IT all makes sense. Hitler is a cat monkey and so is BJ.
That band is for his fucking Jew magic helmet you retard
mecha hitler is confirmed not in tho
they're keeping it for the 3rd game
Real Blazkowicz is in Quake Universe. If BJ gets decapitated in new Wolfenstein he becomes Doomguy. Worst timeline confirmed.
No. Confirmed. If BJ loses his head he don't have jew armor.
DOOM Guy and BJ are already canon to the Quake Universe along with John Carmack.
Another example of how jew armor works.
My theory is that they transplant his head to another body and he has to use the jew armor to move around in it like the old woman in TNO.
Why does every game now have "black afro woman"?
It's pretty obvious that this is the case.
I'm assuming it also has to do with his old body being weak/disabled (you can see in the trailer he needs to use a wheelchair in what one could assume is during the early stage of the game)
stop posting this garbage about this shitty sequel to an awful shooter
His head chopped off in wrong timeline.
Game devs finally figured out how to do hair and they want to show it off.
The whole running theme -as I saw it- of The New Order was how fucking tired BJ was of spending his whole life doing nothing but killing, and he dies in the end, finally finding rest.
That he has been "revived" for yet another tour of murderdeathkill -apparently as some sort of frankenstein thing, no less- is a nasty little twist.
If his head transplanted he have yellow jacket and no armor.
fuck I'd love to see an actual difference between timelines in TNC
i was hella riled up when i went to play the second timeline in TNO and it was literally the same thing as the other one but with different lockpicking and 1 different character
in the "Youtube Gaming" interview the devs said that the two timelines you could pick from would each give you a different gun to use
but boy o boy i hope they take it furher than that
Final Boss is Mecha Hitler.
Hitler abandoned his body for new cyborg one, being a head with a cyborg body, assuming he became a true Ubermensch that way.
BJ's head will be transplanted on Hitler's body, the one he discarded, and beat Hitler, revealing in a twist that Hitler was a true Ubermensch all along and he lost that status when he discarded his Ubermensch body.
Screencap this.
No. You see this shit? You'll have choose who have to suffer or it will be you who will lose his head. Like in TNO
Was there le quirky humour in The New Order? You lot made it seem like it was the opposite.
That would be nice. 2 completely different playthroughs of pure brutal gunplay or along the lines of stealth and tool management.
There were a few cheeky bits, especially in the "hub world" location, but for the most part is was run and gun and kill nazi robo dogs
Spot on.
Stop it caramel
No, the dying woman is obviously Caroline. She used the Jew armor in the previous game and now BJ's using it.
As far as Fergus/Wyatt go, apparently the game will remember the choices you made in TNO.
>durr stup talking about vidye gams on the video games board
You're right, we need another 500 "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP" "WE" "Say something nice" and "NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS" threads. Fucking braindead mouthbreather.
How did he get that armor? Is it explained in the first game?
Yeah, you find it after rescuing a member of the worldwide Jewish Cabal from a concentration camp.
Are you serious? I just started playing last night and got to the level where the old man tells you to kill everyone to proceed so I'm not sure if your making a joke or not. New Order is pretty campy and makes me grin.
He is. Nazi superscience is actually stolen ancient Jewish knowledge in the game.
>but boy o boy i hope they take it furher than that
I'm 100% serious, the guy even plays up the stereotypes like rubbing his hands whenever he's dumping exposition.
100% serious, an ancient Jewish conspiracy has magical technology that the Nazi's stole to make their super soldiers
Ehh, they're doing that exact same thing all over again? If there's one thing I really disliked about TNO it was how much it overused the "captured in a cutscene so ze villain can be extra villanous" trope.
Not to mention how that blonde harpy irritated the fuck out of me more than anything; really annoyed me that she got so obviously set up to be the nemesis villain of the next game.
I found TNO to be darkly brutal more than anything, much to my surprise.
OK. So Nazis stoke Jewish magic.
What I wanna know is when do I get the armor?
You don't get the armor in TNO.
i thought that cat looked weird
You don't get to use it in TNO, your cripple friend does.
>apparently the game will remember the choices you made in TNO.
What if you played it twice?
What if you pirated it?
Why can't it just only be BJ instead of adding a new boring resistance group?
Then it remembers your most recent save, obviously. If you pirated it and then buy the sequel it likely won't carry over.
>What if you played it twice?
it'll remember what you did in your second playthrough
>What if you pirated it?
the savegame file should be stored in a specified folder, if it didn't chaged anything the new game should recognize it without any problems
if it's his head isn't it still him? worse case scenario aren't you just playing him with a new body?
Nothing particularly good about the Wolfenstein series.
First game was something we played as kids because it was revolutionary. I remember being blown the fuck away until seeing Doom. At that point, everybody forgets about Wolfenstein because it's just a really boring, larval version of Doom. Go ahead and ask Romero.
And that's about it. All later games are middle of the road whatever. RTCW is severely and retroactively overrated by people who developed a nostalgia for the title, mostly because of the multiplayer portion.
Doomguy was a descendant of Blazkowicz though, along with Keen.
As far as I remember the Doom Guy is the grand grand grand son of BJ Blazkowicz, I don't know if Quake is also Canon in the Wolfenstein/Doom universe.
In the Wolfenstein RPG (which is canon too) you fight a Doom demon.
A red herr-ing, you say?
>playing him with a new body?
At one point it must be the case.
I'm enjoying these pepe-silvia type pictures.
keep em coming boys
I didn't notice this
So are these games good?
What the fuck are you talking about? I looked at all your pictures and I still don't get it.
So, TNO was a reboot what?
I only played the original many years ago and TNO last year, I loved it.
But now with as these shennannigans, the other ones for PS2 and PS3 I think, they all share the same story?
I knew the Jews were behind this for three decades, it was so obvious.
RtcW was a reboot, everything after is connected.
TNO follows the 2009 Wolfenstein, which was also a sequel to RTCW, which is a semi-reboot of 3D.
It's not like that.
In this timeline the nuclear bomb was developed by a group of werewolfes.
Huh, thank you, anons.
Gonna try to play these ones then.
Honestly BJ being a paper thin character who's only purpose and motivation is to kill all nazis is great, but it works way better when contrasted against the other characters in the game.
>TNO follows the 2009 Wolfenstein
This I don't get. Wolf 2009 was so bland, everyone would be better off just forgetting about it.
At least id realized that when they made TNO.
BJ is only fun when he has complicated "real" characters to bounce off of
>That's nice and all but what about killing nazis?
Not really, the games are all connected, though some of the dates and post-game stuff in the older games was smudged a bit. Even in TNO, BJ is still the guy who killed Hitler in Wolf3D.
Don't reply to me ever again you illiterate moron.
Something about the Wolfenstein series being very much alive in 2017 makes me really happy. You go, BJ.
They did forget it.
>Sup Forums complaining about more foxy ladies in our games
You suckas sicken me
I don't know what's going on. I know in one timeline BJ goes into Quake universe. If he loses his head he might be Doomslayer. But where does Keen fits in?
He even got kids on the way, it's like looking at a character grow up in multiple ways
If they actually looked like that they wouldn't complain.
-> At last, I truly see...
what is this "real BJ" crap?
it's still him just with his head attached to another body
Its the 60's, Afro hair was popular in our timeline then and makes sense for a sassy black resistance woman
I have a feeling that her obnoxious afro will be perforated by bullets in a most cartoonish way possible at some point.
Pretty much this.
In one timeline you get the armor to walk
In the other timeline, you get a whole body without the fancy armor abilities.
I looked this person up to see if I should care about her.
Apparently she got attention because she was being harassed.
Harassed by the people that she sexually assaulted/harassed and the people they agreed with them.
I guess Medic was a real BB then, huh
TNO follows all of them, to a degree.
who the fuck is alicia keys?
Everyone in V was actually puppets the sexy nurse was amusing medic with, the plot holes and character lapses happen because medic is a crippled retard with pieces of helicopter and south american waifu lodged in his brain
Color me surprised.
This, ultrasonically. People try to pretend it's about pandering to minorities while it's just to show off.
But how would they compensate? I mean superhuman armor that allows you to leap and shit is better, no?
What's your favorite version of BJ, Sup Forums? Personally I've always been fond of the classic Wolf 3D version. He fought off the Nazi's, mutants, and mecha Hitler while wearing a track suit without armor, and healed himself by eating dog food.
He's a man's man.
Armor timeline is a fast paced shooter that plays more like Doom 2016, and the armor-less timeline is an action\stealth mix like TNO\TOB.
I'm talking out my ass
k some during the intro he head probably gets cut off and they put it back onto his body using the same thing they used to merge the cat head with the monkey
they might use someone else's body but it seem'd like his.
don't know how you came to your conclusion OP
user, please stop with this.
My dick can explode.
When did he get the Jew armor anyway?
I thought the cripple pilot had the only one.
If BJ gets a body replacement than does he cuck himself every time he bangs Anya?
This could work
>Nazis make working cyberlimbs and grew back this cunt's face
>they're still considered the bad guys