Why are devs praising this game? Were they paid by Nintendo too?
Why are devs praising this game? Were they paid by Nintendo too?
It's a very well designed and well polished game, devs are looking up to it
Maybe it's actually pretty good?
what can they do ? they cant go against the paid reviews
I think it just gets a free pass because it's Zelda. That it's also a very good game may have helped contribute.
>were DEVS paid to praise the competitor's game?
Are you a moron?
the game is way better than anyone assumed. All the "lol generic Ubisoft openworld!" memesters have only seen some screenshots and think they know everything about the game now.
If anything, BotW FIXES the problems of "Ubisoft openworld" titles, all while being a very non-patronizing experience in general. It's a game where exploration and adventuring are not mission objectives, but simply addicting fun instead.
Has nintendo actually paid anyone for review?
Basically this. It gets an extra 20-30 points just for being a Nintendo game. If it were on PS, nobody would have cared one bit.
overrated grass simulator with zero story. I can't even fathom a person telling me that this game is better than Majoras Mask or Ocarina with a straight face.
Honestly, if I wanted better grass, I'd just go back to Skyrim with ENB mods.
I'm glad storyfags got BTFO with this game.
What objectives? The entire games is just shrines completely disconnected from the actual world map and a bunch of scripted sequences leading up to miniscule beast dungeons.
Assassins Creed 1 had more variety in a single mission than the entirety of BotW.
Are YOU a moron? OP is obviously being sarcastic and saying that the reviewers weren't paid either. The game is just good.
Omg you guys get over it already
I'm early into it because being an adult and having to get my own finances enough in order to afford video games took longer than I hoped. I really like it, but holy fuck, whose idea was it to completely replace a standard first-person view with this stupid scope that obscures 60% of the screen with a border? I'd dock half a point for that shit alone and with all the other problems I have with it, that leaves it with a pathetic 9.5
it clearly was meant to be a tablet-view gimmick originally. There's so much small details that clearly were meant to utilize WiiU's dual-screen gimmicks, but rushed simultaneous Switch release apparently made them cut corners. Examples would be the inventory, which clearly was meant to be constantly accessible on the tablet screen and rollable with your fingers, and the few name-entry screens that totally ignore the existence of the tablet now, no matter that the system itself uses the exact same keyboard screen ON the tablet in everything else.
But like said, these are very minor flaws you seldom need to worry about, and don't break the gameplay itself.
I'm aware of that, but cutting these things out to make it function just as well on a Switch always confused me. Like...the Switch also has a controller with a touch screen on it.
Also, I would have been just as mad about the lack of a proper first-person view either way.
Sure it's a small inconvenience, but not a deal breaker. At least you got a free-control 360 camera now, and you can do some fine sighting with THE Camera rune + bows.
>If anything, BotW FIXES the problems of "Ubisoft openworld" titles
... by continuing the tower climbing to unlock parts of the map bullshit.
How ticklish do you think Link is?
When people say this, are they baiting? Or do people genuinely not see the different between Zelda towers and Ubisoft towers?
I've never played an Assassin's Creed game so maybe I'm out of line here, but I see no problem with the towers. They just seem like map rooms from a Metroid game to me.
They haven't actually played, they're just parroting Sterling, who granted, is actually retarded.
There is no danger in praising nintendo because they are not a danger to anyone because they are low class shit.
It's like a famous sportsman telling the winner of the paralympics that they are the best, while deep inside everyone knows he just said that to be nice and that the guy is still just a retard.
could you stick to one thread please?
I think you are the best
they are racism
Yeah Nintendo is low class shit...
Yeah... That Mario Odissey surely looks bad you know...
I am not even talking about how its reviews will go. If you watch the trailer and say that its just the same or that it doesnt look that good, you are a sad person and should seek for help.
Go play your mov- I mean your VIDEOgames sony fag.
Not for tickling.
I never understood the tower climbing complaint.
What's so bad about it? It was fun in AC2, and it was fun in BotW.
Nintendo has been making missteps for years. A decade or so in general. That's just a blanket judgment of the whole company. From lazy Mario games (Galaxy vaguely excluded) to absolute stagnation with Zelda and all but murdering Metroid as a franchise. They couldn't even put together a decent Paper Mario.
Then comes BotW. Focus on just Zelda now. For TWENTY YEARS we had excessive handholding literally showing you the solution to every puzzle, explaining it, then showing you again. We had long unskippable talks with boring characters about nothing. We had the same juvenile storyline over and over about Zelda getting snatched right in front of Link and his slog to get strong enough to fight back peppered with boring shit like moving rocks for kids.
Then we get a game that cuts all the fluff. All of it. You can run right at Ganon without talking to anyone. Zelda wasn't kidnapped, she was imprisoned after you failed which adds a tiny bit of depth but it's something. You never have to talk to pretty much anyone. You can focus on shrines, the beasts, or just go pick apples. The game never condescends by telling you point by point how to solve a puzzle. The map doesn't fill in with icons to be checked off. You explore (if you want) because you want. It is simplicity refined into a solid experience and it's something even Rockstar has never done as well.
Is it perfect? Fuuuuck no. I don't even think it's the best Zelda. But it is a huge leap in the right direction to let this series grow again. And after 20 years that is a major accomplishment.
I can't wait for Odyssey to come out to see how much salt that generates.
I really really want to tickle his soles until he cries and pees all over himself!
>Mario Odissey surely looks bad
Are you saying it doesn't? What are you, 11?
Yes. Literally any review where a publisher sends a review copy is paid for by the publisher. Christ.
Why dont you just end your life, you are too old for it.
Stop wasting our oxygen, sad baiter, and enjoy the 97 score it will get.
Enjoy the depth-bHAHAHAAHAH- of Horizon Zero Dawn.
What are you, 15?
underage spotted
>Score by paid reviewers
Because that always means so much
You know its bullshit but just now use it as an argument because it suits you