*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

>tfw the Cata nerf patch hit

Went from being a better game than WotLK to the game that made me quit WoW for good. Blizz needed to stop listening to shitters and keep things relatively difficult at max level, you shouldn't have been able to face roll through heroics.

>trying to do heroic Deadmines with DPS doing sub 7k DPS as a shaman healer
We were stuck at Admiral Ripsnarl for 3 hours until we just gave up.

Ran grim batol on repeat as a healer on launch


but that's not blizzard's motto, appeal to everyone, maximize the shekels.

*blocks your subscriber base*

>that Ettin boss
Wrath coddled everyone too much and no one was prepared for having to deal with actual mechanics in a dungeon.

And wrath babbies have the audacity to deny they ruined the game.

Lmao wotlk was so easy it was pug paradise


Casuals blame the hardcore.

The hardcore blames the casuals.

The real problem is Blizzard tried to cater to everyone at once with Cata and Wraith and then made this same mistake with the last two expansions. The best two expansions BC and Mists were the ones that didn't care about catering to both groups and either went full hardcore or full casual. Trying to pretend both groups can have equal treatment muddles the game and hobbles its direction/point of existence. Either go the full casual route you were going in mists or go BC again. Doing both cant work forever.

They say it was best xpack. I remember it, used to be shaman healer, you can put totems and go afk and group would be fine, DPS or tanking - AOE all in line of sight. Most casual xpack in history of wow. You could even earn arena points cap by loosing 10 times.

>Join shit guild in Wrath
>Slowly grind up the ranks
>Manage to burst onto the scene by getting realm first Mimron and Yogg Saron
>Also Anub'arak and one of the first Trial of the Immortals in the world
>ICC comes out
>Insane 5 way race to The Lich King
>Manage to get realm first two weeks before the other guilds
>Unquestionably the best on the server
>Rise up to top 5 in the US (top 50,000 world you jealous?)
>Eventually get to Deathwing
>The dps check is too backbreaking for us
>We never class stacked or sit our players were actually a pretty casual guild
>The 2nd guild on the server catches up
>Their guild leader pays a bunch of mages and rogues with legendaries to transfer into his guild
>They get realm first
>Our guild gets realm 2nd
>At the same time the guild leaders girlfriend breaks up with him
>He disbands the guild
>Just like that its all over Deathwing literally destroyed my guild

>run Grim Batol as Tonk pally
>casters x infinity
>Blackrock Caverns
>casters x infinity
>Shadowfang Keep
>cramped ass hallways and CASTERS

What a fucking mess it was pre nerf

Even people decked in heirlooms still fuck up Blackrock Caverns these days.

I absolutely agree the heroic nerf should never have happened absolutely a low point for the WoW team imo.
That said its not like they would have stayed that way anyway the next patch would have just made them faceroll. You also have to consider that eventually those hard 5 mans would have become a grind even for good players.

The ettin and the faceless general in grimbatol were legitimately over tuned though. I was in a top 200 guild in cata and it was possible to just get straight up one shot as a dps with no way to not die.

Wrath launch was fucking good. Before everyone was geared and you still had to mark and pull carefully and use CC and shit

Dungeon finder and welfare epics was what killed the game

Everything was too easy, just aoe slog every trash pack down.
No more server community or world pvp at summoning stones, just queue up and do your dailys on your own

Streamlining, was a mistake.

I fucking loved getting a group together for Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle at launch when it was actually somewhat challenging because nobody had gear and you had to bump into the opposite faction at the dungeon entrance, which had a lot of traffic because of the 2x Utgard dungeons.

The longer the expansion went on, the worse it became

Instead of doing the 5 man content which was designed for people to overgear after Naxx

Why didn't you

I dunno

do harder content instead of crying about Utgarde Pinnacle being too easy now

>neo Sup Forums never actually played wrath so they don't know on launch wrath heroics were actually hard
I hate how every wow thread is invariably filled with misinformation from shitposters who never played early wow nostalgia jerking it.

>an expansion where guilds cleared naxx in sunwell gear
>hcs were hard
lol NO!

Wasnt crying about UP being too easy

The entire expansion was too easy because it was too easy to quickly obtain gear with no other pre-requisites.

Heroics were only hard right at launch. Then people geared up really quickly, trivialised all the content, then were gear capped ready and waiting for the next patch to drop

Then it did, blow through that in a couple weeks, get gear capped, rinse and repeat

Whats the point

You cleared up to SSC in T3 yet people claim BC had hard heroics.

But that isn't what happened at all. Frankly there's not point having this argument for the billionth time. You are a shitter who never cleared the hard modes despite claiming the game was too easy. Why do you think your opinion matters?


Nice Sup Forums

How many guilds per server do you think had cleared sunwell before wrath launched?
What does naxx being undertuned have to do with heroic tuning?
What are alts?

>Everyone on Sup Forums was a hardcore raider in vanilla/TBC in a top 100 server first guild and part of the core raid team.
My bad.

>>Everyone on Sup Forums was a hardcore raider in vanilla/TBC in a top 100 server first guild and part of the core raid team.
If you weren't your opinion doesn't matter. ;) So please close the thread

>Wrath launch was fucking good. Before everyone was geared and you still had to mark and pull carefully and use CC and shit

bullshit. at launch people just pulled carefully and used CC becuase that's what they were used to from TBC and classic dungeons, and the idea of just blasting through everything in the dungeon with aoe spam was a foreign concept to players.

truth is, the entirety of wrath's launch content was severely undertuned from the very beginning. that includes all heroics, naxxramas, malygos and sartharion. malygos required some practice due to the unique mechanics at work, other than that everything was a cakewalk. only sartharion on hard mode (with drakes up) was an actual challenge that required guilds to get decently geared before blowing it up.

Lets see your server first Light of Dawn friendo.
Oh wait we wont because you've never been a high tier raider just a nost shit poster looking for epoint by jerking it to TBC and expansion you never played while it was current.

>BC is the best expansion!
>Good players cleared the first tier of content with gear from the previous level cap
>Wrath is the worst expansion because good players cleared the first tier of content with gear from the previous level cap!!!!

You guys saved Chromie yet? I'm wondering if I should try rolling for lucky Sands of Time drops or wait to build up her talents over a few days.

Wrath babbies make me SICK

>Want to go back
>Know that I'll only regret it if I do

>through everything in the dungeon with aoe spam was a foreign concept to players.
You obviously never played TBC. Once you got out of your shitty leveling gear and if you did aoe spam if you had a paladin tank.
And apparently you've never did Sartharian hard mode. He was very, VERY easy. So easy non-shit guilds were able to zerg him down while ignoring mechanics.


>Be BC baby
>fresh 70 Arms warrior who doesn't have a clue
>mostly greens, a few pvp welfare epics
>it's at latest S2
>get invited through new friend of a friend I met
>they're doing Karazhan, already at Curator
>i have no clue, sounds great, let them know I'm shit for gear
>get let in, lol no key
>get lost trying to follow this dude
>eventually get there
>1-shot Curator
>wipe on trash on the way to Shade of Aran/Terestian
>group disbands, I roam free exploring everywhere there weren't bad guys

Was a really good time, I was so amazed at the build quality of the dungeon.

This is the expansion that caused me to stop raiding and play on-off as a shitty casual.

Cata, wod and mop all sucked huge ass.

>never raided vanilla
>get in a guild during BC
>they do kara run
>I'm like 14/5 or something at the time and I'm on/off begging the raid leader to let me come if they have room
>they do

its all history from there, i became their great friends and raided with them for years. really miss them

>Good players cleared the first tier of content with gear from the previous level cap

you realize that level 70 pre-raid gear from dungeons was often worse than items from level 60 naxxramas, right? doing karazhan in T3 was easier than doing it the proper way (in lvl 70 dungeon gear).
blizzard did a piss poor job at itemisation in early TBC.

Did his gf break up with him because he didn't get realm first?

>You will never go back to those long nights raiding with your group of friends
>All your friends are long gone, those that still play do nothing but pvp and don't talk to you as much
you're still playing

MoP > Wrath > Cata > TBC > Legion > Wod

>BoT and BRD had great bosses
>Firelands is an objectively great raid up there with ToT and ulduar.
People only remember cata as shit because of cut content, dragon soul and troll filler prove me wrong.

MoP+Wrath+TBC+Legion all are solid expansion.

I'd say Cata is too but they fucked it all up. At the start and the only good things was the raids after they nerfed everything else.

I can't remember exactly, I think it was at MC waiting for the 40 man raid to fill then wiping at the first few trash pulls. It was a low pop server at oceanic raid times so shit was slow.

Vanilla > TBC > Wrath

Nothing else matters

>Tier 3 is good until Tier 4
More news at 11.

you have no idea what you are talking about lmao
sarth zerg tactics wasnt even close to being viable in early wrath. that shit started popping up in later patches, when people were overgearing the encounter like crazy with loot from TOC and ICC

How is this a retort to what he said? If naxx40 purples are better then dungeon blues why shouldn't sunwell purples be better then dungeon blues?

This is legit the point of the whole thread. People remember wrath heroics as faceroll from their year in ICC gear, you couldn't face roll them in TBC gear.

My guild was able to zerg it on 10 man before ToC :^)

no, gf broke up with him because she wanted something more from life than being with a fedora-wearing, mouth-breathing, basement-dwelling mmorpg-er

desu dwelling MMORPG'er is about to be the new cool.

>Guild started to fizzle out around Cata
>Might see another member log on from time to time, but guild raids were done
>By WoD, no one was on
>Legion hits
>Still nothing
>Go ahead and let the subscription die off
>Hear from a friend that the guild is starting to resuscitate itself
>Want to come back
>Know that deep down though that the glory days are long gone and resubbing wont bring them back

MoP was maximum comfy famalam