendo
Oh my sweet summer child, you can't alter history, NeoGAF has always been the Sony cock sucking palace.

that is an out in out fucking lie faggot

There's a lot of Nintendo friends here but neogaf is literally nothing but sonygaggers. You're not even allowed to say anything bad about sony without being banned.

>You only get to see shit like that once a year anyways
No you're not. It happens with every nintendo announcement. Even with shovelware like arms.

There were a few threads but not even close to the level MP4 caused.

Sorry Nintendo's showstopper wasn't essentially a movie tie-in designed to shill their upcoming Nintendo Pictures capeshit movie.

Also, this:

>Ignoring all the other games Nintendo announced

So tell us OP why was Sony better than Nintendo?

It didn't happen with Arms though. The thing from the Switch reveal that got the most threads was paid online.

lol nintendiaper mad

NeoGAF meme only started from cherrypicked posts from the PS3 and PS Vita threads when the Wii U launched. They vote Nintendo as the top GOTY winners every year in their forum wide votes.

Fucking faggot. I wish I could beat the shit out of you trough the internet. Nintentards must die.

Dude anyone who knows anything about neogaf will tell you you're full of shit. They were literally worshipping Sony during 200fucking8 when the PS3 was the laughingstock of the industry. They had a complete meltdown when Final Fantasy was announced for Xbox. They tried to destroy the careers of journalists who gave Uncharted 3 a bad score.

>How much times did they spend drawing it?
prob 5-10 minutes in paint

Who won then?

Neogaf voted Uncharted 2 as game of the year. Twice.


You kids realise that as much as you push it Nintendogaf still doesn't make any sense.