WarCraft 3 and Diablo II are being remastered

WarCraft 3 and Diablo II are being remastered.


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This fucking industry is creatively bankrupt.


>yet another remake
when will this company finally die? I guess when morons stop buying their shit, so never

Looks like PoE's announcement actually did spook them
can't wait to pirate it, oh who am I kidding
forced online singleplayer just like D3


Remasters need to fuck off. Literally just a cashgrab.

Is the SC remaster going to be forced online? I'd say that's probably the best example to go by.

Why?! Both genres are dead. Who will play it?!

Trying to out-hollywood Hollywood, eh?

Why do you remaster Diablo II when there already a full remake called Diablo III?

Because d3 is trash




Who knows. The updated version without the shiny graphics is free at least

I started playing D2 again after the ladder reset, and I was playing WC3 a few months ago but I stopped because it got real clunky after alt-tabing.

I'll play both of these just because they'll operate smoother, especially D2. I won't have to run it in a windowed mode anymore. Anything other than like 800x600 or whatever in windowed mode, and it just has the weirdest slowdown shit.

>First they wanted to be an ART.
>Then they put cinematic over gameplay.
>Now they're doing remaster after remaster after remaster.


I'd rather WC2 and Blackthorne desu

Call blizz, we have A taker.

They recently remade d1 in d3. It was surprisingly cool probably what is spurring them on to make remakes.

There was also the Brood War campaign in SC2

I played it, that was no remake. That was more like playing a custom game made with D3 assets themed towards D1.

The only cool part about it was they used the Diablo 1 version of Big D instead of Prime Evil

i'm fine with wc3 remastered if all the custom maps still work and it revives custom games in wc3 battle.net. i played that game for years, it taught me how to type.

It was literally remade not a remake regardless it was popular and i liked it more than the base game which is ass.

>WC 3 remaster

Great, another game full of bots

Good. New-Blizzard games suck anyway, so I'd rather they polish old glory

But it was the base game you mongoloid. It was basically just a 16 floor rift.

There was no going back to Identify things, no going back for quests, how the fuck was it any different than the base game? You're just being a contrarian against D3 to to fit in.

Nice. WC3 is still alive and kicking but I hope there will be a Renessaince of RTS

As long as they ban the bots in wc3 ill be happy

Wake me up when Warcraft IV is here...

I'll take a wc3 remaster over the inevitable abortion wc4 would be.

Jesus fucking christ kill yourself they REMADE it in d3 that was the point you mong.
Do you know the difference between remade, made, make and remaje you esl cuck?

post yfw
>Diablo 2 will just get the Diablo3 visuals and gameplay like how the Diablo1 event had
>Warcraft 3 will get some HotS-like overhaul where they remove all the "tedious" mechanics of the game

It's never coming. Just let it go.

It wasnt a fucking remake you autistic retard.

Why would you want a d3 version of d2? Are you fucking gay?

I don't trust neo-blizz to be able to capture the atmospherics and nuance of diablo 2.

They can handle Warcraft 3 though.

>missing the point of the post this much

Nah itll be hd sprites like what they are doing with starcraft. Which is nice.


>Wanting modern Blizzard to make new games
>After Diablo 3

Nein. I'm fine with them prettying up the pixels in Diablo 2, and then they can promptly fuck off.

I'm not saying it wasn't a remade version. I'm saying it's retarded to enjoy the re-whatever the fuck it was and say you don't enjoy the base game. They're the fucking same.

Reading comprehension you stupid niggers.

Well your gay ass anime baby shit made it seem like you liked the idea. I'm sorry you fap to traps n shit.

Warcraft 4 would be a steaming turd gameplay-wise, but everyone would buy it because they're normie retards. What you would end up with is the Warcraft RTS series being eternally dumped on and never having any hope of being good again because the retards would keep throwing money regardless of quality. Be happy they are creatively bankrupt, because the alternative is far worse with the way games are made these days.

Exactly this blizzard cannot make games anymore. Their talent left and got replaced by tumblr artists. If they can get some interns to make sprites HD im happy.

Even better no nigger tyreal.

The final proof blizz cant make games anymore is they are now hosting other companies games.
They just started down the path of being the next steam.

Are you sure you really want a Warcraft IIII from current Blizzard?

I hate to say it but coming back to d2 with a atleast somewhat revitalized playerbase could be nice, considering what a steeming pile of shit d3 is

>not understanding vein marks in comics
still, do you think there is a single man in existence who liked D3's version of the original Diablo?


Diablo 2 could use more changes than a hd remake. Like:
-increased and shared stash. Fuck muling.
-many skills need buffs, mostly physical damage skills.
-many glitches need fixing
-more end game content than ubers. Like PoE maps.
-buff other mercs. Act 1 mercs should have slow missles, and stronger abilities. Act 3 mercs should have enchant and higher damage. Act 5 mercs should have warcry buffs.
-personalized loot drop to make coop play more desirable.

WC3 remaster means it may also have similar creation tools and see a rebirth of user generated maps and game modes. We could end up seeing the next Dota come out of it.

Unless they charge people for mod creation or some shit I wouldn't put it past anyone these days

It ceases to be a remake if you do this autist.

>not warcraft 1 and 2
Fucking hell

we already knew d2 was because it was in the job posting from like a year or two ago alongside the starcraft remaster
the wc3 remaster is new, though

They already released a war2 remastered once before

This, I've been clamoring for an updated WC2 for ages.

battle.net edition does not count

WC1&2 will never be remade because it goes against Blizzard's stance that the orcs dindu nuffin


does not

this is probably the closest you'll get for 1. blizzard has already said they have no plans to touch it because they don't think it's a fun game.

I skipped all of the WoW story, but didnt they establish that everything bad orcs did was because of demons?

>-personalized loot drop to make coop play more desirable.
no, stealing is fun

Good. Industry crash when?

if they take the same tack they did with starcraft 1, they'll do a lot of these things with patches when they make the game freeware. and yeah, i agree 100%.
if you're interested, plugy adds the first thing to single player. resurgence does the second, and various other mods do some of the others.

>resurgence does the second
and is online multiplayer*

thanks, downloaded

Drei gläse.

I was with you until
>personalized loot drop to make coop play more desirable.
and now you can just go kys yourself

The game should really have an actual hard mode and not the shit d3 had where it just makes enemies huge bullet sponges that need 10 times more hits to be taken down but offer the same little threat.

till like nightmare act4 the game is just braindead easy and don't even require your attention

you could literally just patch the original d2 to this state before you release the d2 remake anyway

I think even tumblr artists could write a better story than the ending of Starcraft 2. It's hard to event think of it as a trainwreck. More like a series of multiple trains that deliberately rammed into each other at high speeds with explosive tipped fronts.

It's truly one of those fuckups where I can't really comprehend how a sequel to a game like Starcraft could go awry so badly.


implying a remaster isnt just releasing the same game a second time with a higher pricetag.

If theyd actually update the graphics id be excited about that.

but they wont, they wont add anything new, maybe theyll add some texture quality or some depth of field.

Dont expect anything beyond that.

If you want gameplay changing stuff in d2 just mod it.

Neither WC3 nor D2 need a remaster. Nor SC for that matter.

I never played beyond WoL in SC2. What happened to Samir Duran and all that stuff from the bonus mission in Brood war.

This is objectively wrong because they all needed it at the time. Especially war3 which was noted by everyone including blizzard as having shit graphics.


so you want them to ruin a great game instead of them producing a failure?

*Blizzard is bankrupt. All of their talent left for greener pastures.

Just suck each other off and make up.

>shit graphics
i'm calling the cops on you account of criminally garbage opinions. you need to be locked behind bars for life

Just pretend the sequel never happened and the potential for one that capitalizes on the intriguing possibilities of that mission and other aspects of Brood War may one day come out, because the reality of the matter is too painful to know.

Not likely any time soon. Movies have been bankrupt creatively for years.

I wonder if the wc3 remake will be by the team who is remaking it in sc2. Thats amazing. If so it might mean an extended campaign and more races.

All you faggots who want remasters and remakes to happen need to kill yourselves.

Finally a reason to upgrade my PC.


>simpson poster
>underage retard
>thinks war3 had good graphics
Checks out. Like I said blizzard even admitted they were shit. They were far below the standard at the time and were a cost cutting ploy.

I always wondered if they'd give guys like that a job. Like the dude who's been re-creating D2 in SC2 as well.

they're never getting a job, it's cheaper to just abuse them

>lets remake games that were made by people who dont work here anymore because we suck

fucking embarrassing

Well according to thise guys they were given official permission to carry on their work there was also discussion about it being hosted on bnet.
It might actually be them.

Have you played war3 recently? It does look a little shit.

>lets rerelease games that autists and retards will buy in drove for easy money

That anons a retard. They were shit at the time. The original build of wc3 had nicer graphics than the finished product which is a blurry ugly pile of shit with primitive models.

Remakes need to happen when the old games are lacking or broken to some degree. D2 and Warcraft 3 work perfectly on modern PC and neither have any major faults to rectify in a remaster.

samir duran was an evil xelnaga working for the bigger bad xelnaga and the hybrids were the big bad's plot to remake life in his image

>glad you could make it Uther remastered
