Anyone else tried out the Demo?

Anyone else tried out the Demo?

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i just downloaded it and saw it has that you only get 30 tries bullshit. i know i wont get through even half but just seeing it has that pisses me off

Yeah I never understood that. Hell 99% of the demo you just need to play it once or twice but god damn it's annoying.

you're on Sup Forums
it's okay when nintendo does it

now say it with me
It's okay when nintendo does it

Haven't tried it yet, but does it mention anything transferring to the full game? I was planning on buying it anyway.

do other companies do this?
i havent played demos on other systems since OG xbox when games would just have demos on the disk

Nope. Looks like they stopped doing it with the Switch though.

so is it any good?

and does it utilize the c stick at all? Thought about picking up one of those really cheap 2ds to play this

For those who've tried the demo, how is the game?

Fun action dungeon 3rd person dungeon crawler.

Here's a video of NoA playing it.

It's pretty good but the demo is short. C stick controls the camera in explorable areas. Controls in general felt pretty tight.

Just play the demo, it's like an hour long tops.

I just realized you don't have a 3ds yet. Try to imagine Zelda meets PSO meets Dark Cloud, borrowing a little bit from each.

Also Mana with having 3 different characters with each doing something different and the ability to switch between them.

just finished it
the story looks fun and the characters are cute but i just cant get into the combat

>when you got hips and ass so thick you can literally drown someone in them

Sounds nice

Big booty.

... so I need a 3ds with the second stico.

damn it

I don't think you actually NEED it, but it probably helps more than it hurts.

Looks pretty fun, the framerate is pretty shit in the open area, but other than that, it's good. I wonder how deep the oasis stuff gets.

Seem pretty Dark Cloud. Doing quests gives you more ways to spread the village out

option of transferring the save file of the demo onto the full version?
It's my main incentive to play demos nowadays.

this looks interesting. i hope it supports circle pad pro. going to check on that now

Geezzo seem like a pretty competent studio. When will Nintendo let them use the OOT/MM3DS assets to make an original game using that engine for 3DS?

the demo is somewhat stand alone
your oasis is a little developed and you have your companions already. then it gives you 2 easy missions to complete and after the demo just ends. nothing to carry over. you cant even save

damn, it doesn't afaict. but the camera and lock on system do feel good.

The demo lasts like 10 fucking minutes and there is no carry over save data.

Who are these people that need unlimited demo tries for something they probably only use once or twice?

Re:Core has a 30 min free trial.