Kingdom Hearts

Hey Sora! Can you please get me two logs, a cloth, and a rope?

We're gonna go on an adventure! C'mon Sora!
Don't leave me HANGING!

Fuck you I got to race Riku until I win

I only played Birth by Sleep or whichever with my Aqua waifu. I went on booting up KH1 and realised that all other games are around Sora. I was devastated, never finished the game (but I am plannign to, the gameplay and fairy-tales are alright).

dumb waifufag

"How are they going to get fire?"

"From the raft."


To be honest, I liked the English VA because I watch capeshit TV shows. Hey, it got me into the series at least.

she can't be your waifu if you barely like the series. leave her alone, and don't play her game

what were the shrooms for

Nice, but why?

2 logs, 1 rope, 1 Cloth

for soras trip through disney land

>Lose to Riku in the race
>Beat Riku
>Geez chill out Sora it's just a name, who even cares

Riku in KH1 is literally "that kid" but I love how he slowly grows up with painful experiences, really makes him more likeable albeit a tad edgy

The coolest shit was how the name gets carried over to the Gummi Ship.

And unless I'm mistaken, "Highwind" gets carried over to KH2 so did Riku canon win the race?

KH porn is shit tier, since KH fans are mostly 14yo weeaboos.


namine is where the good stuff is @

but especially with olette

Most KH fans are adults now

Yeah and it's always with pencil. Final Fantasy also has a lot if that too.

>tfw there's not a one proper doujin of Kairi

What a dumb bitch, could have just used a tree to jump off of with the rope

I remember fighting a kid in elementary over who would get to marry Kairi. I'm 22 now....

how is the log held up

Who did you think it was?

eggs and some fish hold it up.

Why does she and Sora have such big feet?

25 this year and still waiting on 3.

riku is canon better than sora before the events start, its refered too in game both early and later.
so all those times you mashed riku on the isles was probably non canon


easier to sniff them, it's an evolutionary advantage to attract more mates

the race is a canon loss, but the island fight is a toss-up

i'm guessing for most people it's a shit ton of losses before starting to win consistently though