Jesus Christ, just how stuck up is this guy?

>"When you're trying to make something new, even if people are opposed to you, it is your team. I need my team to get it. So day in and day out I explain and I convey what I want to make. And while we move forward and make different experiments, little by little by the team starts getting what I want to make. Right now what I wanted to achieve is already here and it's working. But my team, everyone is saying, 'We're geniuses!' But I'm just like, 'No, no, no, I thought of this!'"

Other urls found in this thread:

lol hideo kojewma

>Created MGS2 when he was still humble
>Probably finished MGS3 when he was humble aswell
>Become a game dev icon
>Lose humility
>Lose skill

Konami did right by firing him.

imagine listen to his Son of Liberty pitch in 2000

>so we trick the players into playing this long haired guys ?
> ... and he does what ?

>But my team, everyone is saying, 'We're geniuses!' But I'm just like, 'No, no, no, I thought of this!'"
What a dick

>overrated hack is outed as an overrated hack

no fucking shit

>come up with all the ideas
>shitters beneath you taking the credit
>put them in their place
Doesn't seem like he did anything wrong here really.

Wow, sounds like he's doing his job as a director and producer, what a fucking concept.

Where is the link my friend OP?

its over for this hack man. Can't wait until people turn on him just like Inafune.

>someone is actually defending this
I remember watching an interview with sakaguchi and he gave his original team ALL the credit.

Kojima is an overrated ass


after there really was no PT, Silent Hills, MGSV and Death Stranding ruse, this guy is a total fucking hack who deserved getting fired

If they got all the credit, why is he head of his own studio and not someone else. Is he admitting that he is useless and just a figurehead?


style over substance: the man

All geniuses are assholes. It's how they get shit done

but kojima doesnt get shit done

>style over substance: the man
Someone like Refn could be called style over substance.
Kojima has got no class or style he is just a man made up of recycled movie tropes and fart jokes.

>they get ALL the credit

All of those people are at the company with him right now. This is why I hate his translator. That guy misses jokes left and right, and also doesn't understand how to translate certain concepts from Englsh to Japanese. And he has horrible timing. Kojima will have a natural break for him, and he does nothing. Kojima is in the middle of speaking and he talks over him.

Honestly i know exactly how Kojima feels.

It isn't always easy to convey your idea so you have to just explain to them how the structure of what you are thinking is and then when it comes to putting on the finishing touches often times the other person will assemble the idea in their own head as if they themselves came up with it.

I have tried this several times.

hes pretty full of himself

Everybody calling him out doesn't seem to understand this. Wait until you're supervising a team of people, setting a direction, and coming up with the plans etc. Then you'll see how irritating it is when you're subordinates act like they were the ones that came up with all of it; and try to take full credit. Credit goes where it's deserved.

Either way I think he's just joking and the translator sucks.

How many times a day does Kojima fuck his personal assistant

he was off his rocker

twice a day

Not sure that's "Off his rocker" as opposed too "Extremely accurate depiction of whats happening today"


he cant keep getting away with it!

So he's gone from "We had a suggestion box so everyone in the team was involved and contributed to the development of the game." to "No, no, no, I thought of this!"?

Konami was right to fire this egotistical ass. Only problem is they waited too long, should have fired him after he proved himself incapable of backing the fuck off during the development of MGS3.

I KNOW the translator sucks. It seems like he's getting worse. Even after being corected twice gently on the title "2001: A Space Odyssey", by Kojima he STILL fucked it up. He also mangled Kojima's story about wanting to be an astronaut and crying when he found out that the Japanese weren't allowed to go to space. That guy always misses humor. I hope that his Spanish to Japanese is fucking amazing.

Really just posing.

Irl he is gay,

I thought that a career in vidya for over 30 years as one of the most successful game devs ever with one of the best selling franchises is getting shit done?

But I could be wrong. What franchises have you developed user?


i developed the franchise of putting my cock in your moms asshole

did you rike it?


Anyone remember if that miraculous super duper ultra deep game-saving subtext of MGS2 was integrated in the actual cutscens of the game? I recall it was all on codec conversations. Like, all of it. It striked me as odd how even Otacon's special needs sister started to talk about it in one of them. Some cutscenes even faded to black for no reason to just continue, making me think they were placeholders to put all this on the game after the actual story was finished.

I should play the game again and check but it's so damn boring.

how can you like horse girl
wtf cogima

that's what i've been saying for a while
the co writer was a fucking filter for his crazyness

>dark skin
These are good tags.

>Someone who is successful thinks he's hot shit

Stop the fucking presses. You idiots find new ways to impress me every day.

They sound like SJWs.
>tfw you realize the SJWs are the good guys

A lot of Sup Forums ignores the other team because a single director being the sole reason of a series success is their headcannon


let me try: no ur mom

he probably chose her because he thinks she is attractive

It's not like he single-handedly made these game. He literally has teams of dozens and dozens of people all working together to make this shit and he stands on top of all the backs declaring "IT'S ALL ME! I'M THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS!"

Could you imagine what sort of hell it would be like having that for a boss? I'm reminded now of those development meeting videos where noticeably irritated people have to bite their tongue and sit there and listen to Kojima be a fucking retard.

no ur mom is a bigger slut :D

Imagine being Hideo having to see Kojima get all the girls

>it's not like he single-handedly made his game

No, but he is the one person that had the idea when noone else had it.

Huge team of talented developers and creative minds that work their asses off? Sure, they are invaluable.

But without the idea no one would be working anything.

That is why Kojima MADE MGS, that is why Larry David and Seinfeld MADE Seinfeld (no matter how many guest writers), that is why James Hetfield MADE Metallica.

People don't realize that Kojima didn't come up with themes and future predicting in MGS2. It was numerous political fiction and non-fiction. He just appropriated it into a game like he did with all of his other games. He did a good job at it but very few of the ideas in his games are his own and the ones that are often fall flat. Besides his original gameplay ideas. That is his biggest strength.

>"Every time I think of a plan, I explain what I'm thinking for the game system," Kojima said through a translator. "The first people I explain this to is my team. For Death Stranding, I started explaining a year ago to the team what I wanted to make. No one got it! Because I was trying to make something new and something different. So for me, I personally think that if people are opposed to you, then you're on the right track. That's game making for me."

>"we're deep into death stranding development"
>posts seflies and food everyday on twitter and flies to seven different countries a day
bravo kojimbo

>doesn't understand that the project is warped around kojima's ideas
>not his game
fuck you

Nothing is original. Literally everything is an improvement over the previous version at best, or it is a blatant copy with zero improvement at worst.

Saying that Kojima has no original ideas, is saying that Arthur C. Clarke had no original ideas on his Odyssey books because he watched Androids from Outer Space! in the 1940s.

And a billion other examples ranging from art to science, where people take inspiration or borrow concepts to improve upon or dig deeper into.

Daily reminder that all the hands-on of metal gear survive from E3 2017 are positive and they still have to reveal the single player campaign

death stranding isn't a real game, bro. Kojimbo is paying western actors to buttfuck him with the game's money.

Any creator his says "I made 'X' and i can destroy it if i want." Deserves little respect.

Kojima is the edgiest edgelord in all of Japanese edge lore.

>Jesus Christ, just how stuck up is this guy?
You would be too if you had created one of the most iconic viyda franchises ever. Just so you know i'm not saying is good just popular faggot

Ruse is real

It sounds like he's afraid of losing his "importance" in the industry. That's some serious hubris he's spitting there.

I'm gonna buy Metal Gear Survive day 1 just to spite the idiots.

What idea? Plagiarizing American films and shitting them up with anime bullshit? The guy is a fucking hack. He NEEDS a team to keep him in check and to feed him ideas, on his own he's practically useless.

Dude go watch his vids he has always come across a self-indulgent shit lord. Stop pretending he was cool for the games you liked,

jog off kojima is better than you

No, no, no, I posted this.

>What idea? Plagiarizing American films and shitting them up with anime bullshit?

You're talking to a board of weeaboo manchildren, my dude. This is precisely why I love MGS3 so much.

I agree. Although I find it funny that if anyone in real life brings it up, they are SJW and just want to ruins everyone's fun. But if a videogame character says it (also basically said by a real person) then it's WISDOM.

This is why copyright is a fucking joke in all honesty. A few years, okay whatever. Life + pretty much infinity? Fuck off. That shit is just appropriation/control of ideas by wealthy companies

>Who is Kamiya

when did kojima say he could destroy it?

And pointing out nothing is original therefore it's an invalid criticism is just as contrived as you are trying to make me look.
But Kojima (like many other creators) copy things wholesale. Go watch Escape from New York. See exactly how much he took from it into making MG, 2, MGS.
I'm not saying it's a damnable thing. I was pointing it out because people like to think Kojima was this prophet who foresaw all of this and was trying to tell us something.

Oh I'm pretty sure he's just posing and pretending to like women.

>See exactly how much he took from it into making MG, 2, MGS
Remember Kojima also designed the gameplay.
How will you spin this one?

When he was making MGS4. He was in full blown 'i am forced to make another one because..." mode

>Kojimbo snorts coke off her feminine penis.

He actually is quite humble during his Hideo tube videos. He even copied Naughty Dog's(and other western companies) idea of having an open cafeteria and that anyone can talk to who they want. It is very new and not Japanese at all. Now people can walk right up to an artist and tell them what they think. That shit doesn't happen in Japanese companies. You have to funnel your ideas through eight years of red tape, and then hope like hell it actually gets anywhere.

>tfw literally a SJW and in favor of the government cultivating culture
All things are stronger when guided by human hand. Multiculturalism is an appeal to nature.

You can't just leave Konami

Spin what? My point like i said in my post is people act like everything in the games came out of his head alone. I love this games.
Besides i said gameplay was his greatest strength.


>implying the Yakuza didn't force Nintendo to design the gameplay

>and point out that nothing is original
No, I'm pointing out that people have different ideas of what "original" is supposed to be, from this unachievable gold standard to accepting blatant plagiarism.

>Escape from New York

I love that film, must have watched it about 10 times. What exactly is flat out copied "wholesale" from that film other than the likeness and name of the protagonist, both very superficial things?

A multicultural world is a beautiful thing.

Every single country on the planet being a multicultural melting pot sounds like a complete mess.

>people like to think Kojima was this prophet who foresaw all of this and was trying to tell us something.
i don't know if people think this. but compare him to other developers and the products they create. few have achieved making a game series as palatable as metal gear, as well as being as intellectually engaging as metal gear.
>inb4 hurr it's not intellectually engaging you're just an idiot
the point is the work produced from kojima and his team are miles above the norm for games. the "for games" is a really big part of this.

>Now people can walk right up to an artist and tell them what they think. That shit doesn't happen in Japanese companies. You have to funnel your ideas through eight years of red tape, and then hope like hell it actually gets anywhere.

This is crap. Maybe upper management doesn't like random employees walking up to them, same as they don't in the west, but there is always collaboration between team members. Team projects cannot be completed with the members isolated from each other.

Also, Kojima is already well known to be a westaboo. It's not surprising that he based his own office design on western video game development offices that he visited.

Explain Kojima

Yeah true. Too bad Konami are no better themselves. They believe hardworking and intelligent people are something you can just throw around and then hire another off the street. They have no respect for people with skills and knowledge.

Regardless those were some of Kojimas first games you know.
The scale of the production was smaller and therefore he could just easily use smaller already realised ideas without having to spent a ton of time in research to come up with shit on his own (like he did later on).
So let me guess you think michelangelo is a hack because he started out drawing fruits just like a ton of other people?

This guy has the right idea, melting pots are shitty

Final hours of MGS2

You'd think after shitting himself with MGS5 the tard would humble up

I thought I saw a video where he was nervous as fuck to show off the trailer for MGS2, I could be wrong

Ideas alone aren't the only thing that's important in making a story or game mechanics. It's being smart enough to know how they should mesh together to make something great. I'm don't think Kojima did it all by himself but clearly he's pretty good at it. And that IS important to making great games. Making a system but without the right tweaks or the right things to accompany it or juxtapose it can take a great idea into a shit one.

Most overrated developer of all time.

>This is crap. Maybe upper management doesn't like random employees walking up to them, same as they don't in the west, but there is always collaboration between team members. Team projects cannot be completed with the members isolated from each other.

No, it's not crap.
My company does the same thing.
The director of the company allows anyone to come up and talk to him if he's in the cafeteria for lunch.

If he doesn't want to talk to anyone, he eats in his office or goes out.

It's like a monthly thing.

Climbing the WTC and hang gliding out of New York comes to my mind. In the three games you go to the top of a tower and hang glide or parachute to get to the third building.

In MG2 Chocolate in rations is used to neutralize sulphuric acid, like in the first episode of McGyver.

Kojima is special. He grew outside of Konami's bubble.

Everyone else in Konami that leaves can't even list their work experience with Konami, or they send lawyers to silence them.

They literally blacklist you from just about ANY work that isn't menial labor or retail:

>An ex-Kon says that former employees are told they may not use Konami's name on their resumes in order to get jobs. If former employees are interviewed by any media outlets, it's quite likely they will be taken to court.

Konami is actually evil.

>Every single country on the planet being a multicultural melting pot sounds like a complete mess.
No, no. Not multicultural. That would imply multiple competing cultures. Monocultural, with a designed culture espoused by the government. You have to allow a certain level of dissent and free speech because conflict ultimately drives progress but otherwise it is in the interest of the government to make citizens embrace its designed, optimal culture.

>A multicultural world is a beautiful thing.
A multicultural world is a world of warring nationalist states. There can't be peace as long as people are divided by culture, at least when it comes to the important parts such as ethical values. An earth divided, armed with nuclear weapons, will one day implode on itself. An earth united is the one and only hope of humanity.