What does Sup Forums think about Iris Heart?


I don't. Drink up, weeb.

generic anime slut

I want her to step on my crotch.

Tripcode added to filter, thanks.

Talk shit about my waifu one more time and you're dead, chump.

Fuck off, nu-weeb.

>calling anyone a weeb like its bad
>on Sup Forums

>being proud of being a weeb
So brave

Sexy and I'd fuck her until my balls dry, but shittiest nep

>being insecure about what you like
You need help

I want to get bullied by Iris Heart!

>I'd fuck her until my balls dry

Wrong, SHE will fuck you until your balls dry. Clearly, you're not a true Iris fan if you don't know that.

She's alright.

Absolute lack of lewds. What the fuck?

Not my type, but if Compa likes her she cannot be a bad person

I want to be dommed by Crazy Rei and iris Heart

No need for those.

Where do you think the term weeaboo came to mean obsessed Japanophile you dumb newfag?

also rei best girl

Her character singlehandedly ruined victory for me, she is awful, just like everything in victory except for rei, she ruins every single character personality with "hurr hurr don't make plutia angry", even fucking arfoire, and this is quite literally everything she does in the game, I'm glad she is gone for good, and it's a shame because I liked her when I only had the anime as reference

She's a Perfect Knockout

She's more tolerable in the anime, though.

I want to be her pet/slave.


No nep E3 memes like the vert one last year?

There are.




Is there a thread full of this current E3 or something? Was it on /nepgen/?


What's the point of Ram when Rom is clearly superior twin?

A best.

you reference Ex-Aid but don't recognize a gashat?

Ram is great.

I hate Ram. I wish she would fuck off.

I am adding your trip code to filter too


Taddle Legacy Blanc when?

Rom is for hugs
Ram is for fugs
Specially Chaos Ram, your dick will NOT survive

Ram is for both and tummy kissing.

hopefully soon, he really made Blanc look sexy as fuck with that
But better question, Muteki Nep when?

When you're sex incarnated, you don't need them.

Noice bady.

Shallow waifubait from a shit game series.

Iris heart isn't that hot.

The only good thing to come from Neptunia is her and her loli form

Umm why are you guys posting my wife?

Not the same user

More like Muteki Uzume

Here's some Kurome the Absolute Madwoman

Its still nice to have them.

i want to see her feet

How's 4GO?

Nep would make more sense
The saikyou gamer part fits Nepko perfectly

I want Iris Heart to beat the fucking shit out of me

short but good

Uni a cute! CUTE!

LOL Nep has no tits!


I wanna beat the fucking shit out of you.

The only titless Nep is Blanc because he's flat


Nep looks so cute when she's flustered.


I hope you are that proud about it, that its obvious in public so i can spit on you. I've never been caught because i either do it from above or when they pass me, it kinf of gets me off a bit.

>Spitting on random people who walk by you
Are you on the spectrum?


I want Plutia to cuck me.


You and me both or otherwise you wouldn't be in this thread. Also what is wrong with spitting on people that deliberately don't hide their power level, its like they are asking for it.

Uni is my UNIverse

This artist is a godsend

Jesus christ.


I want to tickle a nep

is there a more pure fetish than tickling

I am literally gonna hold hands with your waifu!

hand holding

>A religious weeb
There is no higher entity that will safe your sorry soul