I am thinking of getting last of us. Is it an actual game or just a load of cut scenes that appeals to people too stupid to follow the Walking Dead?
I've had a PS4 for a month and only bought Bloodborne.
I am thinking of getting last of us. Is it an actual game or just a load of cut scenes that appeals to people too stupid to follow the Walking Dead?
I've had a PS4 for a month and only bought Bloodborne.
It's Uncharted with zombies
not a bad game but it's overhyped
yes it is an actual game, and it's a very good one.
Yes, it's maybe not for everyone, but that's true for every game.
It has a reason why everyone praises this game.
Salty hater will try telling you something different, just don't listen to them.
The game is very cheap so why do you even bother asking on this board full of weebs and don't just buy it?
You're so fucking transparent it's unbelievable.
It's a game. Try beating it on the hardest difficulty without dying.
It's not insanely hard, but you definitely need to get the hang of it. Multiplayer is pretty fun, too.
It's good on hardest when you don't have wallhack.
oh boohoo
It's 75% scripted cuteness and 25% mediocre gameplay
get it if you're a nu-gamer who only cares about le deep story (which by the way is as cliche as they come)
The love for it is a meme, the hate for it is a meme.
It is a reasonably good game that mostly excels through the story it tells. The actual hardest difficulty, grounded I think, is like pulling teeth, excruciating and actually reveals a lot of the games flaws.
Vastly overrated gameplay and story. I got it for 10 bucks when I bought my PS4 last year. Gameplay was boring and shallow. Got tired of it real quick.
It's a pastiche of every other 7th gen game and all their exact gameplay functions with zero innovation. The game focuses extremely heavily on cut scenes. I tried to play about 2 hours and watched 90 minutes of cut scenes. Garbage. Buy something random that's actually a video game
Guys like these
is why you dont ask Sup Forums for recommendations. It's a very solid game praised for a reason. Just fuckin get it
Its a mediocre third person cover shooter that stays pretty stagnant throughout. It never really gets difficult and the gameplay is the same from start to finish. The story is no more interesting than your average zombie narrative. Nice to look at though. Basically just way overhyped by idiots who only think they prefer games to popular movies.
It's the only game that ever made me really consider whether using those precious bullets is necessary.
I played the first hour and 75% of it was just following slowly while someone spews exposition. It was boring game design 101.
>The game is very cheap so why do you even bother asking on this board full of weebs and don't just buy it?
It costs about the same as Bloodborne, and by only having one game I avoid ever having to get up and change the disk; also saving $28 to spend on Anime and masturbation accessories.
Also War Thunder which I play quite a bit is free.
>It has a reason why everyone praises this game.
>It's a very solid game praised for a reason
Says the shill without ever telling us what it is.
>75% scripted
No, Uncharted is much more scripted than this.
Is has a nice lenght and pacing, it has cutscenes like so many other games but is not its main point.
Alas at normal is way too easy so it has to be played on hard.
It does not start right away, there's a short prologue before getting into the meat of it.
I enjoyed the mechanics, the movement, the gunplay, the guns do feel better than in Uncharted which might not be saying much but it sounds like an improvement considering is the same devs.
A great many people paraded it around as a movie, clearly showing that they never played it.
the game is fantastic. the cutscenes and characters are beautiful and the gameplay is never boring.
think about the fact that you could spend money on an actual game and not waste it on an interactive movie
it's the best linear Western game ever made
>he thinks sony is employing shills to shill the fucking last of us, a game that came out 4 years ago
actually retarded
I was always curious to know what was so good about this game, and why everybody--online and in real life--was telling me to buy a ps4 JUST for this game.
Well, I eventually ended up trying it at a friend's place, because there was no way I was gonna trust console players and their recommendations.
Guess what?
I was totally right.
That game was extremely bad, like I thought. It's just a classic boring console game, where you do the same non-interesting stuff over and over again. The ONLY reason it got somehow popular, is because zombies were popular when it came out. That's it.
Also, the low testosterone gay console players kinda loved to play a game with a cute little girl... which is really fucked up if you ask me.
Anyways, I just wanted to warn people to NOT fall for this shit hype, and just forget about this shit game. But most importantly, remember that a console player's recommendation is worth nothing more than a rotten piece of dog shit.
>It is one of the best games ever made and that's the reason it's praised for
As a Sup Forumsfag who generally hates cinematic shit, I think it's worth getting.
It doesn't have a lot of cutscenes, but it tries to make its gameplay parts feel more like a journey. What I mean is. less than 50% of the time you're in control is spent in combat. The majority of Sup Forums hates that and will tell you that non-combat gameplay is essentially a cutscene since the characters talk, but it's not true.
Between fights, you search houses and different places for ammo/things to use, and while you traverse the environments they start talking about different things they see. The ladder/plank bullshit is also not as annoying as Sup Forums makes it out to be.
I'd give the game a 7/10( 8.5 if you include the amazing multiplayer mode). It has great production values, superb art direction and acting, a well produced but kinda cliche story and great atmosphere. Shame there isn't more combat, but unlike shit like Uncharted and Tomb Raider, it works as an "experience".
>he thinks sony is employing shills to shill the fucking last of us, a game that came out 4 years ago
Not at all. Sony's employing shills to shill whatever sony game we're currently talking about.
Ignore this boy.
He knows nothing and should be ashamed of his shallow taste and lack of experience.
It's a solid 8/10. People who tell you it's a movie most likely haven't played it, as there are far worse offenders which go completely ignored here. Not perfect by any means, but it's very polished and the sneaky resource based combat manages to stay fresh throughout.
Play on at least hard though, as the game is way more fun when you're not constantly full on every resource you need.
Underrated on Sup Forums but overrated outside of Sup Forums.
The cutscenes aren't the problem in the game, the problem is the unskippable walky talky bits that go on for 20 minutes at a time while you walk around empty rooms scavenging. The gameplay when it does happen is pretty good though.
It's probably worth borrowing from a friend or renting or something, then you can see what the fuss is about without paying much for it.
Also, make sure you play on hard.
Exactly what a Sony shill would want you to think
>Sup Forums hates TLoU and calls it a generic movie for having too many cutscenes
>Sup Forums proceeds to like Persona despite having more cutscenes/ story shoved in
Really makes you think.
It's Japanese, of course it gets a pass.
>people too stupid to follow the Walking Dead
TLOU is a far superior zombie story than The Walking Dead.
what do you think is?
Such as?
Bloodborne was the only PS4 game v agreed was good and I've got that now.
I was thinking about getting GTA but I can't quite bring myself to pay $40 for a game I've already played to death.
The rest seems to be all Call of Normie Modern FPS and sports games.
I started it on the hardest difficulty, but the aim sensitivity is so garbage, that I constantly kept missing everything. Auto-aim only comes with the lower difficulties, so I had to switch to that.
>"I tried it at a friend's house and confirmed my biases."
>me, me, me.
>reddit spacing
autism, everyone.
nice to know your opinion on it can be completely disregarded
PS4 is for multiplats and occasional exclusives.
>aim sensitivity is garbage
Nah, you upgrade it on with pills during gameplay.
I couldn't even pass the first few clickers I've encountered I sucked at it so much. I couldn't get to the permanent upgrades.
there is nothing wrong with the concept of "interactive movies"
Back in the 90's to early-00's, I would have killed to play an interactive movie with the degree of control you get in TLOU
It is a real game that has some interesting ideas, but is too cinematic to feel good to play or to flesh those mechanics out. The only people I've heard praise either like it for the cinematic elements or praise the gameplay because they'v never tried a real stealth game like MGS, Splinter Cell, Dishonored.
The game's biggest flaw is actually it's story because it's obvious the entire game was designed around it, down to hallways that take just long enough for you to run through for the characters to finish the conversation.
For exclusives, you'd have a better time buying something like Ni-oh, Persona 5, Final Fantasy XV or Unravel. Even Uncharted 4 is better.
shooting them is a waste even if you've got good aim. Their heads flail around too much and you end up wasting way too much ammo.
sneak up on them and shiv them or bash their heads in with bricks
Meh, I've already beaten the game on a lower difficulty setting. It's not worth replaying. But thanks anyway.
It's "SO CINEMATIC!!" ""game"". In other words, trash.
Played it for the first time last fall, clocked only an hour to it, felt disgusted, swapped it for FF15 next day.
>swapped it for FF15 next day
The game is 15 hours long and has 3 hours of cutscenes, stop mindlessly following memes. The gameplay is fantastic, it's like Resident Evil 4 2.0
The stealth is half assed and the AI is fucking dumb.
t. guy who platinumed it twice
The Last of Us is just another game for dumb and uneducated console players...
The EXACT SAME people that pre-ordered Call of Duty WWII, which has black nazi soldiers in it, as well as red dot sights, silencers, and lasers.
This shows you how good their opinion is.
it starts out slow and then picks up a lot by the time you are leaving Boston
these are not real stealth games
>swapped it for FF15 next day.
You swapped trash for garbage? lmao
Maybe? The game is very linear and the gunplay feels a little off, but its still solid. Story is alright but very cliche. Pick it up if it's under 20 bucks on PS3 or PS4.
You bought the wrong system for the right games.
I don't believe this game deserves the praise it got. But it's still really solid. The combat is probably one of the most brutal and satisfying I've seen. There's some variety in encounters.
Despite the very slow start, I'd still call it a "movie game done right". It has some nice interactions that aren't only QTEs. Like, it's actually a game.
The AI is godawful and the gameplay is lackluster.
The story is decent.
Multiplayer is great, if you have PS+
the gunplay feels amazing. TLOU has the best feeling revolver and shotgun in videogames. You can snipe people with the shotgun in one blast if you put the center pixel of the open crosshair perfectly over their head
The story is really not that cliche. You are thinking of the setting. People on Sup Forums still argue about the ending every time it is brought up
The enemy AI in the game is great, aside from occasionally bugging out. It's the only shooter I've played where I felt that the AI were intelligently out-maneuvering me. I never felt safe in gun fights due to how often they were able to get behind me.
This never happens.
I dropped it at the first clicker stealth section and haven't went back to it yet. Definitely seemed overrated to me.
PC gamer here.
I fell for the hype and bought a ps4 for this game (and Uncharted) a few years ago.
Game was repetitive and extremely boring. The only good thing was the setting/atmosphere of the city, which was was really well made.
Anyways, I ended up returning my ps4 a week later.
I won't fall for console exclusive hype anymore.
Sup Forums also loves MGS4 which is actually a movie
>The only good thing was the setting/atmosphere of the city
what city? Boston? Did you even get out of the tutorial area?
A lot of people will have you believe that It's the god of all video games.
A lot of people will also have you believe that it's utter cinema trash.
My experience with the game is somewhere in between those two opinions. It wasn't great but it wasn't trash.
>A lot of people will have you believe that It's the god of all video games.
I have literally never seen anyone say this.
It has far less cutscenes than something like MGS. The gameplay mechanics are solid, but stay samey throughout the whole game.
Overall it's a well made adventure with a good story.
The multiplayer of this game is literally worth the full price tag. Weebum related 1/2