>you create your own character
>open world sandbox
>online features
I SERIOUSLY hope Vivendi will fucking cancel this pile of shit.
What a fucking disgrace
>you create your own character
>open world sandbox
>online features
I SERIOUSLY hope Vivendi will fucking cancel this pile of shit.
What a fucking disgrace
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot to name the early access
>jax 2 gta clone
>ripped off 5th element
>furry relationships
There summed it up
This is Jade
>strong female lead
>not white, at least asian/white mix
>snarky but caring and soft personality
>great companion that cares about her friends
>has great chemistry with team members
>her banters are playful and funny and are not attempts to mock her teammates or to show what a strong "womyn" she is
>motherly/elder sister figure
>can handle things by herself but is not afraid to show weakness
>everyone who played the first game loved her
>Ubishit ditched her for a custom made protag in a procedurally generated, online shared world
Say something nice to her because she's sad.
>wah the game has a black woman wahh.
god when did you guys become crybabies?
>all these promises
>haven't even started working on the actual game
the devs literally called it "space GTA"
I'm fucking done
what the fuck are you even talking about?
where did OP write that?
New Skyrim with guns so /r/gaming will eat that shit up
Microtransactons confirmed?
>he wasn't here when the game was announced
he implied it
>>wah the game has a black woman wahh.
>>god when did you guys become crybabies?
This is your brain on Neo-GAF, folks.
>they undoubtedly had something in progress, what stage it would be in is questionable
>hinting at it for years, developers were working at Ubisoft and would have more free time than with other smaller companies
>Ubisoft made them scrap it and instead start work on what they would show at e3
>described it themselves as in "day zero stage of development"
Forgetting completely about the consumer end of things how the fuck do you operate this way as a corporation? Why do only EA and other super large companies get away with this shit? I mean, I know why in that case... Please just stop.
Seek help.
>wah the game has a black woman wahh.
I understand your confusion, but it's an ape.
>implied by posting an actual good non-white female lead
since when Sup Forums is swarmed with NeoGAF retards?
>he implied it
look everyone i'm projecting.jpg
>procedeurally generated worlds limited to one star system
>not an mmo
>Ubisoft has only tested 15 player multiplayer on the new engine
>it's going to be the new Mass Effect but 100 times better
>he implied it
fuck off retard
>>you create your own character
I want to be a rhino!
It's ubisoft, so obviously.
>he implied it
So let me get this straight. You think everyone here is a whiny oversensitive baby and yet you are so sensitive to just a thread about this that this was enough to trigger you
user you clearly hate yourself and you are projecting it on Sup Forums
Either fix yourself or kill yourself. Just stop being our problem.
>They will hand-make some content and let the computer do some of the other. >Many of you reading are probably having No Man’s Sky flashbacks right now, but Ancel actually referenced Dwarf Fortress as an inspiration. >The beloved, hardcore PC game generates new societies with their own mythology and history.
>dwarf fortress inspiration
>tfw no more Carlson & Peeters
why live?
Mama, is that you ?
Or they could retool it since it has barely begun any sort of development
Procedural generation, and randomization works for certain games like Dwarf Fortress and PUBG, but it really doesn't work for almost anything else and every time I hear the term I die a little inside.
Because it is 2017
the parts of the game that will have to do with story will probably be linear/hand-crafted, they said they were going to use a mixture of both to create the cities and planets not the stories/missions.
>Based on how close it comes to achieving its cosmic pitch, it will either be the greatest game ever or a massive disappointment.
i guess its pretty much this then
To be honest. If there is anyone that can pull it off, it's Michel. Guy is one of the few devs left that really enjoys making games and it's passion for him. This guys saved Rayman by creating Legends and Origins. And honestly i doubt that even that SJW chick will ruin things. In the official dev video she didn't talk about "diverse society" at all and after checking her backstory i'm kinda less paranoid. She wrote Valiant Hearts and gave voice to those sexy nymphs from Rayman Origins. I doubt that any radical SJW would agree to do that.
Even if it doesn't work out I rather see something inspired fail than something safe and boring to succeed.
Feels great to never having given a shit about BGAE, because this looks cool to me.
I hope this meme kills the AAA market, they deserve it
I give a shit about the story of BGE and I still want it to be continued but I'm also genuinely looking forward to this especially after they talked about what they call "legendary characters" who are supposed to have a huge connection BGE1 and Jade.
Michel said that in BGE2 we will find out how Mammago's Garage was created.
I trust Ancel.
But he's really fucking pushing it, SHIT.
I for one have no problem with equality between males/females and black/white/asian/whatever people in games or any onther kind of media. If it feels natural and the characters are well-written i couldnt care less. I have more fear for the gameplay actually. But thats something we can't see yet so theres nothing but waiting.
It'll be beautiful like No Man's Sky
>Carlson & Peters Pager 823: Don't Break Pp The Team"
>we will find out how Mammago's Garage was created.
finally the answer we all wanted
I love how the name of the planet is just random letters thrown together... no "Prime", no "moon of X".
But they are the same race
Seriously, due to all the shit that was talked about after the Ubisoft conference, I believe the only reason they allowed Olivie to make this game was if it had nothing to do with the original Beyond Good and Evil.
fuck off neogaf
I havdn't been disappointed yet with a game made by Michel Ancel except for the Kong game I disliked that, but I'm just getting red flags everywhere with this. The first game is nearly 15 years old and ended with a cliffhanger and you're doing a fucking prequel, Ancel? Not happy about the online shit either and the open world possibility. Is this game going to suffer from Ubisoft open world formula?
I just get the impression that in order to get BGE2 done, Ancel and his team had to accept some changes and compromises or else nothing would be done.
Ancel said that he prefers natural landmarks instead of map markers. He's based. However it is obvious that he HAD to make some sacrifices otherwise Ubi wouldn't give him budget for this game.
>Not happy about the online shit either
>only 15 player multiplayer has been tested so far with the new engine with no plans of expanding Beyond that
It is not an mmo
YOU disliked the King Kong game? It's one of the best video game adaptations of a movie ever.
it's harder to screw up a 2D platformer because no story, a game with dialogue, now stuff like BG&E is a different case, you can easily put all kinds of liberal shit in its story and dialogue
yeah, I wasn't a fan of the black bars, and some of its gameplay of getting spears and throwing them at stuff
I didn't say it's an MMO, I just liked the original as a single player only experience, while this is not the case for BGE2.
Oh fuck. it's like NMS with furries.
Whats wrong with character creation?
I think you mean "I projected it"
waste of resources really, an adventure game with a fleshed out character as the first game was is better than giving your character a voice, maybe a female voice as well, the original game was not even a RPG
Voice acting is quite expensive, so having to make voice acting for the other gender or multiple kinds of voice acting (which I doubt will happen due to prices) just makes the development more expensive for no benefit at all.
I ain't playing Mass Effect here, fucking Michel Ancel.
asuka sucks misato is better
I can play as the chimp right? I love playing as apes.
All I know about BGE is that it ended on a cliffhanger and knowing that after all these years of waiting, BGE2 is a prequel, this whole thing seems like a big fuck you to the people that waited this long for it.
It seems like a completely different type of game and I feel like they are just using the name of BGE2 because its sort of ubisofts half life 3
pls stop this has never been a good idea
I didn't know it uses procedurally generated worlds, I thought it was all about hand crafted content. They're dropping the ball on that one.
>Beyond Good and Evil 2 its a prequel
I thought the nips were the last to do that.
Fucking lol
>lists a bunch of good things about a game
>"what a pile of shit"
I'm confused OP
Anyone think it's weird a game for people of all ages has a mature rated sequel?
I get the whole "we're appealing to our original audience who have grown up" thing but I just feel like it's not in the spirit of the original.
>Make it a prequel, because gotta go safe
>Make it a completely different game than the first one, possibly a generic Ubisoft open world action game with rpg elements ("Skill trees")
>Procedural generation, because we can't be arsed to make the content ourselves
>Tech demo with "oh you can zoom back and see the whole planet" Moulineux level bullshit to generate hype
>"Early access"
They will not deliver, stop being hyped. They are exploiting your passion and affection for a 15 years old game. Stop buying Ubisoft games.
>procedurally generated worlds
shill please
Nobody is fucking hyped. Actually everyone complains because they'd rather have a linear action adventure game with Jade than this.
Why the fuck Sup Forums is projecting so much.
After everything that was revealed...Fuck it, let Vivendi take Ubisoft over. I am over it. We will never get the BG&E sequel we wanted, and even if we do it will be closer to this.
I love you Jade.
You are too good for this world to handle.
>end trailer on this
>say it's a prequel
Fuck Ubishit.
It's the only thing that gives a game replayability. Only autists replay games that aren't procedurally generated
the fuck are you talking about?
it's the other way around, Minecraft is the game autism takes place at, and it was founded on procedural generation
Why would you ever replay a game? Once it's done you move on to something else.
Exactly that's what I'm saying. Only autistic faggots replay games because you'd just be doing all the same stages over again. Overcoming the same exact challenges.
With procedurally generated games there are new levels, and new challenges every time you play, so you don't get bored as quickly
answer this then
Autists are the ones drooling over the same repetitive map patterns over and over.
Procedural generation is what you do when you don't want to put any thought on level/world design. It's the easy way out.
Not him, but people are starting to shit on procedural generation in all forms instead of the incompetent use of it. It's fine to have to build the base of environments that you then improve upon.
>It's the only thing that gives a game replayability.
Please light yourself on fire asap
Procedural generation is not a some "clickity click lol my level/world building is done" button. It still needs to have some sort of cohesion to it that needs to be tested the fuck out of.
I'm not defending its use, but don't just say procedural generation is some sort of easy button.
What's the problem OP?
Did you see people hating on No-Man's-Sky and you just assumed things like procedurally generated stuff and sandbox are bad so you're shitting on those things mindlessly to fit in?
Inb4 we accidentaly create the skelealiums from the first game.
It makes sense when you realise that Sup Forums are just reverse SJWs. Whereas SJWs are triggered by white men, Sup Forums are triggered by black people.
>linear design is bad!
fucking millenials
Reminder that there is not one design philosophy that is better than others, rather the best philosophy is to use what best enhances the gameplay and story of the game.
Nice projection and meme spouting.
Oi oi, that monkey was fuckin' Bri'ish m8!
>Thinking this is bad
Someone post the webm of gameplay.
>create cities and planets
>they're all totally worthless because they're randomly generated
It's totally wasted effort
Because nobody wants that. This is quake fags complaining about keeping the game pure but when they do the game dies because the vocal minority is a playerbase 1000 strong all over again.
You guys are literally " why are games so modern reee they need to be old-school indie retro pixel shit reeeeeeee"
If you've hated those kinds of people well congratulations. You've become them.
thx for the Quality keks