Is this game worth playing?
Is this game worth playing?
No, not in any way whatsoever.
Now we wait for the Cringey Pedoweeb Permavirgin Defense Force.
No, the first and second game are irredeemable trash. There are shit remakes that are at the very least better than the originals.
combat goes like this:
move your characters
enemy turn
manually rotate camera about 180' because it's set to your enemy's viewpoint
i'm not fucking kidding about that camera thing.
Absolutely not. It's genuinely one of the worst JRPGs ever made.
You forgot to mention how healing is automated and RNG.
even the fanbase agrees that it's the 2nd worst game of the series.
First game is Noire's hame
Nope. Play the remake on pc or vita. Neptunia Rebirth.
Definitely not your pic related. Play Rebirth
>First game is Noire's hame
I disagree. Noire's game was fine.
it has a lot of issues
Rebirth isn't good either, it's just not as utterly terrible as the original.
like what?
Just jack off to some hentai and go back playing a real game, the urge to play weebshit will go away
Boring and tedious levels, lots of mechanics that are introduced, used once and then forgotten, retarded story with nonsensical protagonist, introduces lots of side characters but never develops them, 30 fps lock.
The original? no. The others? sure.
>noire's game is bad
nice meme
The first game?
Absolutely not.
What's a good jumping in point for the series
so the game series is shit and only waifushit?
No great combat or something like that?
The maps are poorly designed
Have to bring one person of each element just to open chest
Enemies being immune to the traps
Spent 15 hours on that mess before I uninstalled
Rebirth 1
>so the game series is shit and only waifushit?
pretty much
>No great combat or something like that?
combat in these games is fun but always really broken
The games are pretty much standalone with only a few passing references to the previous entries. V-II is the lastest mainline entry and has the best gameplay. You can start with it and then go back to RB2 and 3 if you are interested
>Game comes out
>"It's not that bad, you guys are just exaggerating it, it's a simple and fun game"
>New game comes out
>"Ok the last game was shit but this one is actually good this time"
>New game comes out
>"Ok the last game was shit but this one is actually good this time"
>Repeat ad infinitum
I call this the Neptunia cycle. The newest game is always the only good game in the franchise, until the next game comes out, at which point it becomes the only good game and everyone stops pretending that the previous game was good.
>B-But no one ever said the first game was good
If you actually say this, you're just proving that you weren't here back then.
you speak for no one
If you can stomach the gameplay after playing the newer ones, then it actually has the most interesting story, because the goddesses don't buddy up together. I started with this one, so the gameplay was tolerable.
>B-But no one ever said the first game was good
it's true though
>Game comes out
>"It's not that bad, you guys are just exaggerating it, it's a simple and fun game"
this is correct about how people here feel about the sequels though.
The series has nothing going for it outside of Tsunako's art, the writing is shit, the music is shit, the graphics are shit, the presentation is shit, the gameplay is always shit, and the asset reuse would make EA cry foul. Oh and the localisations are shit too.
>PS3 original
>Boring and tedious levels
I found the levels to be pretty good. Enjoyed the zombie one where they can turn your units into attacking your other units and spread it like a virus. That one was pretty fun.
Only time it gets boring and tedious is if you're a dumb achievement/trophy whore grinding out the lily ranks, which I see you did. No wonder why you hate this game. I'd hate it too if I was dumb enough to be a trophy/achievement whore.
> lots of mechanics that are introduced, used once and then forgotten,
such as?
> retarded story with nonsensical protagonist
Did you pay attention to the story? It was fine. No different than most nep games.
> introduces lots of side characters but never develops them
No different than any other side characters from other nep games.
> 30 fps lock.
It's a turn based game. Who gives a fuck. If it was a action game, i'd agree with you.