Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

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Roleplaying game without any roleplaying
fun if you just want to bullshit around and kill stuff with magic

Radiant quests

You can't get every shout unless you join all the factions, fucking up your roleplaying in the process.

Can't play it on my electric toothbrush yet.

>not knowing the dragonborn was an archmage assassin thief and harbinger of the companions
Do you even lore bro?

I've been playing it recently on my own weird autistic mod-fuelled way and I'm having fun.

Could've been way better, though. The amount of modding you have to do just to make things work properly is inexcusable.


I love this game.

all the mods in the world cant fix the combat

I really hated the 'station' design. Meaning you have to find a lab to do any alchemy instead of carrying equipment with you.

I wouldn't mind it for some big recipes or have it so you need to set equipment up to brew stuff but it's annoying that I can't do the most basic potions out in the wilds.

>not having a portable lab mod

Can't play it on a portable console
No amiibo functionality

Vanilla is buggy as fuck without unofficial patch, combat favors the bow and stealth way too much, spells are stale and un-fun, and magic specs in the early game will just get you fucked in the ass, voice is way too reused across NPCs, desu, I love Skyrim, but there is so much to be improved on in TES 6, I just hope they make 3rd person more fun

"You can mod it" is a lazy excuse. Just like Fallout 4 not being able to run at all on a 21:9 monitor. It's pitiful.

That´s hard, with so many to choose from it gets difficult to point out a single one which is not interconnected with 10 more... .

that a 6 year old game was at three of the E3 conferences this year

Not autism friendly

>Can't play it on a portable console
>No amiibo functionality
That's where you're wrong, the Switch version will have support for a Link amiibo, unlocking the Master Sword and Link's BotW outfit.

It's shit

sarcasm is kill

The main problem with Skyrim is that it has nothing good about it. There's nothing particularly wrong with it, it just lacks in every aspect. Empty world, low enemy variety, low spell variety, low skill variety, low quest variety, low environment variety. It's just a shell of a game.

Bushnell Tour V4 Golf Laser Rangefinder

Large as an Ocean, Deep as a puddle

>shit plot
>shitty characters
>shitty sidequests
>shitty faction questlines
>shitty boring combat
>"cities" are literally 4-5 houses and few shops
>magic is a fucking joke and serves only as support to melee combat
>stealth archer is too OP
>infinite fetch quests
>bugs and glitches


Bethesda's writers are terrible at their job and the game is lacking both an engaging narrative and interesting characters. Comparing it to the Witcher games is embarrassing.

>Find a flaw
made by bethesda


You spelt 'arrows' wrong user.

The tipping point, the last good game they made, Fallout 4 was the first meh/shit depending on what you wanted from it.

There next game is crucial, they can either go back to what made them great on a new engine or continue to chase casuals with dumbed down everything.

I await the day cock in hand

You can at least circumvent the Dark Brotherhood by turning against them rather than joining, but it still requires you to kill the woman in the orphanage. She's a complete cunt, but it's not justifiable for all characters.

>If you want to play optimally, you have to become a vampire and abuse crafting skills. Forget magic. However, it's so ridiculously powerful that even Legendary difficulty becomes a joke.
>Difficulties in general are implemented terribly. Even if you can forgive the lazy damage multipliers, Illusion/Conjuration are unaffected by it.
>If you want to ignore crafting skills and still be the best possible Destruction mage, you have to wear a heavy armor mask for the 25% damage bonus.
>Staggerlocking with Impact is boring and overpowered.
>One-handed weapon + magic has no edge other than chaining power attacks with a healing spell and the Respite perk.
>Power attacks always work as long as you have at least a sliver of stamina
>Even without potions, you can reach 100% mana cost reduction in a school using enchantments.

archery is boring as shit in skyrim, magic has better visuals and gets quicker results. there's barely any shadows compared to the past games so sneaking just doesn't feel as genuine.

milked to death by todd even 6 fucking years after release

Best RPG ever made desu, no other rpgs managed to get so big and loyal fanbade as Skyrim. More people play it 6 years after than any other new or old rpgs

>not playing with TK Dodge

Lydia is cute, CUTE.

>can do one spell
>become archmage in a matter of hours
>haven't learned any magic whatsoever

>can do one spell
Which one?

>rolling around in heavy armor like a retarded 5 year old child is good combat

>Empty world
by that standard, every open world game is empty, except Ubisoft activity simulators.
You can say a lot about skyrim, but the world deosn't feel empty at all m8. If anything, it is TOO saturated with stuff.

You mean Draugr dungeon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6?

in order to start the mages guild questline you need to be able to cast a spell they ask of you.
usually magelight or something.

My only complaint in my playthrough were the client crashes and one story relevant npc was simply broken and I had to get it somehow work with console commands.
Otherwise I don't get all the hate the game gets on here, you have much more freedom and rpg than in mmos or action rpgs like diablo and no giant walls of text that make me fall asleep

kinda moving the goalposts there.
also it's not all draugr dungeons.
Saying Skyrim doesn't have interesting stuff to explore and discover is just dishonest.

How is that moving the goalposts? What does it have other than Draugr dungeons?

Leveled shit

They should just make the world feel more dangerous in certain places and dungeons, just like they did(somewhat) in fallout nv

>hey, don't fight a deathclaw at lvl 5 nigga

Compare the list of enemies in Skyrim to Morrowind or even Oblivion, there's 1/10th as many, especially if you remove the sixthousand varieties of Draugr.

Magic is almost unforgivable in Skyrim
>no scaling in destruction means that your spells are complete trash on every difficulty level above adept
>stunlock means that combat just takes twice as long without actually being hard
>the only useful spells are the AOE spells and the first-tier projectiles, unless you can get an insane amount of spell cost reduction
>illusion is boring and insanely overpowered but is still somewhat fun to use for a while
>conjuration has next to no variety, necromancy is significantly inferior to summoning daedra
>wards are fun to use, but everything breaks them too easily
>turn undead scales so poorly that you can't even really use it on anything, illusion ultimately ends up significantly better
>armor in alteration is strictly inferior to just using actual armor, paralyze is incredibly OP, and the light spells give you eye cancer
>enchanting breaks the game incredibly fast
>once you have 100% cost reduction, you completely invalidate the one stat you've been dumping points into for most of the game

That said, my most enjoyable playthrough was abusing restoration and how it boosts enchants as a vampire. Managed to use the archmage robes to get about 90% spell reduction in almost every school, so my fuckhuge magic was still useful but I didn't ever really run out.

Bland fucking questlines

>they could just make destruction spells do damage based on your skill level just like one handed
>they didn't

>mod the game for 5 hours
>boot it up
>play for 5 minutes

Bandit hideouts (camps, castles, caves), dwemer ruins, giant camps, lots of unique landmarks and locations, mines, orc strongholds, military encampments, dragon lairs etc. etc. etc.
The vast majority of these also have interesting little lore bits surrounding them, which you uncover through letters, journals, enemy placements and other little tidbits.
Be honest, have you even played the game?

literally everything except for lore and music
-boring, one-track dungeons
-empty overworld
-cities with ~5 houses
-shit animations
-leveled everything
-very little enemy variety
-very little variety what the enemies do
=> whack-a-mole "empty the other guys bar first" combat
-no spellcrafting
-forgettable characters
-dialogues & story HAHAHA OH GOD
-no reactivity
-quests and factions are terrible compared to Oblivion
-virtually no quests with varying paths or outcomes
-no choice&consequence
-terrible itemization
-terrible challenge (no this doesn't mean either too hard or too easy)

So, you fight people, people, people, people and Dwarven stuff, How can you even count giant camps, the only thing there are giants, why would you go there? more people, more people, draugr and draugr. It's all fighting, and there's no variety to the fighting. And what the fuck does enemy placement matter in a game like this? The combat in Elder Scrolls is garbage.

You don't even need to know magic to become an archmage, you can join the mage's guild during the MQ by using shouts to "prove" you're a dragonborn and then go from there. You don't even need to know that many shouts, I'm pretty sure you just do UF and they let you in.

>find a flaw
This games awful? Every time I've opened this game has been a chore.


>only 7/41 people thought that review was helpful
steam reviews were a mistake

we are talking about how "empty" the world is, not the combat. Again, moving goalposts around.
The world is far from empty, in fact, the world and exploration is definitely one of the stronger points of the game. There are many, many interesting locations to discover. I just named a few examples.

No really THICC khajiit follower mod on nexus

Fine then, it's empty of depth. It's got a thin veil of Inconsequential, unvaried garbage that gives the illusion of having something of worth. Behind that veil all there is, is Draugr.

Literally everything.

The thing is that all those repetitive radiant quests send you to the same type of dungeon immediately after completing a quest with a similar dungeon, so it's easy to get the impression that "all dungeons are the same".

Quite bland of a world.

Even the normal quests that aren't radiant feel that way though. Like the only place in the entire game that didn't feel like every other area in the game was Blackreach.

The vanilla UI is fucking atrocious

>Skyrim is praised like it's a masterpiece
>not a single memorable character in the entire game
>not a single memorable quest in the entire game
Great "RPG"

>shitty copypasted dungeons ad nauseum
>terribly janky scripted story moments
>story is shit
>quests are uninspired garbage compared to oblivion's
>lore is retarded (undead waking in all the dungeons, no explanation whatsoever, no NPC even questions that an army of undead have risen)
>world is stale and lacking in life
>graphics are awful
>needs 50 mods to even be playable
>half the NPCs are unkillable, destroying role playing
>hitting a chicken makes the guards kill you
>combat is basically hit the air in front of u until u win

Game is a broken mess.

It's actually quite surprising that people like this game so much even though every element of it is bad.

No pay off, no matter how long you play it. Lifeless world, that feels like one giant facade to trick people into thinking there's more going on under the hood.

It is a combination of two things, Bethesda being lazy and the Leveling system.
The leveling system makes it that 90% of the fucking game is pointless in terms of building your character. You character gets nothing out doing the quests/dungeons. You never get useful loot. The only reason to ever complete a quest in this game is to experience the "Story". Maybe a word from a shout sometimes.
Bethesda is too lazy to put any unique locations with interesting things in the wilderness. They make an entire underground fight club, and it has nothing to do but kill all the bandits. So the only bits of story that matters are the quests in major cities since those are the only ones that tried on. So you get no reward for doing quests, and most of the quests are bland.
Game needs an XP system so even the most bland quest has a point. Or makes the games significantly smaller.

It's fucking normies who have never played other elder scrolls games.

The first time I played Oblivion, it was amazing. The graphics, the world, it was breathtaking.
Skyrim was a huge disappointment because it felt like no progress was made at all. The only good thing was that they made character faces less ugly, literally the least important thing that needed to get improved.

Fucking normies need to be exterminated.

>>not a single memorable quest in the entire game
The only one I can list off the top of my head as being memorable was Sheogorath's quest.

I can't really remember that one, all I remember about it is that Wabbajack was disappointing.

>implying Bethesda will actually release Skyrim for switch and not deny it

Skyrim is made for casuls.

The lack of unique item models kinda sucked
If my memory serves me right, the only items in the game that looked different were the daedric artifacts and chillrend
Almost everything in the game shared the same skin and it just seemed kinda lazy to me

>copy paste assets: the game
Gotta make that neato 11/11/11 release date somehow, even if it means your game isn't finished
And I know all the ES games did the same thing but there aren't the same limitations any more

>""""people"""" are ACTUALLY fucking saying that morrowind, oblivion, or skyrim are anything but trash of the highest order
I thought people nostalgiafagging for fucking halo of all things was bad but jesus christ


Why the fuck did they not have an athletics and acrobatics tree?

They should add enemy types to this as well.

I played it for my ps3 and the game would always glitch and shit out whenever I played for too long.

It isn't Marrowind

The actual gameplay is boring as fuck but the amount of polish on the roleplaying elements make you veer from the truth.

I tried to play it for a few hours and gave up. The combat is horrible and unresponsive, I didn't care for the characters or the story and the roleplaying aspects didn't feel developed enough to make my own adventure.

I couldn't be bothered to spend 4 hours testing mods to fix that mess.

Hidden from Steam

No hand to hand skill
Conjuration is a shit skill now
No spears

One part I hated is when you reach Greybeards for first time. Amount of felating they do is putting sexlab to shame. "We are secluded cult devoted to using this ancient power to worship gods... B-b--b-bbut you are Dragonborn you can do whatever you want we are honored to teach you everything and help you even if you are thieving assassin rapist who destroys everything in sight!"