Can Sup Forums get laid?
Can Sup Forums get laid?
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My wife and I have sex every Weds and Sunday. Although we will start trying for a second baby in a couple months, so we'll be having sex almost literally every day.
Get a vasectomy and you can get laid every day for the rest of your life.
After Kid #2, that's the plan.
If they are on a schedule like that, she doesn't want the D often. Prob just enough so he doesn't leave her.
Not many women in their mid-30's are lusting for cock 24/7. When we do have sex, it's phenomenal and neither of us are complaining. After eight years of marriage, I'm more than content with guaranteed sex twice a week. Most of my single friends haven't had sex in years.
post the website nigger
Like a motherfucker
What game is this?
Literally everyone can get laid if they lower their standards and choose their targets well.
But considering in this board literal 9s are branded as 5s or 6s, Sup Forumsirgins have much higher standards than normal. So no I guess.
I sure can't. I get the opportunity but always say no.
I don't get this "game".
It just shows why 3DPD is not worth the bother.
Kill all women.
I got laid at the lookout
Nope. Who /dyingalone/ here?
Just admit you're gay
>Literally everyone can get laid
>I sure can't. I get the opportunity but always say no.
>Implying Sup Forumsirgins care for anything other than vidya and 2D waifus
I LOVE WOMEN. kill all them all though.
>remember playing this in highschool
>have one class where we can use laptops freely
>see hot girl I like playing it
>she sees me watching
>invites me to play
>both try and fuck her for the longest time
>still get weird boners about it
This guy comes up and slaps your gf's cornhole, what do?
Berate his fitness routine and give proper advice how to improve.
Invite him to gym sessions.
is it hard to find her vagina?
>Literally everyone can get laid if they lower their standards and choose their targets well
If you say this you're probably an 8 or above.
"Men" that never leave the house can only achieve women that never leave the house. Tell me how can they get laid.
i can get jerked off in a pool
Did a woman make this?
I tried every douchy option and got a bad rating.
hes not wrong
keep in mind 90% of the people bragging about getting laid on this site are dicking landwhales like pic
you could get laid too if you find a 2/10 porker, but most people have standards, for a good reason
I cyber and jerk off to teen and married women. Only the sexy fit and thick and skinny ones.
those are nice boobs tho
The sequel to this game is crap.
People look more attractive in real life than on the internet, which is why the standard on Sup Forums is so skewed.
Even a 2/10 woman can get a man at the lower end of average, men who will actively pursue them on sites like PoF. They have no reason to go after short or ugly men.
>See hot girl in college playing corruption of champions
>Regret to this day not making a move
>it's the boys that have the high standards!
You are the wrongest person on the board right now.
I'm not sure if I understand that graffic. % of what? Attractive is something objective there?
anytime you read a post about some user getting pussy, you automatically picture a hot girl. Remember what the average Sup Forums poster looks like
true internet dating is ruining us and giving women an inflated ego. Just stay away from it
but irl things are different. I've had fat coworkers tell me how often they think about my dick and try to grope me etc and I'm 5'6 ugly as sin. I'd rather die a virgin than fuck some ugly girl just so I can say I've had sex before
>I'm more than content with guaranteed sex twice a week.
We whom she sleeps on other days?
It literally takes more time and effort to get laid in this game than it does in real life. This Ariane bitch constantly gets pissed over fucking nothing.
I went to use the bathroom twice in one night and she kicked me out. I was drinking a shit load of wine you fucking whore. Go fuck yourself. This dick doesn't need your crazy cunt. I got my hand.
Are there any good strip poker games? There are a handful of nice 3D ones but they're never fully cracked.
>you could get laid too if you find a 2/10 porker
Even those denied me.
Daily reminder
must be pretty hard to remember something that happened last week son
>This Ariane bitch constantly gets pissed over fucking nothing.
I see nothing wrong in accuracy for a simulator
As a matter of fact yes, my wife and I do have sex. Fun fact:
>not everyone on Sup Forums is a virgin
>some people on Sup Forums are almost 30
>I've had fat coworkers tell me how often they think about my dick and try to grope me etc
Never happened to me. Every women i ever met found me disgusting and creepy.
How do I get an autistic NEET virgin gf that never leaves the house?
>he fell for the marriage jew
>it's the boys that have the high standards!
Maybe you should develop some reading comprehension. He said Sup Forums has high standards, not men in general. Or are you implying Sup Forums represents the average joe?
>This Ariane bitch constantly gets pissed over fucking nothing.
That's pretty accurate desu
Can i mod this to have a different kind of 3d girl?
>would be nice to date some snek
>or an argonian
>or a fat girl
>or Lelouch and his bulge
Well how about you gb2reddit, nigger?
Nah real girls are way easier than this picky bitch.
>he makes up boogeymen to help him sleep alone at night without sobbing
Yes, the divorce rate is about 50%. Which means there are still millions of people in happy, healthy loving marriages who will be together into old age and death. I hope your perfect 2D anime girls keep you happy when you're still alone at 40.
Sup Forums is mostly comprised of males, don't even kid yourself.
>everyone who is married and not divorced is in a happy fulfilling relationshop
fuckin' got him. you better pound this fist right now, bro!!!!
70% and what makes you think that you will be lucky one?
>Sup Forums has high standards
>Sup Forums is mostly comprised of males
>Therefore all males have high standards.
This is your logic. Good job.
I don't deserve it, I dunno
I hate myself too much to do it
I don't fist-pound. I've always been a fan of high-fives and I'm leading the charge to bring them back.
I'm happy to.
Never, even if I tried.
Only 50 percent of american men are now marrieds
Marriage won't be the norm soon in usa, most of your women are awful.
Whatever alternative facts make you feel better, bud.
Getting sex is so easy for women is not fair.
That is the assumption originally made by that poster, yes. All I did was clarify that Sup Forums has a predominantly male population. Polite sage, this is a circular endless discussion and I will stop responding now.
RNG the game
do you have a job? I worked at that place for 2yrs and it only happened twice. I can't really give you advice because im terrible with women myself
I had a friend who lived by the aim-low, score-high motto. He was 5'6 skeletal mexican, never asked a girl out in his life, and would never reject a girl's advances no matter how ugly she was. He got tons of tang and would spend hours telling me about all the sexual adventures he's had in cars, parks, during class, in pools, etc; sometimes with multiple women at once, but all the girls he showed me were 3/10s at best. Drop your standards and become a man whore like my friend if being a virgin bothers you that much.
Well that explains everything
If you want to look at the overall divorce rate, it seems like a bad bet.
But if you look at specific risk factors, you can decrease your risk of getting divorced significantly.
Risk factors for divorce include things like:
Marriage before age 25.
Partners with a significant age difference.
Multiple previous sexual partners.
Children from a previous relationship.
Multiple children generally.
High debt.
Low income.
Low IQ.
Basically, if you aren't stupid, poor and fat you will actually have fairly good odds of not getting divorced.
Yea and i'm not too happy about this.
You don't, she already belongs to Chad.
is this haram?
>of not getting divorced.
But getting cucked. Yeah, exactly what I was looking for (not).
I'm 27 it too late fo me now.
>girl's advances
Never happened.
How did she meet Chad if she never leaves the house and is autistic?
What if your kids die or you get divorced?
It's easy for men too. Just don't beta orbit. In bed make sure to tease them tell them they can't touch you be dominant and aggressive but make them beg for it. I've gotten call backs every fucking time. Litterly you need to also mind fuck them. Look up the clitorial alignment tech helps her cum and you last. It's like you betas have never read up on how to make a girl love your cock.
iktf brother
Percentage of the profiles
I have sex with my fiancee 2 or 3 times per week on average.
Poke his tittys
too fucking much effort id rather just jack off 2bqh
Good for you.
25 here and I don't even care anymore, either sex in a relationship or casual. To be honest my sexual drive has been dead couple of years for now.
>Scheduled sex times
Wow that sounds so romantic and as if your wife is not totally dead inside during the whole act
What's the other one where one of the dates is taking the girl to a concert and a bomb goes off for no reason? That one's way better.
>and as if your wife is not totally dead inside during the whole act
She is pretty lively with me i'm not her husband tho
I'm going on a date with a 7.5/10 on payday
I can't wait to humiliate myself
Looks exactly like Olivia Munn now that she's ruined herself with surgery
I'm a male sub and me and my bf whom I call Master do naughty things all the time.
Doesn't count.
>naughty things all the time
You mean practicing chastity.
I'm married. So no I dont get laid