

did they take the biggest memes for early access indies and decided to make a game?

>At E3 2017, Crytek showcased its upcoming multiplayer survival game

From what I'm hearing in this video, that's literally what they are doing. They're 'taking inspiration' from early access survival games like absolute fucking retards. Here I was hoping they would put out some good ass demon hunting coop game and instead I get this pile of dung.

wait, what?

You heard me. Crytek took an interesting Van Helsing-ish premise of demon hunters going against demons in a frontier's America or whatever setting and turned it into a multiplayer survival meme game.

This looks pretty cool actually, I like that they took features from those games but didn't build the game around them.

Yo this game looks dope.

no thanks

Looks good. That spider was terrifying

It literally plays like one those indie horror/survival games. Going for the low hanging fruit I see.

It being a hit or failing is a 50/50. If Dead by Daylight can sell well, so can this.

This doesn't really look like it plays like an indie horror survival game though? The map is small and it looks like you go from hotspot to hotspot and fight stuff, and then you kill a boss in a crescendo style event like L4D.

Normally those survival games just have to building a base, or gathering food. I don't really see the similarities.

So is the demon player controlled or ai controlled?


Did you watch the video?

Multiplayer is a meme now?

couldnt really
but why are some retards screaming evolve in this thread then?

>but why are some retards screaming evolve in this thread then?
no clue

>why are some retards screaming

It was one retard, OP. No one but him has come to that conclusion or made a post about it ITT.

>Hunt: Showdown

Am I the only person for which adding "Showdown" to the title makes me less interested rather than more?

I hear "Hunt" and I think bland. I hear "Hunt: Showdown" and I think bland, stupid and probably cheap.

Don't worry Crytek.
Someday you'll make a good game.

dumbfucks didnt even pay attention this is the only innovative game they've shown at all this year

Hunt only implies versus or co-op.

Showdown implies competition of some sort.

Neither title really implies any particular sort of game to me, it could be a deer hunting simulator for all the title means.

I just meant "Hunt: Showdown" sound like what a 15 year old asset flipper would call their game, not a professional developer. May as well have called it "Revenge: Retribution" for how lacking in imagination it is.

if you watched the video you'd see why they called it that its because you hunt demons then at the end theres a showdown between every other player to collect the bounty

I dont get it.
Hunt Showdown literally is what the game is.

You hunt AI in l4d style gameplay, what it started as when it was just hunt.
BUT they realized that wasnt engaging enough because literally everything has to be competitive so they revamped it. Now its Hunt: Showdown because you still hunt the things, except now its also a showdown.

And you better not fucking tell me showdown isnt indicative of competition.

You are missing my point.

The name of your game is marketing itself. Calling it "Hunt: Showdown" does not strike me as a good marketing decision even if it does accurately sum up some aspect of the game. "Shoot Things" would also be an accurate title too, doesn't make it a good one.

Marketing fag here. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Thats just your opinion then.
Nothing about it implies its a bad title.

Or is Halo: Combat Evolved a bad title?
Its not

According to children apparently.

Thanks for letting me know, marketing fag, that I'm not really immediately dismissing a game based on a shitty title that does not pique my interest in the least, I only think I am.

I'm not a marketing fag. I was calling attention to the fact that you were pretending you had any credibility as the litmus test for "good marketing decisions" as the lead VP of Your Mom's Basement Ltd.

Do I seriously need to present a degree in marketing before you people will concede a catchy and interesting title matters for marketing your game? It doesn't even really need to be a clever title or something, just something not bland as shit.

Case in point, which title immediately piques your interest more "Gun" or "Red Dead Revolver"?


Red dead revolver sucked dick m8


Didn't they originally show this game off in like 2012 with a different name?
Not gonna lie, I figured it was vaporware.

>upcoming multiplayer survival

>multiplayer survival

go bankrupt you shithole company. I'm tired of fad games. you really think anyone is gonna give a damn about your battle royal game in the middle of all the other shit-heap twitch bait games? you might have well just made a moba.

fuck this industry.

You are aware the terms "Multiplayer" and "Survival" have been in games prior to early access right? L4D is a fucking multiplayer survival game. Resident Evil Outbreak is a multiplayer survival game. Fucking Battle Hunter for the PS1 was a multiplayer survival game.

I hope you dodged before you kneed yourself in the forehead there champ.

>hurrr i dont know what labels are

Survival doesnt mean shit like Ark or Minecraft every time you see it fagboi

>Make game about Helsing demon hunting
>majority of enemies are zombies
Very interesting.

Yea, they took Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age and made it first person and added meme elements.
Because Crytek.

What meme elements?

Permadeath, PVP, and a heavier focus on the battle royale type gameplay.
Horrors of the Gilded Age was just a co-op game ala Left 4 Dead, this is more like a mixture of Left 4 Dead, Evolve, PUBG, and DayZ.

probably this stuff
Apparently its a meme now because fuck video games
This is a meme if its shit like ark, BUT these retards think survival is only shit like that and not L4D which is literally a survival horror shooter game.

See above even though it was confirmed for this setting ages ago

With unlockables so closer to RoR or something

Basically Sup Forums just like to Sup Forums

Huh? From the video it sounds like they just added some versus elements. Like Kane and lynch. Competing with other people isn't really a "meme element". Unless "meme elements" just mean "things I don't like" for you I guess.

>multiplayer survival

Because the first version was boring as shit compared to L4D probably so they changed their entire design to make it competitive

The average enemies dont seem to be a draw like in l4d where average enemies were the bulk of the game.

If anything I'm fucking GLAD its not just another l4d close like vermintide and killing foor

You know it's weird; what OP quoted is never said in the video or linked to at all. He just said those things for no reason. I'm pretty sure he just doesn't like it and wanted people to validate his opinion.

They completely stripped out the original game m8, this isn't a Left 4 Dead co-op game, the focus is more on smaller-scale PVP with some PVE mixed in.
>Because the first version was boring as shit compared to L4D probably so they changed their entire design to make it competitive
Unfortunately, this design also looks pretty boring.

Vermintide follows a lot of what L4D does but I find it far more fun to play. Especially with the loot system and numerous trinkets you can use.

If L4D3 ever gets made if anything it'll probably be like Vermintide.

Yeah I agree, thats partly why I'm glad hunt isnt trying to compete in that style game since it would have probably been bad.

>Unfortunately, this design also looks pretty boring.
Eh I think it looks pretty cool if what we saw is only an easy hunt and later ones have many many more smaller enemies and maybe even multiple bosses.

That's how the retarded turk CEO at Crytek worked for the last years.

fps bloodborne mixed with playerunkown battlegrounds mixed with dead by daylight

looks pretty good