"We will focus on the story this time"

>"We will focus on the story this time"
>typical harem shonenshit
mmm.. what did he meant by this?

His goal was actually to tell a story that wasn't a revenge plot since so far that's all he's done in his career.

where's the harem?

I see no harem trash. I do see a bunch of Shonen cliches but not harem cliches

What is that helmet thing suppose to be on his back?

what's wrong with shonen?

are you osme kind of dumb girl who wants less sexualized women?

Harem? Where? I'll be using the cool looking alien blades instead of the girl blade

Nothing wrong with shonen itself
Now shonenshit, on the other hand, filled with bath scenes, ecchi bait and purely annoying characters, is quite annoying.

>guy takes a magical sword across the bodies of giant beasts to reach the world tree
>director says story is inspired by Galaxy Express 999
>it's automatically harem shit because the sword is inhabitat by a sexy spirit girl

>Now haremshit, on the other hand, filled with bath scenes, ecchi bait and purely annoying characters, is quite annoying.


He specifically said he wanted to do something more light hearted

Development also started while X was also in development. Which is kinda weird.

I wonder if they started X-2 already now Xeno 2 is coming to an end

It means they are scaling down the scope of the world/exploration because the previous one bombed hard and costed a fuckton to make.

>I wonder if they started X-2 already now Xeno 2 is coming to an end
Nope, they rushed this one to give the switch a robust early library, this is also why the game is "story focused", an excuse to say it's rushed

there is absolutely no reason to be working on a second switch xeno while they are working on one already, don't be dumb as a rock

idk but apparently there's a bath scene so that sounds pretty haremlike

Source on that?

In the first trailer.

This whole franchise is such a a trainwreck after Xenogears.

Gears had literally everything perfect.
Edgy stuff done right.

It's like Xenogears is Mona Lisa and then suddenly you get ketchup splatters on napkins.

Your shitty games didn't sell well get over it

>Mona Lisa
>that post

It sold over 1.19 millions

>reach the World Tree
>it's an angry god
>kill it and Shulk pats you on the head saying "You're small time, mate"
there, saved you $60

Don't they have pretty big team.

Is this another episode of
>some retard on Sup Forums doesn't know what words mean
There has been one fucking girl shown so far, by definition that can't be a "harem". Faggots like OP are why so many words lost all their fucking meaning, like weeaboo.

a diving helmet

You know, except the combat was an unfinished mess, the project was rushed and just as much of an unfinished mess, and nevermind the fact you get half of your party members by he last section of the game, where your party almost doubles in size with a bunch of underdeveloped people that get 1-3 lines admist all the filler.
Xenogears was a trainwreck just as much, I love it and it was one of my first, best PSX games, but you need to stop being a nostalgia cunt.
Xenoblade Chronicles was amazing, and I don't see why this one couldn't be.

The point is there is no reason for 2 teams to work on two of the same game unless it's a port or next gen.

For example, cases in which both games were developed:

FF9 and X, one was PS1 the other PS2
Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne, multiplat and PS4 with different contracts

MHX and MHW, Nintendo versus multiplat, possibly different contracts at play too

Pokemon sun/moon enhanced and pokemon gen 8, switch game needs to come as early as possible so the development is joined because the other title is just a touch-up, not a brand new title to be made from the grounds up


I see no logical reason to have xeno 2 and another big xeno being made at the same time for the same system.

You will, however, probably see a real huge xeno title after 2, coming in 4 or so years, that will take all the effort of monolith once the Switch is established, of that I am pretty certain

Xenogears is a fucking awful game that barely holds together for the parts that they actually finished.
It's a fucking shame that Takahashi had a billion great ideas for the game but didn't have the talent to actually make a good game out of it.

seeing xeno reduce to tales tier level of faggotry hurt so much

but hey check out this big tit chick tho

>unironically thinking chronicles is better than gears
Please stop

Maybe they'll actually have a story, unlike the mess that was X.

No there hasn't dumbass, look at Rex's party, he has sexy moe boring ass lead redhead, cute loli monster girl and eventually the blonde woman, The whole fucking thing is just like Tales of Destiny 2 and Tales of Symphonia 2, a boy goes on a quest because a cute girl asked him,to and the boy being both stupid and horny does it. It's shonen/harem 101, these motherfuckers litterally sold out their franchise just to appeal to loli waifufags and it couldn't get more obvious if Rex accidentally tripped into Pyra's boobs, which he will,and she just blushes while he stammers out an apology. The only thing missing is a scumbag who treats his "blade" like a tool and we get to NTR him by saving it from scumbag

and I don't see why this one couldn't be.
because I look at the footage and I can't tell if it's part of the tales garbage serie or not.

What? You go through the sewers once on your way to the battle arena and never come back.

>waaaa no bishies
you are not fooling anyone

>Xenogears is a fucking awful game
Awful opinion.

Woaw there, no spoiler please.

Spoiler alert: Pyra is going to die then get better

Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade 2 are the boring shounentrash to sell to mass market

Expect the better games like X and other less mass appealing games after 2. The guy will create a Persona and SMT situation except they'll both have budget.

Can give some different example.after Xcx was finish wouldn't full effort be put into this?

Who gave her cowtits but forgot her ass. Please tell me this is a design mistake thats gonna be fixed later.

Is the blonde girl also a blade?

>Change artstyle
>Suddenly people compare it to Tales
Swap character models from the original to more anime ones and you get the same shit on a surface level, fags

She got huge boobs.

>a bath scene
Bath scenes with fanservice has been a staple animu and JRPG trope for decades, it has nothing to do with harems.

>"A young adult story with a taste of boy-meets-girl. Lately it feels like all I’ve been doing are games full of devastation, like where your hometown burns down at the start, or the spaceship you’re riding crashes(oh wait, that is all I ever do). Sometimes I just wanna try something different!

>I want to make something that people can look back on fondly one day as something that really shaped their lives. Something like what I loved as a boy, like Oliver!(by Carol Reed) and Galaxy Express 999(by Rintaro).
>-- That’s why I started working on this game.
>I’ll leave the stories about the solemn old men and hot stylish guys to someone else(even though there’s way more demand for that stuff), and go ahead with this.

>That’s what was on my mind around the end of 2014 through early 2015.
>Yeah, we started while Xenoblade X was still in development.
>We’re building a whole new ‘Xenoblade’ title using the foundation laid by X. That’s the core of the project.

>Some people think exploration is what games should be all about, while some are like “no no, story is what’s best.” Well we’ve got something perfect for both of those kinds of people: Xenoblade 2.
>And that’s what I wanted to tell you with my first announcement. Sound cool?

>There are still a ton of surprises left, of course.
>I’ll be revealing little bits of information and riling everyone up all the way until release.
>And that was my June of 2017.
>(Wait, will we even meet the release deadline?!)

Since Galaxy Express 999's one of his biggest influences for this one I'm excited desu

>Chronicle "fans" complaining that this is too shonen
>When Chronicles had a teen boy chosen by the blade with his silly sidekick on an HUGE ADVENCHA to get revenge for the death of his potential love interest early on (just like Xenogears) who was killed by an EVIL ROBOT THAT IS SUPER EVIL that came out of nowhere with no signs despite them being suposedly gone forever (just like the titans in SnK) and then eventually fight GOD with the power of friendship.
Seriously, you fags are very fast to judge something because of the character designs.

To be fair, the trailers they've shown so far are pretty awfully directed.

Fucking dropped.
The anime artstyle makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Fucking weebtrash. They just HAD to go for all the bullshit meme tropes and pleb tier childish bullshit. Please fucking gas yourselves. Fucking blue cop uniform woman with a rose in her eye. Fucking catgirl. Fucking magical sword girls with inoffensive bland male protagonist for the small dicked chinks to project themselves onto.

I want Xenoblade chronicles 2 to crash and fucking burn, how dare they waste their second chance after the trash heap that was X.

>implying you even was aware of that classic before you read the interview

The Xeno series has always had very awful marketing, barring X which hyped the game up to be much better than it actually was.

Everybody unironically thought Xenoblade looked like shit when it was first revealed in 2009 and it wasn't until it released in English and people started playing it that people opened up to it.

Xenosaga and Xenogears trailers were generic too.

Game development is an uneven process. At some point bulk asset creation stops and you can transfer most artists to a new project.

>boohoohoo weebtrash boohoohoo
You do realize the Xeno series has been like this since 1998, right? You also realize Xenoblade was filled to the brim with anime tropes too, right?

>tfw you will never be this mad

I hate the art style.

It's not evem HQ anime art.

It's literally otaku bait cheap art. Yuck. Big boobs upskirt moe shit.

harem shounen is great though. I see nothing wrong here.

Wish it had dual audio.

>Big boobs upskirt moe shit.
welcome to the Xeno games

>You also realize Xenoblade was filled to the brim with anime tropes too, right?
It also made half an attempt to not look like generic lolibait trash. I literally want to projectile vomit every time I see this unoriginal chink shit. Same faces, same tits, same ear-piercingly putrid voices on the dumb fucking female characters. Same story, same edgy villains with roses in their eyeballs or glowing eyeballs on their sleeves or some shit.

These characters are over designed garbage and you know it. XC1 wasn't afraid to let characters wear fucking brown pants. Find literally one item of clothing in this game that exists in the real world. One.

It has a fucking little girl with robot jet legs in it in the very first gameplay trailer. It is utterly beyond me how anybody could draw that and then sit back and say "Yep, I've contributed to an original, valuable piece of artistic expression".


>dem tits
>generic lolibait trash

How did they rush this? Takahashi already admitted development had started partway through X's development.

Not if NoA has anything to say about it!

>These characters are over designed garbage and you know it.
See pic related

> Find literally one item of clothing in this game that exists in the real world.
The game isn't out yet.


You know, maybe the little girl with robot jet legs didn't entirely get through to you, but this game isn't trying to emulate real life.

I partially agree with this, it's like they are in a middle ground between ps2 graphics in HD and 360.
Even the new Yoshi is on UE4, Monolith can do better

It's almost as if you didn't even play Xenoblade desu

Clearly not localized by NoA if that wasn't obvious enough. Not even 8-4 or whatever it was called


>see any video with people working on this machine
>get cold sweats because of THAT one webm

>implying melia and fiora are the same as copypasted "12yo girl with fucking BERET and robot jet legs"

The game is trash and you know it. It literally panders to chink paedophiles. Japan disgusts me with this unoriginal bullshit.

You're all fucking love live fans aren't you

That, and 2 is built upon X's engine. He mentioned that the team learnt a lot from their experience developing X, so naturally this led to 2 being developed at a faster pace.

>The game is trash and you know it.
Can you post a picture of you holding your copy with a timestamp?


Like, do you even know what that means? We have no evidence that more than Pyra will even fall for Rex. Shit, you might as well argue that XC1 was a harem since both Fiora and Melia wanted the Shulk dicking.

Nice bias. Show me how Pyra and the blonde chick compare side by side and try to show me a single, A SINGLE identical feature

@ anonymous posting number 380737253
That's some decent bait, bravo

they mean you are gay now move on to your LGBT games

You can upskirt in X to if the skirt short.

>Complaining about Xeno games pandering with lolis
>When MOMO had existed since Saga 1


>It literally panders to chink paedophiles
welcome to the xeno series, see fanservice and anime-esque designs are to be expected in xeno games, xenogears had it, xenosaga had it, xenoblade had it, xenoblade x had it, why would xenoblade 2 suddenly not have it?

Which by the way, as long as the game releases on time, it will be 2 and a half years since X. That's not necessarily a "short" development time, specially if you use an engine you are already familiar with

>it's impossible to tell something is shit unless you buy and play it

Yeah man, eyes don't exist, inference is impossible and pandering to tropes and trash artstyles cannot be known despite literally observing them

I would literally rather play ff13 than this horseshit

What the fuck are these proportions


>rack bigger than her head
>the ass of an irish 14 year old boy

Proportions are everything, now she looks retarded

Pyra is literally red Fiora

>sugoooooi you got ii stairu xDDD *grabs tits*
Holy fuck. This is what we've come to.

But Xenogears was garbage
>I don't want to fight!
>Okay I'll go fight
>But I don't want to fight
>But I'll do it anyway
>But I really have to let you know that I don't wanna do it!!
Like jesus fuck we GET IT already.

Either refuse to do something and explain why, or accept doing something you don't want to do and stop whining about it.

>That entire second half
All my keks for the faggots that claim this is a good game.

Tales games have really good characters and story sometimes, so the artstyle is irrelevant to the quality of the game

I read that as "the bodies of giant breasts"

You know what a harem IS, right?

It's a middle eastern persian/arabian area within a palace where one man, typically a sultan, prince, or noble tends to the every need and fancy to a bunch of women for him to later fuck or watch fuck each other. A "Harem" is basically one man with anywhere from 3 to 10 women.

Any more than that is just excessive.

Reminds me of the upskirt loli pantyshots in Xenosaga.

>People with big tits can't have a small ass
Fuck off nigger.

>Show me how Pyra and the blonde chick compare side by side and try to show me a single, A SINGLE identical feature

Never said the designs within the series were the same as each other- I'm saying they're cookie cutter, generic, weebshit in a trashy unoriginal artstyle.

Fuck you, you have no taste

Almost any size of tits can look good as long as the rest of the body is proportionate

Fuckmassive turborack with absolutely no ass just looks out of place and dumb

>Galaxy Express 999

The /ss/ is real

Sup Forums will complain about Neogaf and SJWs, then turn right around and bitch about cute girls in their Japanese video games.

>Sup Forums isn't one person, though!
Sup Forums isn't one person, but Sup Forums.is a hivemind.

You will say that about anything you find unappealing

90% of the people bitching about XB2 being weebshit haven't even played the playstation Xeno games and also completely forgot that Xenoblade and Xenoblade X had their fair share of otaku pandering too.

>Sup Forums is a hivemind when it suits my narrative of people being hypocrites even though it makes no fucking sense

>Lin's strap outfit is turned into a crop top plate and shorts because shes 13 in game
>mean while in real life 13 year olds or younger even wear more revealing clothing at the beach.

fuck NoA

Like this stuff.

This game will be censored.