Help me Sup Forums ds3 or bb

Help me Sup Forums ds3 or bb
Is the pvp in bb even worth it


If you want pvp you shouldn't be playing a soulsborne game.

PvP in BB is great actually, but invading people is harder than in Das3, you're pretty much restricted to some areas and fight clubs.
In Das3 tho you'll often fall against threesomes


Bloodborne is the better game by far but DS3 has better pvp

PvP in BB is fine but fucking difficult to find outside of like two areas. PvE is GOAT though.

Out of all of those games dark souls 2 had the most fun and most balanced PVP. It was the only redeeming quality of ds2 though, so every other game in souls franchise is best for PVE.

Hes right faggot, PvP is a side dish for added tension and risk
If OP picks either game JUST for the pvp hes a shitter killing the series

He is spot on though. Why are you spreading such blatantly wrong opinions?

They're both shit, shoot stab stab, boring af hack n slash.

BB all day every day.

PvP is never worth to focus on any of the Souls games, they are all equally shit with minor differences, altough DaS3's is ESPECIALLY terrible.

Bloodborne will hold your attention longer. It's more original and interesting and worth playing if you haven't already.

The pvp is Dogshit and literally worse than any other Souls Game, and that's saying something, because Souls PVP is generally meh to begin with. If PVP is any factor in your decision, get DS3. Otherwise, get Bloodborne.

To be quite honest, you can't go wrong. They are both great games.

both bad

I want the game with better gameplay and maybe store pvp is just an extra

>one of the only two ways players can interact with other players is killing the series.

That's a dumb opinion and you're dumb if you actually believe it. If PVP is going to be in a game, you might as well make it good. Otherwise, don't even include it. Bloodborne pvp falls under what should have been the latter decision.

OP here
Thanks guys i gone pick bb maybe ds3 later after im burnd out

So if iam gone focus on pvp i should pick ds3?

With 100% accuracy without any hesitation, yes. Bloodborne might be the better PVE experience, and has more replayability with Chalice Dungeons and very expandable weapons, but if you want some good chaotic PVP, you cannot go wrong with DS3.

That said, I would be remiss in not stating that Gank Squads are sort of an endemic in DS3. After level 60, consider not using invasion orbs ever. If you want fun, fair pvp, use the dried knuckles and make people invade you instead.

Why am i so poor and cant pick both
I played ds1/2 the last month and im kind of tired playing the pve for the 5+ time
So i hoped pvp can suck me in the game to play it longer

In my case, a full Strength (no faith/int) build in Dark Souls 3 gave me a good 90 hours of pvp fun before I got bored, basically using a giant treebranch to fucking WOOD people to death. Sometimes even 2 or 3 at a time. Farron Watchdogs areas are often chaotic and fun as hell level 100+, so long as you dont pass level 150, the traffic will always be incredibly high.

Unlike any other Souls Game ever however, NG+ changes the drop locations of items, and increases their quality. For instance, Havel's Ring, +1, and +2 are all found in different areas in NG, NG+, and NG++. That gave me a good reason to play the game multiple times, and the PVP is still pretty healthy, you should have good traffic anywhere you go, as long as you keep an orb active or your dried knuckles active.

Just, as I said, be mindful of ganks. Host players have about a 30% health advantage over invaders or phantoms.