Keep buying fighting games

>keep buying fighting games
>play them a for less than a couple hours
>never touch them again

>buy fighting game
>put in 400hrs
>forget how to play after not playing for a few weeks

That's what happens when you don't have friends to play with and there's no good story mode I guess

That's your fault it sounds like you don't like fighting games

Is your image supposed to imply Arms?

Cause it means you either suck at fighting games or never had interest in Arms

>Play fighting game

>Get used to mechanics

>Another fighting game

>Keep using previous games mechanics that don't exist in this one

>Vice Versa when I go back

Balancing multiple fighting games gets annoying

>This was unironically me when I bought Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat



>Mario quickly possesses OP before being hanged so OP doesn't feel the pain.

is Mario /our guy/?

You can't be more just than me. I bought, Tekken 7, Injustice 2. Ultimate Marvel 3 for the PS4, Street Fighter V and Guilty Gear Rev.

I've played them for a combined total of 2 hours

damn, that's why i didn't buy tekken 7.

Go to bed Ciry

>There's a sale
>See there's games I've always wanted to play that are discounted
>Buy them and waste more than $100s of dollars
>Install them
>Next morning I uninstall them
>No playtime at all


Fighting games always look really cool but are just un fun

they're fun when you don't suck hardcore black weiner at them

This: They're the RTSs of console gaming.
Except Smash 4 where you can perform decently without centuries of practice because the controls are actually not shit.

>>keep buying fighting games
There have been like 10 mayor releases in the last 5 years, how do you "keep" buying fighting games.

t. scrubs

There's like three or four released per year.

Keep masturbating over how good your are at a dead genre because new players can't be bothered to get in.

Keep crying bitch nigga, I will enjoy and beat you at the videogames you are "good" at AND also play fighting games.

I tried to dive into Skullgirls many times but failed because it's a god damn hardcore with a ton of combos fuck.

t. silver

I just watch A.I. matches, playing yourself isn't fun and gets boring

SGE is one of the easiest fighting games to get into, besides it having an extensive tutorial, the window buffer for moves is like 10 years long and you can cancel anything into everything with little to no skill, it's execution barrier is almost non-existent.

You honestly need a friend to play with me.

Me and my friend played SFIV for hundreds and hundreds of hours from 2008 to 2013

>buy fighting game
>go on a winning streak
>don't want to play it anymore

>buying fighting game
>bored of single player but too nervous for online
>eventually go online and win my first match
>quit playing with 100% win ratio