Find a flaw

Find a flaw

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The only issue I had personally was after you gain flying.

The game lets you loose, without any real direction

Boring combat and repetitive as fuck

Story got really infuriating and retarded when it came to killing off the sages

rhapthorne's voice

Oh yeah, it was getting silly in how the team was incapable of saving anyone.

Everyone looks like vegeta

Random encounters
Alchemy pot takes time

But they were fixed in the 3DS version

You can't watch Jessica be raped by monsters

Up until Dhoulmagus is piss easy because bosses have no reliable way to stop your charge.
After Dhoulmagus every boss is basically a lottery about when it's going cold wave.
Post game is autistic and not doable unless you spend 5 million years on the silver slime hill at grinding levels.

>Silly writing

>Everything about alchemy pot is wrong (waste of time, need of guides to find recipes because you can't figure them out etc.)

>Post-game items are useless because you have nothing to do after that other than rape
Rapthorne once again

I love this game but I'd love it more if I could just skip the story

They're basically the worst heroes ever, not only do they keep failing to save the Sages, they can't even save a goddamn egg either

Actually there's the Dracovian dungeon post game

I mean what you get on the Dracovian Trials is so good (specially the no-time-to-cook alchemy pot) but they are useless when you have beaten the most powerful bosses in the game

well yeah, what did you expect?

>generic knight who was saved by his magical mouse if i remember correctly
>a thief. that's it, just a common thief
>spoiled brat heiress. at least she had some fantastic vava's and a nice voom
>an even more spoiled orphan who never takes anything seriously

It's not V

>Has unoptimized characters
>Thinks Slime Hill is the best place to grind
>So post game isn't doable

You dig your own grave m8.

Dragon Graveyard is where you grind out Metal King Slimes that get kerplunk'd back.

>who was saved by his magical mouse if i remember correctly
Wrong actually.

Well you're actually a royal half dragon watched over by his magical dragon mouse grandfather to be a bit more specific

Easily the neatest story-gameplay tie I've ever seen.

He was cursed by the King of Dragovians to have his Dragovian side suppressed. Because he was already cursed, he couldn't get double cursed, which the game shows you in the first boss battle

>playable demo inside
I didn't had that in my copy, did only USA had this?


Dude spoilers

Dragon Quest a shit for autistic nips


My parents fucking hated the battle theme after 70 hours of gameplay.

I've played 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Rocket Slime and Heroes, and Rocket Slime was the only which didn't bore me to tears.

DQ games are incredibly simplistic in every aspect

They are carried by nostalgia in Japan and generally having a good atmosphere

Metal slimes.

Once you find the first spot of metal slimes, it's literally "choose difficulty" button. And they make EVERY other monsters pointless. The best thing to do in level based RPG is to make exp gain better for harder to beat monsters, and never make any monster 100 times more worth to beat than anything else

Not 2D

Can't marry Jessica


Jessica >>> Medea. I really wish the 3DS additions could be added to the PS2 version.

It's almost perfect desu
I would like a fully visible party, visible armor, and dq7 party chat, but other than that it's kino

It's a game that never evolves, were talking about mechanics that could be used on an 8-bit system still being used for modern day games.

Turn based.

Dragon Quest is pure. It's the constant gaming needs in the wake of the shit cinematic """gritty an realistuc""" AAAs coming out today

DQ has as much interactivity as cinematic AAA games

I really hated how hard they pushed Medea on you, and I don't really care for her meek personality.

You landed the shitty princess instead of that luscious titty monster Jessica.

The same 2 flaws as every other dragon quest:
really fucking weird damage formulas and attack magic is useless end game

>DQ has as much interactivity as cinematic AAA games

>tension is a shitty system that makes bosses too easy.
>alchemy pot is pretty limited.
>skill tree has some useless abilities (clubs on Yangus)
>battle animations get tedious, without the speed up function in the 3ds version they overall slow the battles down compared to previous games
>jessica is a shitty character
It's a great game but not even close to the best jrpg or even best DQ. III, IV, V, and VII are better.

>attack magic is useless end game
Just say you have never beaten a DQ game user.

>DQ. III, IV, V, and VII are better
OK those first games are great especially V but fuck VII. seriously. Biggest waste of 70 hours in my life. How can you stand the fucking job grinding? It's mind-numbing.

>attack magic is useless end game
>every dragon quest
play V on snes
get echo hat
bianca immediately becomes your most valuable team member in the final fight

Is echo hat a SNES exclusive item?

Eh, VII is my favorite DQ. I love job grinding and it feels satisfying to see my characters slowly advance to their ultimate jobs. When I get everyone to my planned end game jobs it is statisfying as fuck and feels great to see everyone wreck shit.
No. Even without magic is always useful. The one thing DQ does great is maguc and MP cost. I actually use magic in dungeons in DQ.

Found the flaw.

>tension is a shitty system that makes bosses too easy.
But basically every boss and their mothers use Disruptive Wave

Even if you go to dragon graveyard it still takes a million years.

>demo for the best Final Fantasy
I see no problem.

high random encounters

>Dragonquest V party
>No Slime Knight

Artist confirmed for not playing game

As usual, my one complaint about this type of game is that I can't impregnate the girl. Is it that hard to have even an implied impregnation sex scene? With some unique dialogue afterwards about how she's pregnant now and what not? Her belly potentially expanding as the game progresses depending on the game's timespan? Ah well. Maybe someday.

Parry! Contretemps!

Play Dragon Quest V

>demo that coerced people into picking up this fairly obscure game in the west, introducing people to a great series

World is a little too sparse and most bosses are a little too easy, but that's about it.

It's a dragon quest game and thus has the exact same "wizadry but with all the resource management/high risk removed so all that's left is tedious menu diving and number crunching" gameplay as every other dragon quest game because the series is too iconic for it's own good and can't ever evolve

Random encounters.

Final boss's pannus is disgusting.

it's a dragon quest game which means it's one of the blandest experiences JRPGs can give you

My god. Thanks user!

At the end of the day it's still pretty shallow in both story and gameplay. It's still good and the best the series has to offer but nostalgia faggots can't stop jerking off to it. Hell I'd bet they'd like it even more if the US version had midi music and no voice acting.

I can't imagine playing the game without Yangus and his melodious voice.

>it's still good and the best the series has to offer.
Maybe you should try to actually play the games before sounding like a idiot.

I've played since 3 on the GBC. In fact I've played 3-9. I think I'm good bruh.

It's gameplay is from 1982?

It's a grindfest

>It's a grindfest
metal slime and variants make it fun