APOLOGIZE. Every day this game is looking better and better.
APOLOGIZE. Every day this game is looking better and better.
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The combat looks like shit though
it really doesn't. Not enough air launches and combo meters for you?
>Every day this game is looking better and better.
not really, still gonna be even shittier gow combat with TLOU cinematic bullshit
Sony has nothing.
God of War invented QTE and now the devs are just going to turn their back on it? Dropped.
It looks like ryse m8, id rather have a devil may cry nock off than that shit
QTEs in GoW were beneficial. They made the cinematic killings more interactive and engaging. This is bad thing, desu.
>God of War invented QTE
Good shit.
Yeah there'll just be
>all new "speedy moment instances" TM
>God of War invented QTE
>no QTEs
>Replaced by cinematics instead
Wow good """"game"""" please take my $60
If the camera wasn't in the "from the back" style would you still hate it? I mean it looks exactly like the same hack and slash shit except from a different viewing angle. God of War combat has never been deep anyway, it was just button mashing
>durr da camera angle da same so dat means da gameplay is a same
do you think TLOU and Vanquish have the same gameplay?
Wew, you fucked up. Here come the nu-Sup Forums God of War apologists with their shitty webms.
This is kind of disconcerting. Those over the top qte sequences were kind of a big part of the heart and soul of these games. To hear thats gone is concerning.
They could very well replace them with cutscenes, but the reason the QTEs worked so well is because you were the one driving them.
so its Diablo now?
>sonyqqers still in denial that Sony pushed to make GoW like TLOU
just play pong or some shit then
It would be an improvement. How can you have a proper combat system if you cant see behind you? Either enemies wont attack from behind or you're going to get constantly hit by enemies you cant see
>GOWfags actually mad about no QTEs
Man, I knew you faggots had terrible taste but this is too much
Yeah, the God of War franchise is renowed by its complex and deep combat system right? Stop being such a massive faggot. The combat is fine. It is nothing special, but it is nothing shit either. It is just simple hack and slash, as it has always been.
If it wasn't a problem before there is no reason for it to be one now except for people wanting to hate on the new popular thing.
Resident Evil 4 invented the QTE, user.
GoW's camera angles are kind of a key feature too,. They were designed to not only focus on the action, but also the environment. They carefully controlled the camera at every scene to show a specific thing. It was a very deliberate design choice that I fell contributed heavily to the overall 'feel' of the series.
Theyre shooters you daft cunt, over shoulder cameras work with those mechanics
>There are anons ITT that actual defend QTEs
How about you try not to put your back to enemies and position yourself, like in any other game of the type?
I never once said the originals had deep combat, i even called it a devil may cry nock off.
>its bad but it wouldnt be GAME without them
Its pretty much the rationale, assuming anyone here isnt behind 67 layers of ironic shitposting.
Forgot Re4 came out before Shenmue. I must be retarded
I'm not defending QTEs but you're retarded if you think they're not a core identifying feature of GoW.
They're fine when used in gameplay and not in cutscenes.
They think God of War is good, what did you expect?
Then what is the problem exactly? If this issue didn't stop the franchise from becoming so popular, why would it stop this game? Why is it even worth mentioning?
Melee combat should give you enough freedom of movement so you can defend yourself from each side. It shouldnt make you focus on crowd control
Ah, one of the biggest action game sins.
That just means there still will be scripted events, but without having to push any button.
>I must be retarded
underage is the word you should use
GOW has too many pointless QTE's in boss fights as in multiple sequences of them, you'll have a pointless QTE just to knock off someone's fist weapons for example just to wear them yourself and are forced to do it, that is braindead shit
I like the god of war games
why did this one get changed for?
That doesn't mean there won't be "button prompts" where you have to mash triangle to not get stabbed by a straggler-- I mean Norse God
Jesus Christ end yourself.
probably the same people that hate on Spider-Man for having QTEs
I feel like everyone here loves to shit on it but I really like what I'm seeing from the new God of War. The funny thing is, I didn't like any of the old God of Wars much, and I especially hated the QTE kills. There's a webm that goes around of a sick ass aerial combo against a minotaur that goes up to like 80 or something hits that's mostly spamming magic and that's fine, but after all that you STILL have to do the shitty QTE to actually kill the enemy and I remember in the first game the minotaur QTE was just annoying to do every time and took way too fucking long, completely destroying the pace and flow of combat. Splatterhouse had the same problem.
I really liked what they did in Ninja Gaiden and that obscure XBLA game Bloodforge where finishers are both optional and are not QTEs, you just press the button near a weak enemy to quickly instakill them. In Bloodforge, QTEs are reserved for boss finishers and rage mode finishers against minibosses, not generic mooks.
So the new God of War looks like the combat is still there, but with a different feel with the over-the-back camera and that honestly looks fine, like I'd be down to buy it and give it a go.
>God of War invented QTE
Yeah no it doesn't. I'm actually getting a slight God Hand vibe from it, if that game was weapon based.
This. The only thing I hated on the GOW series are the quick time events in boss fights. You hack the life bar of the boss down, then you must do an quick time event, you pushed at the end the wrong button and then you must do the whole fucking fight again.
i liked last of us aswell
god of war should have just stayed god of war.
I thought u could just kill the minotaurs by hitting them enough and that doing the qte allowed u to gain orbs back
What? You don't need to QTE med/large enemies to kill them. They won't drop as much red orbs though, and won't drop hp/mp orbs if you don't though.
It looks like god hand krats edition
>The combat looks like shit though
>Yeah, the God of War franchise is renowed by its complex and deep combat system right?
>I never once said the originals had deep combat
stfu you were owned. take it like a man
Because the devs wanted to tell "muh mature story", but they didn't have the balls to make a new IP, instead just slapped a super serious narrative onto a series of retarded juvenile action games.
God of War is known for QTEs though, and is one of the only franchises that uses them in an acceptable manner.
walk into designated combat circle
3 minute cutscene plays out
fight for 30 seconds
3 minute cutscene plays out
walk to next fight area
cutscene plays out
cutscene plays out
fight for 30 seconds
cutscene plays out
oh shit it was boss and transformed
fight for 30 seconds
cutscene plays out
beat level
fade to black
cutscens plays out
walk to next fight
cutscene plays out.
They replaced them with walking/talking segments. Not really an improvement.
I'm glad there are no QTE's, but at the same time I'm worried that there are going to be multiple "Slowly walk down hallway while characters talk" sections, which were never in the previous games. Those are a different kind of obnoxious, and I have no reason to believe that they won't be in this game.
>only takes on 1 enemy at a time
>combat looks slow as fuck
>feet literally skating across the floor as if he's on ice
>shitty over the shoulder camera
>no blood
It looks like a Last of us reskin famalam.
GoW is dead.
If I just hit 60 without doing the MSQ quest, how hard would it be to gear up a class like rdm if I was previously a dragoon and don't have much in the way of caster items? Am I kinda screwed?
Where is kratos'sReal son?
What about Sex scene ?
I don't think I've seen an enemy successfully initiate a single attack in any of the gameplay shown so far.
Everything is a punching bag.
so is it
>God of war: The last of us edition
>God of war: My wife's son
? We gotta decide
So is the plot of this basically
>Wipe out literally everything from the Greek mythology
>Move on to genociding norse mythology
The last game I played was the first game and in that it felt like they had so much extra health that you may as well just QTE them, though I might be remembering wrong.
Either way, you're still incentivized greatly for doing the QTE anyway. My main problem is that (in the first game mainly) they broke the flow of combat by taking so long and much of the time lacked any variety in the animation.
To contrast, I liked Dante's Inferno way more purely because the QTE finisher for the larger enemies was A) varied (you could absolve or punish and get different rewards) and B) way shorter
GoW 2 Minotaur 6:00 = 10 full seconds
Dante's inferno big demon 0:23 = 5 seconds (from selecting punish)
It goes a long way as both games have scenes where you fight multiple of said enemy.
but devs lie all the time
Depends on how swapping to other weapons works, and chaining. For instance the shield looks like its on him constantly, so could you do a axe combo that ends in him throwing it, use the shield, swap to another weapon for a combo and recall the axe and continue an axe combo?
hmm really makes you think
Too problematic.
>Move on to genociding norse mythology
That would be cool, but we've seen very nothing in the way of god slaying.
I'd prefer the non-worst meme version.
So dumb yet so good.
How the hell am I supposed to have sex now?
gow: Tlou edition isn't a meme, so i guess you prefer that one.
yh the minotaur one was stupidly long.
if anything as u got stronger the time should have gottten shorter and near the end of the game it should just be kratos chopping the things head off.
i have never played dantes inferno but the choice is pretty cool and adds another layer to it.
Maybe they make it a mini game, when you squeeze the triggers to grab tiddies, and move the analog stick back and forth to JAM IT IN. Or you know they just remove it, because muh kid narrative.
There are no quick time events if we just call them something else! Get excited for new Sudden Epic Prompts!
Dragon's Lair invented QTEs.
Devs are lazy, they'll just call them RTEs (real time events).
Im definitely willing to give it a chance.
I really can't imagine god of war without QTEs but it it is a positive change.
It'll be a cutscene instead of a QTE. Also, it will be gay sex this time.
>I have no reason to believe that they won't be in this game.
Maybe because we haven't seen anyone besides the intro to the game?
so thats a yes.
They probably ran out of QTEs, because Spiderman used up the whole shipment.
>How can you have a proper combat system if you can't see behind you
tell it to darksouls, BB, and njoh
wtf i read that as cuck time events
>im a fan of call of duty like games that dont change and all 20 games play and feel the same
I want summer to leave
You're obsessed with it that's why.
You say that but I can't imagine killing zeus being as good as it was without them.
No, it honestly looks bad. Really bad
>i'm a fan of Game
>but i want the next installment of Game to not be anything like previous entries
Then why the fuck are you a fan?
When something is fun, you want more of that. The God of War games are fun, so we want more of that. Nobody was playing the previous games and imagining how much better it would be if they changed everything up.
>No QTE's in God of War
Why the fuck you lying?
>variation is bad