Only sony-ponies and newfags to the series will disagree.
You know this is true
what did he meme by this?
Did you play the game?
but the game isn' out yet user. I'm sure you are a nintenfag convincing himself that it will suck
It's literally Monster Hunter 5 retard.
This is ironic considering Monster Hunter is a representative of actiony consoleturds which ended up devouring classic RPGs like FO1.
This just looks like OP is trying to be a cool kid hating on FO4 and earning web cred for referencing FO1. Sorry, doesn't work that way.
I'll reserve my judgment until I get my hands on it. Hopefully it will get a demo, on ps4 or pc doesn't matter. If not, then yarr harr to see if it's any good.
I literally don't give a shit. It's a new MH for PC which I will finally be able to play with my friends.
The series can burn and die out forever as of this one and I still don't give a shit because Capcom's bullshit localization garbage doesn't merit any of my continuated care or excitement.
So long it has at least as much content as Tri and sticks remotedly to their artwork style and fighting style, it's more than enough for me, and fan series can burn, cry and die in a corner for all I give a shit.
if it is mod friendly we won't need another monster hunter ever
the real question is: will i be able to put in 1000s of hours like the earlier titles?
yes, dont you know? his uncle works for Nintendo
>Ps4 only getting one game
History is already repeating itself
They said it will have continued support with dlc afterwards like the other monster hunters.
Also, the spin of actually hunting monsters and how monsters fight makes them seem like they'd be a lot more fun.
And it's being compared to literally Fallout 4, what's your point?
MHX and XX was the FO3/4 of the series since it wasn't even developed by the main team and was a blatant cash grab that rehashed the most shit in the entire series by bringing back unwanted Gen1 stages/monsters and villages for no fucking reason.
Everyone that isn't a dirt poor third worlder owns a PC. There's no need to pretend you're upset that it's not on the switch
If only mods banned Nintenbro shitposting like they do Sonybro funposting.
someone please explain OPs picture
what does the : mean?
so mhw will have the best action gameplay, but the less interesting story (?) of the series?
>Blatant cash grab
>Rehashed the most shit
>Gen 1 shit for no fucking reason
It was an anniversary game. A crossover between the four previous generations. Bringing back old stuff to see how far the series has come was literally the point.