Retro Studios

>Retro Studios
>Made tons of shitty game ideas that never saw the light of day because they were that bad
>Nintendo stepped in, slapped their shit up
>Made Metroid Prime
>beloved by many

>Mercury Steam
>Made tons of shitty games that actually made it passed release
>Nintendo stepping in, literally using them as only programmers, coders and for "ideas", as confirmed by Sakamoto
>Nintendo in charge of design, map design, soundtrack, movement, literally everything gameplay related
>"huuur its shit because they made the bad castlevania games"

Why are people shitting on Samus Returns again? Hopefully a reason beyond "muh graphics" and webm of the completely optional melee "cutscene".

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't listen to the haters. This is shaping up to be the best Metroid game ever.

I wanted a new REAL Metroid game. Not an inferior AM2R and Primeshit. Which hardly counts as Metroid

The ones complaining aren't going to buy the game anyway, they just want their 20 minutes of attention in this Malaysian binder of handcrafted figurines.

Literally just Primefaggots being faggots as per usual.

You wanting a sequel to Fusion doesn't magically makes Samus Returns a bad game. You're simply not interested in it, so don't buy it (cause nodody is forcing you) and go on whishing for Metroid 5 as usual.

The problems are see are as followed

*The melee counter looks like it doesn't take long to master. In the video the player succeeded 95% of the time. Essentially it's a low skill move that just trivializes certain enemy attacks, giving you a stun and invulnerability frames.

This is what is called a "gimmick"

*We have not seen any new power ups other than the aeon powers which are visually unintersting and involve unengaging passive things.

*Full motion aiming in 2D platformer is terrible. There's a reason why no one does it. It's not satisfying, slows down combat, and is unnessiary since there are no headshots or anything.

Also the 3DS analog is a terribly shitty analog so that's not going to help

*The environments all look like things I've seen before. I want to explore new enviroments. I've been to SR388 already and that magma pumping station just looks like they copied the lava part from Prime 1.

I'll still buy it but I am not expecting it be anything special.

Am I the only one that thought that Little Birdie was a cool idea? Yes? Okay.

>This is what is called a "gimmick"

You are a massive faggot.

>"huuur its shit because they made the bad castlevania games"

There's not a word strong enough for what they did to Castlevania. Even rape implies at least someone enjoyed it. But they got rid of the guy who ruined 2 so maybe they've gotten better.

yes. the ms castlevania games were garbage, but that was with david cox overlooking things.

metroid has sakamoto and the nintendo team supervising and designing. it's not going to be bad.

Would rather just buy it on the switch. Even if it's scaled down and looks like shit.

You forgot the most important part: It looks great.

It looks cool desu
I'll be buying both in hopes that one day we get a sequel that continues where fusion left off

the one thing I remember most from AM2R was how annoying and imprecise the 8 directional aiming was in it and games like fusion, zero mission and super. You could shoot NEAR enemies, but unless you lined it up JUST right you would miss.

With this new free aiming ability you can actually AIM at enemies and kill them so long as you have line of sight, it is beautiful and elegant.

because they meddled with her design again, she isn't fucking link.

this is always the case

these are valid

>Music by the gods that did most of the series' soundtrack. Norfair sounded like an inbetween mix of primes scifi choirs and ZM punchy bombastic remixes.
>SR338 is completely rehauled with the original caverns expanded beyond recognition. The World Map showed the surface and the eastern caverns being at least as big as SM Zebes areas which means if they keep the area count at 10, the game could potentially be bigger then SM.
Fast Travel added which basically confirms my theory.
>New parry attack and Aeion abilities to make things easy for newer players which allows em to go wild with the difficulty without having the fear that people would be put off by it.
>Expanded chozo lore, and perhaps some new storyline potential that could expand the X Parasite for Metroid 5.
>ZM style postgame is also confirmed.
Yeah I'm pretty confident this is going to shut up a lot of haters.

I still have my doubts, but I was thinking about how Retro studios stopped sucking dick when they got the chance to make a Metroid game. If Mercurysteam unfucks themselves and makes Samus returns good, we might be looking at a repeat of what happened when prime came out: Two good Metroid games that caused their fair share of bitching and another wave of Metroid games later on.

That'd be pretty cool.

Its the best Varia suit design imo.
-Thinner visor with a longer point makes it look like a beak, much like the Chozo.
-Near non existant breathing tubes, portholes on the shoulder pads that likely are a replacement. Also love the new glowing bits.
-The arm cannon has some neat metal work going on.

>The environments all look like things I've seen before.
It's a remake, you fucking ass.

The head of the studio is a fucking retard with delusions of grandeur.

They've been "meddling" with her design since game 2 retard. Half of the gimmick of the series is the change of aesthetics that comes with every new suit upgrade.

I was a little disappointed when I started playing AM2R. In the beginning, the Metroid counter actually reaches zero, which makes no sense.

But why choose fucking MercuryStream, which hasn't make a single good game, as the developers/programmers? They could pick a small team internally for that, I would be much more at ease at least. MercuryStream has me worried, they already added that fucking parry and the stupid aeon abilities, let's just hope they don't fuck the game even more.

What's this about?

>But why choose fucking MercuryStream, which hasn't make a single good game, as the developers/programmers?
Because Metroid is expendable to Nintendo.

Who are you talking about? Mercury Stream?


I would bully you in real life.

I repeat, Retro had not made a single fucking game with every tech demo being complete garbage before Prime. Just wait until the thing comes out, then you can judge
I said that about Federation Force, though.

>actually paying money to Nintendo after Other M and Fed Farce
day one pirate for me senpaitachi

That is true.

To be fair, I heard Retro was composed of key devs from the studio that made the early Turok games.

Modern Castlevania being shit probably has just as much to do with Konami's need for mass appeal as MercurySteam's incompetence as developers. I hope they can do well under Nintendo, considering that so many third parties that otherwise make average games can make great ones under Nintendo.

FedForce is a fun and good spinoff tho

Careful not to fall for it.

I think it would have been slightly better received if they didn't just slap the Metroid name on it, but even then it seems like a really slow, bland co-op first person shooter thing

It looks like shit desu

Well, looks like he's not working on the new Metroid.

>and webm of the completely optional melee "cutscene".
Arguing that a core gameplay feature is optional because you don't have to use it is foolish. You can complete FF8 without ever junctioning a GF, that doesn't mean the game isn't designed around it.

It might be slow but then again all the Prime games are not so fast-paced. Plus it has some nice gameplay ideas, good bosses and a few secrets to find that makes it a really fun game.

>I like it because it's easier and you no longer need to care about balancing positioning for accuracy with risk of getting hit

And how do you know the game is designed around it? BotW has a mini map, but the game is completely designed to be playable without using the map at all.

Yeah but a lot of the enemies in Fed Force look like they take a shitload of punishment, meaning you're just constantly plinking away at them.

>And how do you know the game is designed around it?
Because the Zeta Metroid now has a specific lunge attack that's accompanied by a charge and a flash of yellow right before you hit the counter, which I suspect is not intended to be dodged at all. The Arachnus battle also had Samus using the counter to knock him out of ball form.

i haven't seen anyone shitting on samus returns. quite the opposite. where are you getting this?

>where are you getting this?
Sup Forums

You can use the powerups to boost your and your bots damage significantly in singleplayer. In multi it doesnt' even happens.

>I've been there before

Yeah in a tiny black and white 25 year old game. Dude shut the fuck up.

At the very worst, TUUUUBES comics will become a thing again. I can't wait.

Is there a lore reason that the suit slightly alters?

I feel like it should have a lore reason. Like it's organic future smart metal that evolves and slowly melds shape over time

>meme shit comics from prime autists are good


I don't see you posting any OC

maybe we can start posting advice dog and orly owl again too

OC was a mistake.

Those animals must be so fucking dead by now.

I'm actually more worried about Sakamoto

Melee counter will not be much of an advantage against groups of enemies, the combat is not the main point and certainly not the biggest draw of metroid titles

Full motion aiming is the standard, and Metroid handles this in the best way, you can only aim finely when you are standing still

You haven't been paying much attention if "all" the environments look the same, or I haven't.

You were a mistake

You niggers pretending tubes comic aren't the shit?

>Melee counter will not be much of an advantage against groups of enemies
You can hit multiple enemies at the same time.
>Full motion aiming is the standard, and Metroid handles this in the best way, you can only aim finely when you are standing still
It's missing the point, which is that gameplay used to revolve around a tradeoff between positioning yourself to get accurate shots and being in a safe position.

oldest snowy owl recorded was supposedly between 9-10 years old. in other words, there is no snowy old alive today that has seen the release of a new sidescrolling metroid, until samus returns comes out

The OC and memes from back then are far better than what we get nowadays: BLACKED, Wojak, Pepe, and all of that twitter garbage that's seeped in here is lowest tier content.

I didn't realize that you could melee counter multiple enemies at once, I certainly disagree with that, overall I think it holds value but it's a thing I will hold off judgement for when I can actually play the game, those cinematic takedowns can fuck off though, don't need that in Metroid, don't even really need cutscenes all that much anyway, it's not like Tropical Freeze and Returns don't exist, it's not like you can't leverage the 3d environment to tell story or guide the player, no taking control of the character and playing the cutscene is the only way, yeah that's a fail.

In regards to the aiming the element of dodging/ psotioning is still there, I have wanted fine aiming but I didn't want it to get retarded like many other games with it where you both dodge and fire continuously, I've found it tends to balance the game by just making bosses massive damage sinks, This issue really is dependant on how the game leverages this system, and with the amount of dodging and straight on attacks we saw I'm not too worried. Like someone else above stated Nintendo has formed turd companies into something good before and maybe they can do it with Mercury Steam, but then again Sakamoto, I don't doubt the takedowns are his idea.

I wan t to be excited for this but between Federation Forces GROW RAY, Sakamoto and Mercury Steam's track record I'm pretty worrried.

Also to add to what I said Aeion abilities are interesting, maybe they'll tie into something bigger for the series lore and not retarded.

The series lore is kind of retarded, but I'm probably a huge faggot with a headcanon, I think the Phazon instead of being an ancient evil parasite with shared consciousness should have been a byproduct of the Chozo ascension trying to purge their desire for evil should have manifested itself as a partially divine substance that is itself pure evil. I also think Samus should be a genetically engineered being with implanted memories. I also think that Mother Brain should be a kind of organic super computer built to oversee the transcendence that went mad after they realized that they were incapable of transcending along with the Chozo, the Chozo controlled Mother Brains memory to ensure she would never come to this conclusion but once there was no-one to do this she lost her shit.I also think Chozo should have transcended to a pocket of space to gestate into a god that Samus is genetically engineered to give birth to when it's ready. Mother Brain knows this so she sees this as a way to get revenge on the Chozo, if Samus die they will never return and will exist forever in a small self contained reality forever dreaming unable to wake.

>that otherwise make average games can make great ones under Nintendo.

Such as?

Entitled faggot

>I'm probably a huge faggot with a headcanon
>all that shit
Well you weren't wrong


and you wonder why people think you faggot have the worst fanbase I know vocal minority but still

>I wanted a new REAL Metroid game.
Is Zero Mission a "REAL" Metroid game?
There were plans to remake Metroid 2 ever since the development of Zero Mission. This was always the idea.
And then when Nintendo took so long to actually do it, fans started to try to do it themselves. Which is why there has been so many attempts to recreate Metroid 2 in the vein of Zero Mission. It's why AM2R is even called "Another" Metroid 2 Remake to begin with.

It's late. But this was always the idea.

you forgot
>level design overseen by key metroid level designer

>LE WORST CV may may

were they worse than CV 64? It's sequel? Fucking Judgement? The second LoS? No? Then fuck right off with your hyperbole. Also Lords of Shadow was a good game.

No true Metroid fan is, it's just trolls looking for attention.

>implying it isn't already better than AM2R (aka Zero Mission sprites) with a single trailer

fuck off
AM2R will always be superior. Also nothing will beat the stuff the dev added in like seeing the marines get fucked, or the timed explosion segment. Also the cliff at the top of the planet was great. The new 3DS Metroid game is by mercurystream the idiots that did the 3DS Castlevania games so DROPPED
>2.5D 30fps Metroid 2 remake
>244p graphics
>from the developers of this pile of shit
Oh boy, I can't wait!
Same engine as Mirror of Fate, same slow-motion block-counter move as Mirror of Fate, same floaty movement, same 30 FPS lock with dips way below that (you can clearly see the trailer going sub 30 FPS multiple times) and most importantly, MercurySteam logo at the end.
It's also been casualized, if you die in a boss battle, you get spawned by the boss room. So no, 3D is always a mistake. Bloodstained looked awful and so does Metroid Samus Returns

>Also Lords of Shadow was a good game.

At least I will pirate it on Citra, fuck anyone paying for this game

Anyone else replay any of the games since the announcement? So far since the announcement I've replayed Zero Mission and AM2R. ZM wasn't nearly as good as I remember it being and honestly had much more fun playing AM2R. I'm gonna finish replaying Super and Fusion next.


I have no motivation to replay AM2R. I don't see what there is to experience again. ZM had exploration and Fusion had atmosphere and boss fights.

Metroid has never been good

I would like Nintendo to develop it... maybe the zero mission and fusion staff have no interest in a sequel and no one internally wants to take the reigns

Silicon Knights is pretty much the prime example. None of their other games have been close to good.

Aeion Abilities are why the X Parasite latched on immediately to Samus in Fusion and the Chozo's downfall, or something. The way the Aeion works reminds me a LOT of how SA-X was basically Super Metroids Varia Suit on steroids, so perhaps its revealed that the Chozo created the Metroid because the natural power source of Aeion was a giant hibernation hive of Xes that they brought back to life. That way when Metroid 5 comes along, its revealed that Aeion Abilities can be used thanks to Samus fusion suit being a prime wourfe of energy. Hell even better, have it as a tradeoff, keep energy tanks full or seep away your health to use the OP abilities.

Here she is user, meddle away.

>inferior AM2R
See, this is the problem with fan remakes. If AM2R never got released, people wouldn't stop jizzing over this remake.

I mean, it's pretty much part organic. In Fusion, her suit has to be surgically removed when she's unconscious. Considering the fact that the Chozos inhabited multiple planets, it's likely that the Power Suit is made to adapt to any environment.

They did the original game didn't they? Man thw idea that they will flesh it out enough to match their first concept of SR and then some by implementing all the new power ups from the series since then is getting me giddy.
Went through SM weeks ago, somehow found it the easiest game so far, gonna do Fusion and Zero Mission after I do my first playthrough of Metroid 2, and when I get a new sensor bar gonna do the entire prime trilogy. Around the release date, I might just burn Other M for good luck.

Agreed. That being said, I wish they had used sprites in Samus Returns instead of 2.5D, because 3DS graphics suck. Sprite could have been absolutely gorgeous, but I imagine it takes more effort.

How much longer than Zero Mission is SM ?

bunch of entitled little pricks
we could have gotten fed force 2 and blast ball switch yet you're still bitching

I'd say about 50%.

How does it remind you of SA-X and how is SA-X a Varia Suit on steroids. the Samus from Super Metroid WAS steroids

While sprites would be neat, I like the free aim and counter, and something tells me with sprites it would be chaos. Not to mention its like all 3DS games, they look like shit on YT. Download the trailer, on the 3DS screen its gorgeous.

>dave cox was the reason LOS was shit
Enric stop fucking posting here you shitlord.

The fan project looked better than this garbage.

> Prime games play between Metroid and Metroid 2
> mfw Prime 4 will end with Samus being contacted by the Galactic Federation to go to SR388 to exterminate all the Metroids. Tying the series together.

After that all we need is Metroid to continue further from Fusion.

>Next Level Games
>made tons of shitty games that saw release
>Nintendo commissions them
>suddenly they make some good games

>b-b-but Federation Force

Federation Force was in development hell for 7 years before it came out on the leach of a crackpot developer. That's why it wasn't a good game, not because of Next Level.

Samus Returns will be a fine game, especially since its a remake so MercuryStream can't mess up much. It won't be as good as Super, but so what?

Sa-X was just you at peak performance and you had both a nerfed suit and vulnerability to the ice beam.