Which is worst?

which is worst?

>micro-transactions in a paid game
>almost no other content added or post launch support
>only few layers to the experience

>bland and uncreative art direction
>chaotic and aimless gameplay
>meaningless in-game progression choices

>wacky and childish script
>wacky and childish art direction
>wacky and distracting UI

both shit

So 3 new characters and 2 reworks essentially, and 5 maps are no post launch support?

I've only ever heard Sup Forums bitch about Overwatch and make fun of Battleborn, they're both shit.


what is this type of genre called? FPS MOBA?

not to mention about 2 patches a month at least. Not including events and new skins.

>almost no other content added

is he trolling or just never played overwatch?

Besides skins and a few balance tweaks. They only have 3 new character since launch. And that's for a fucking paid game with only multiplayer content.

And they've added maps and new modes

>tf2 as well

Might as well throw tf2 into the list, if you don't want this thread to fall off the board that is.

battleborn since it's a dead game.

>bland and uncreative art direction

That's what i call being dishonest.
The most attractive aspect of Paladins is actually the variety in character design mixing fantasy with a little bit science fiction.

>custom game modes
>server browser
>3 main maps, 4 arcade maps
>arcade mode
>3 characters
>6 cosmetic events with custom game modes
>bastion, symmetra reworked

>almost no other content added or post launch support

neck yourself

>3 new characters (free)
>Seasonal and other events like uprising (also free)
>Numerous patches, new maps and gamemodes (free as well)

Here's to (You)

I only played Paladins, and since i have that i really don't feel the need of purchasing Overwatch.

That's Blizzard, after all. It will still cost full price in 10 years.

it was $20 just a few weeks ago moron

>Doesn't list how Paladins has it's unique game mechanic locked behind RNG loot chest

hero shooters

how many fucking characters do they need to make for it to count as "new content post launch?" Do they need to add a character per month? Should they have made 12 additional characters by now?

>>micro-transactions in a paid game
>they're all boxes of random cosmetics
>boxes you get from playing the game

you niggers don't get it
If it doesn't get a new character every month,
a new map every 2 week
and a new balance patch every week

it can't contain the autism and non-exists attention span of faggot OP

Counter-Strike hasn't had any new characters in 20 years.

>one new character every week
>one new map every 2-3 weeks
>the game must shower the users in free cosmetics that have no impact on game even moreso than it already does
>everything has to be perfectly balanced when its shuffled out of ptr into the live servers
Only then will the niggers on Sup Forums stop complaining

There has already been 3 events this year alone in Overwatch, and 4th one just around the corner. Wouldn't call that "almost no other content added post launch".

Yhea but Valve didn't make trailers for each character in CS

Why do people keep shilling paladins when it has a system worse than overwatch
You either have to grind and play everyday or use microtransactions in order to get all the heroes
Not to mention THIS FUCKING SHIT

Events to celebrate new microtransactions don't count. They add nothing to the game. Maps and new characters do and there hasn't been alot of that.
Paladins has gotten 8 new characters in 2017 alone with 9 more planned. Blizzard is just lazy.

And how many of them will be released for free?

Not trying to come across as Paladins Defence Force here but
>bland and uncreative art direction
Is Pretty subjective, Out of all the complaints I see for Paladins bland design hasn't come up much.
Uncrative is often used but again, I would have to call that subjective, Is there honestly anyone in any game that you look at and think to yourself
"I have never seen a character like this before"
Some are defiantly similar to Overwatch but OW has similar design to other games too.
>meaningless in-game progression choices
I don't know what you're picking mid-game but none are meaningless.

>paladins adopts LoL's horseshit hero paywall system that forces you to grind the game/pay for hero access
>overwatch has heroes available to you if you buy the game
>the only aspect of overwatch that involves microtransactions has no effect on gameplay whatsoever
The events might "celebrate" microtransactions in OW but on the other hand so does every hero release in Paladins

>One new character every week
Yes, add a gajillion characters and then never learn how to balance the fucking game, sure, go the whole League of Legends rout
>Only 5 are playable BUT WE HAVE A LOT THO!!!!
that's fucking retarded, overwatch actually has decent content post-launch with different game modes, a character every few months or so (as it fucking should be) although i would agree that they should be pumping out new maps a bit more often since playing the same 14 maps gets really boring really fast, but, again, quality over quantity.
>micro-transactions in a paid game
How is that a negative thing whatsoever? It's literally only cosmetics, it is not pay to win, if you don't want to buy skins then dont fucking buy skins, i have a legendary skin for almost every hero in the game (for some i have 2 or more) as well as emotes, highlight entros and everything without giving a single dime into the game. You can get that content that you would have to pay for for free just by playing the god damn game through levels or by playing the god damn game a bit differently through arcade mode. It's really not that hard. I'm not saying that overwatch is good, or even better than either one of the games mentioned in OP (can't judge since i haven't played Paladins or Battleborn) but the "reasons" written for why overwatch is bad are beyond retarded. You could say it gets boring fast, you could even say it is boring to begin with, you could have mentioned balancing issues Blizzard ALWAYS seems to have for every game they publish, you could mention the fact that tanks are the most boring fucks to play but yet somehow the most overpowered, but no, you mention some untrue bullshit because i dont even fucking know.

>tfw hirez already rehashing champions because they made that retarded 14 champions in one year commitment
Let's not forget about how buggy every new champion is, though retards will still defend em with that "it's a beta" excuse even though the game has been in "beta" for nearly 2 years and they've had microtransactions in it that whole time

>the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
Reading comprehension is a hell of a thing.

you PAID for the game. What are the microtransactions for? So what if they don't affect the gameplay?

No i'm agreeing with you, just expanding on your point. I realize that you are being sarcastic since i do not have autismo, although my videogame choices suggest otherwise


I've played both and I legit like Paladins more

Support isn't boring to play
Ults don't feel as broken

Those 2 changes makes the game much better.

fair enough, senpai, fair enough

It's not a fucking moba you moron

Paladins character design is better than anything overwatch offers

I haven't spent a single dollar on Overwatch lootboxes except 1 because I still had money on my B.net wallet from something WoW related probably. Hadn't touched my Blizz account in years.

The rest of the skins I have gotten myself by just playing the game. It's optional on top of being cosmetic only. Stop whining.

Is it really fucking worse that paladins' LoL-inspired system of unlocking and putting things that affect the game in loot boxes

Paladins is better

To be fair though, most of the rage at Overwatch involves Sup Forums not able to carry a team through silver, therefore it is a babby game made for children.

Paladins is so fucking newbie-unfriendly that it hurts.
I swear most of the paladin shills there are pretty much either high-level players or people who bought all the characters

On principle yeah, I would say it is. I didn't pay shit for paladins so it has a little leeway.

>micro-transactions in a paid game
>you can't even pay for the cosmetics, you pay for a random chance

Thanks, Blizzard

paladins' character design is all over the place just like any other game that tries to ride the coattails of overwatch

I really dislike the aesthetics of Paladins and I can't even explain why. It has this same o0ff-brand, post-wow cartoon look that just feels wrong, like torchlight, overload, etc.

>what is ironie? pls guys help me i dont understand anything

Yeah, as a high level player that has been with Paladins since the start of closed beta I tell new people that the game isn't worth starting right now. They really fucked up 8 patches ago, and instead of making things better they constantly make things worse. Sometimes I wonder why they don't try to fix their shit, but then I see that people will still defend the game and try to sell it to other people so I guess they don't have to fix a damn thing

Everyone knows the majority of v is actually shit at video games.

paladins was in development since before 2012

I don't get how anyone who's actually played Paladins can say it's better than anything to be honest. It's exactly the kind of janky and inconsistent game you'd expect out of a free to play FPS.

Overwatch is mediocre, but it's a very high quality and polished mediocre.

I guess you are some high-level player who swears by it due to the fact you started early.

>you can get crates for free
>you can get everything just slower vs paying for crates which is faster

at least its just skin shit, it could be a lot worse, like every F2P korean game in existence.

a game like dragons nest for example, where you get 0 appearance option as far as gear goes unless you spend $30+ in cash shop, and they have stat bonuses on all the cosmetics.

They're both bad, but at least Overwatch keeps out the 3rd world scum.

That's becuase they know that making all characters immediately available for free to all players in a free-to-play game will destroy their profits.
While making it pay-to-play with this system is tantamount to suicide.

When you put it that way its no wonder i dont play any of those.

I've had fun with Overwatch, but it gets pretty old after a while, and doesn't feel like there's much to it. Paladins feels like it has more depth, and I like that, but the game definitely needs work, and they've been making it harder to advance for new players recently, which REALLY isn't good for a F2P game. I tried Battleborn the other day, and while it's not as terrible as some people make it out to be, I don't think it's worth paying 30USD for the full version, and the queue times are downright painful.

Overwatch is fucking cancer but TF2 is twice as worse with dead development team, godawful optimisation and retarded playerbase that still think pootis and buttsecks xD are still funny.

If Valve showed they still gave a shit about TF2 I would ditch Overwatch in a heartbeat. The only reason I still play Overwatch is because the dev team actually fucking talks to the community, even if it's just PR.

Playing in a community ridden with babies and people with anger managements issues, lol sounds like tf2 to me

It's sad that the community makes the Heavy dumb as a brick in videos when he's one of the smarter and calmer ones in the comics.

Like Sup Forums is one person and could stop bitching.

Have a kek my good user.