I have a horrible feeling that this isn't actually being made

I have a horrible feeling that this isn't actually being made.
They just showed it so Metroid slurpers shut up.

The game will be just mentioned at interviews, never showing up and then quietly cancelled.

It seems like something Nintendo would do.

You forgot to take your meds again?

my only fear is that is comes at the end of the Switch's life cycle and is ported to the next generation Nintendo console. they did that shit with Twilight Princess on Gamecube and BotW on WiiU

This is why you don't buy a console on the promise of games. You buy it when those games are actually out. Early adopters always get screwed.

That's retarded

Like the Lads who bought a ps3 for last guardian, FF versus 13, ff7 remake and kingdom hearts 3?
Like the lads who bought a ps4 for kingdom hearts 3 and ff7 remake?

Yeah, exactly.

You mean like Metroid Dread?

Nah, it'll come out. But since this is modern Nintendo, it's going to suck ass.

>It seems like something Nintendo would do.
No, it doesn't.

If Nintendo can manage to make a game out of that FExSMT fucking nonsense, then they'll sure as shit make a Metroid game.

Nah, I definitely think they're working on it. Actually, I think they've been working on it for quite a while.

Considering the teaser at the end of Federation a Force they've most likely had this planned for quite some time.

It was basically the same as the Pokemon announcement except where they have absolutely nothing to show for it and it was just a guy going "yeah, we're doing it" except it was far more extravagant

What's funny though is that both Pokemon and MP4 will probably release before Kingdom Hearts 3 and FF7R.



When was the last time a "big" Nintendo title was canceled?
I can only remember Kirby for GC

They made a game out of FExSMT, it's coming out.

Project HAMMER got the axe.

Was it first party?

user, I know Sony failed you 2-3 times already whit promises of games that never got dont till like 1 whole console generations later, but you need to stop projecting


There was also a Pokemon RPG for the N64 that was scrapped.


You Primefags are the worst part of the Metroid fanbase. Prime games are horrid shit, and are barely Metroid games.

I hope it's shovelware forever. Fuckfaces.