>tfw yshtola dies permanently and her superior qt summoner sister takes over
Ffxiv stormblood
>SE breaks the first story chain to give SAM and RDM time to play ketchup
Anyone have any tips for Bard? What song do I use first?
Are duty servers up yet?
>MCH is widely considered to be the most butchered job in Stormblood by every even remotely known progression/speedrun group
>Sup Forumstards go on about how it will be fine once you hit 70 as if that suddenly changes the information that is already accessible
>clunky new mechanic, all the new skills are just there to fuel your heat gauge or are literally useless, butchered utility, have to keep an eye on four different things at once on your UI all the fucking time
No thanks, I'll be enjoying my RDM with lesser "epic DPS" but way more use in any serious content.
>Can't progress with MSQ instance
>Don't want to try out the new jobs yet so I'll have enough rested EXP for my main to carry through the MSQ
>Stuck doing FATEs and side quests in The Fringes/Peaks
Also, super disappointed that Ala Mhigo proper is just a fucking four-man dungeon, what a waste of a city state. Should've known after Xelphatol.
>drk questline is about babysitting trap Ysale
Shota ashit
How far you in lads?
Fucking Mr happy did it on gilgamesh an hour ago and I can't still do it on Mateus.
Fuck this I'm going to bed
Everything except MSQ instances.
>excited to try SAM
>pick up RDM because why not, try it out a little
>its way more fun than SAM
but goddamn do katanas look so much cooler than the rapiers, I hope casters get some cool looking armor to compensate
People who were on media tour get priority to beat content that allows them to bypass the problems.
>it's a samurai stands around meditating instead of killing enemies episode
I'm already tired of this
Anyone plays in Midgardsormr?
i wanna team up and meme it up with someone
im gonna do MSQ with my PLD. You'll get fast queues! xd
>idiots from a pvp linkshell crying about pvp
>but goddamn do katanas look so much cooler than the rapiers
Thats pretty pitiful. Theres not much hype around the early access when you cant do anything that the new content offers. Fuck yoshi p and their new server bullshit.
Well RDM has probably the best AF3 gear of them all so there's that.
doing msq just fine on leviathan bub
>being on cancermung/gilgameme
(hello) I hope everyone is having a great time in stormblood!
Anyone in Ultros wanna hang as we do stormblood content? I can heal[spoiler/]
>You can't lock on/off anymore with L3 when one of the triggers is held for accessing the hotbar.
So my mogstation only says SB Early Access
Is that gonna change to regular SB one EA ends?
Hello fellow gaf survivor
Only if you're a heal slut and if you aren't a potato.
have you seen the katanas in the game compared to the rapiers?
after early access ends, you have to redeem your stormblood expansion key to keep playing
>I hope casters get some cool looking armor to compensate
RDM AF gear is the classic cool RDM look, what's not to love?
Official database is updated, you can take a look at the icons now.
>booted out while in potd
>probably going to get vote-kicked while im in queue to log back in
>6:58 minutes
>Have waited for 30 mins
What the fuck are you guys doing SE customer supports? Fucking each other or something?
Duty finder back up according to announcement
Pretty sure you all got booted, just happened to my party. DF just imploded.
I'm on Ultros but still finishing the WoD shit.
Hi Sup Forums. I'm going to be RPing as Asuna and to do that I'll have to play Red Mage. Melee, make sure you save goad for me as it costs 100 TP per GCD. I will not be using any magic whatsoever. If you kick me or belittle me for playing it "wrong" I will report you to the GM. My sub, my playstyle. You do not pay for my sub. Make sure you cucks are ready to give me goad/play TP restoring skills because I sure as hell not going to use magic. Asuna doesn't use magic. Thanks for understanding fellow FFXIV players! See you Friday!
Whoops forgot pic, i'm a retard
MCH is fucking garbage now and instead of complaining to get it fixed you cucks are telling yourself that it will magically get better just because the DPS is fine.
Exactly the opposite for me.
I've ordered from the official SE store, have they mailed the keys yet?
I did get the pre-order key of course.
anyone playing WAR?
how do the changes feel?
Do people actually do this kind of stuff? I need stories because I've been fortunate enough not to come across RPers.
So you're blind then? Good to know.
square enix stores mails the code when the game officially comes out on june 20th
yes. i queued with this one dark knight that would refuse to use aoe threat, causing enemies to hit us very often. he would end his sentences with "Dark Nyaa". Every single one.
Cool, thanks.
Dude, it's launch day for a new expansion. Of course shit is going to be backed up and busy.
not an argument
>login as whm
>half my actions crossed out
>a few became other skills
>remove all the skills i cant use or are copies
>realize theres nothing left on my hotbars
>realize what a hack yoshi is
Least i can pull people to me in combat
The DPS isn't "fine". It's Obscene. Literally double everyone else.
>the only difference between the katanas are then color of the blade and the sheathe
kill that vermin pls
I don't know about 14 but I've RP'd for several years in other MMOs. Generally RPers are mildly autistic but every now and then you do find those extreme cases.
Hey guys
what weapons did SAM/RDM at RT for the 3 primal items?
DRK got Balmung on HW
please tell me SAM got Masamune and RDM got Colichemarde
*blocks ur path*
Sam/rdm first impressions?
>weeb trash
Just use your fucking general.
>Savage raids already completed
That was fast.
none, unfortunately
>Retards running around market board spamming SAM AoE
>They're Lalas
About the same desu. You have a lot more freedom being able to infuriate and berserk without having to worry about stacks. If anything it feels a bit simple. Will have to see how it works out with all the skills at 70. Storm's Path generating 3 stacks feels great.
I can't believe they kept the cross-class system for crafters. After all the effort they went to to ditch it for good, they didn't change the one area of the game that would have benefited most. Want to craft properly? Fuck you, get all 8 crafters to 50.
yeah I've come across normal RP'ing but I meant more in the case where they will actively play their class wrong because it's not "what their character would do". Of course I've also come across an innumerable amount of bad players who simply don't understand their rotation .
damn people can time travel?
you are fucking with me right?
>mfw i re-read my post
i need to learn how to type
Yes and they still look better than 90% of the rapiers and their retarded crystals.
>want to get back in
>master degree start next week
>have to actually put an effort into study and can't slip by anymore
>can't play
wake me up
Iron Man followed by Crazy Train
>have to actually put an effort
why so many cat with pineapple hair??
If they ever add Masamune it'll probably be as an artifact. But they may not even do that because it has the reputation of being one of the best weapons in every game in the series. So they might end up saving it for a boss or something.
PvP is an improvement.
What is this
Give in to the hunger
Give in to the hunger
Cast off your ambition
Let passion run wild!
fuck I posted this in the wrong thread at first.
I just hit 60 but wanna switch to red mage, I don't really have much caster gear as I was dragoon first. How fucked am I if I wanna make the switch?
It looks like the level 60+ skills are all replacements for commonly used crossclass ones
Both feel good to play. RDM spells are flashy, SAM skills aren't as flashy but their animations are slick. SAM damage is also really strong, things just melt when you have a bunch of them together.
buy white trash gear in the big cities then get gear in the dungeons
didn't the patch notes mention level 50 items being added to the vendors?
People jumping on the "new shit" bandwagon. Any time any kind of new cosmetic gets released, everyone starts using it. I don't know why, it's not like it makes them stand out when all the other glamour tards are doing the same thing.
DRK is kill
You'll get 5 pieces of gear just for unlocking the job. You can get accessories for Poetics if you have them, otherwise from vendors in Ishgard.
Basically, not fucked.
So do I play MCH or DRG first through the story?
I want to try out both a lot
>But they may not even do that because it has the reputation of being one of the best weapons in every game in the series.
Which means they'll probably add it as a relic.
So many historic FF weapon monikers were wasted on the ARR relics. Ragnarok wasn't even a sword, god damn it.
You get leveling gear off normal merchant. It's only lvl 70 gear grind where switching jobs on a whim can become an issue.
>pineapple hair
If only it made them die and stay dead
If you have poetics saved up then but ironworks gear in mor dhona. I also think the class trainers give you starter gear.
What did they do to it?
I've seen like a 50-50 split of it's shit versus it's great
I tried starting with SS>WB>VB(Army's+RS) and go from there.
Fire off Sidewinder and barrage Empyreal when at max stacks.
Raging is just 10% now so who even cares about it.
I want all the fucking retards who said "b-b-but Touch of Death/Fracture aren't needed on monk anymore because of the new Demolish duration!!!1" or that I was retarded for wanting a fucking weaponskill that doesn't shift forms to apologize for being fucking retarded.
"I told you so" just doesn't even fucking begin to describe this.
DRG because braindead rotations combined with good quick damage
>We have implemented a temporary measure to address the issue of server crashes/heavy congestion in the Duty Finder.
After implementation, we continued to observe the situation and have confirmed that the issue is currently alleviated. As more players log in, we will continue to keep an eye on the server situation.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.'
I have like 1k in poetics. Shouldbe enough, right?
Hissatsu Gyoten is really nice
Just get what you can and fill the rest in with vendor shit.