Serious thread

Serious thread.
Why does the story feel so contrived?

Every single plot advancement just falls into place like a deus ex machina.

>School MC goes to just so happens to have a serious sexual predator
>Madarame's student stalks Ann out of nowhere in a subway with millions of people
>Get into account with a top mafia boss (kaneshiro) just by talking to people in shibuya
>one of the world's top hackers (futaba), who you just so happen to need, is the daughter of the coffee shop owner who took you in, she also lives across the street.
>The daughter of one of Japan's biggest and most corrupt corporate CEOs is just a year above you in your irrelevant school in bumfuck
>the sister of the woman investigating you in the phantom thieves case also goes to your school and becomes part of your team
>akechi meets you randomly in a TV station, he's also investigating the phantom thieves despite being a fucking little teen shit
>people keep meeting you in the subway, despite the fact that tokyo metro has 10 million people riding it daily.

Is there any explanation for all these ridiculous coincidences or is it just any case of "magic, dont go to explain shit".
Oh and if a character says "unforgivable" one more time, I'm breaking the disk in half.

There is literally an evil god maneuvering you through the game to win a rigged bet.

it's japan. they're all pedophiles.

The point they're trying to make is that basically everyone is a fucking idiot in some way,. You aren't chancing upon the two people in Japan that are corrupt, you're discovering that everyone around you has fatal flaws. If the Phantom Thieves weren't awakened, a few of them would probably have their own Palaces.

The people whose palaces you are entering aren't just normal baddies. They are:
>volleyball olympic medalist turned teacher
>top artist in Japan
>top shibuya mafia boss
>CEO of the most successful company in japan


>Every single plot advancement just falls into place like a deus ex machina.

ef pee bee pee

>irrelevant school in bumfuck
you're in like the middle of tokyo

Because Yabadabadoo staged the whole thing. Even the main cast mentions how everything feels like a huge coincidence after another.

Yalby created a game with Akechi having the upper hand, but Joker managed to win the rigged game and defeat Yabadabadoo

>why isn't my highschool friend and girlfriend simulator weeb game more deep and complicated?

I'll never understand retarded faggots like you. Just enjoy the game for clearly all it is

>Yalby created a game with Akechi having the upper hand, but Joker managed to win the rigged game and defeat Yabadabadoo
>Akechi managed to lose a game rigger by literallg god in his favor
Fucking Groo

If a game is going to take its story seriously, then I'm going to take it up at its word. I don't accept craaaaaazy explanations or other bullshit. All the pieces need to fall into place and be fully explainable or its FUCKING GARBAGE.

Because it's Persona.

He unconsciously rigged himself to lose trough his retardation


Yalby is not good you fag. He's essentially a shard of YHVH but not YHVH himself.

Keep up persona only fags

>japanese writing

More like
>Yaldy still has to depend on a fucking retard to win the game for him, and do nothing for that retard except giving him the Wild Card

Meanwhile Nyarly has Jun by the balls and pull out motherfucking Hitler after he jobs

It's literally god trying to watch you fight off another wildcard user.

Details, user.
I know all about the great will, amala network and all that other crap.
Fact is Akechi lost a game that a deity rigged in his favor.
I like smt too, but there is no need to make a constant dick measuring contest.
Christ user

You're supposed to see it like fate is bringing these people together and unravelling throughout the game. It's usually the manipulation of a god or something.

There are people who LITERALLY analyse world of warcraft lore. Autism is a disease. They cannot suspend disbelief.

>Why does the story feel so contrived?
Because it is? It's not meant to be a slice of life drama, it's a game telling you a story.

>School MC goes to just so happens to have a serious sexual predator
...That's the story. Do you read history and think "Germany just so happened to elect an efficient dictator just before going to war"?
>Madarame's student stalks Ann out of nowhere in a subway with millions of people
He saw her once before and precisely BECAUSE of this point, the second time he sees her he follows her.
>Get into account with a top mafia boss (kaneshiro) just by talking to people in shibuya
You literally only find him because Makoto gets herself captured by screeching that if they don't take her to him she'll call the police.
>one of the world's top hackers (futaba), who you just so happen to need, is the daughter of the coffee shop owner who took you in, she also lives across the street.
Given the greater narrative elements at play it's not entirely contrived. Sojiro's nature as her guardian is already hinted at because he became your guardian already.
>The daughter of one of Japan's biggest and most corrupt corporate CEOs is just a year above you in your irrelevant school in bumfuck
Happens all the time? You're in central fucking Tokyo, not some shithole like Inaba.
>the sister of the woman investigating you in the phantom thieves case also goes to your school and becomes part of your team
Again, these happen in relation to one another, not in spite of one another. If you pay attention to the story it flows together.
>akechi meets you randomly in a TV station, he's also investigating the phantom thieves despite being a fucking little teen shit
Really makes you think
>people keep meeting you in the subway, despite the fact that tokyo metro has 10 million people riding it daily.
They meet you in the hub areas, which, if you've ever been to Japan, aren't that big.

Hmmm it's almost like the message of the game is that getting too big for your boots causes your personality to become horrible and affect those around you negatively hmmmm

Akechi is Griffith, only he lost.

Are your new to jrpgs? They're all like that.

Maybe if you actually played the game you'd realize that nothing in the game happened by chance. It was a god fucking with you

Yaldy is to Igor as Nyarly is to Phil. He's working with what he's got, he can't full-blown godmode it

>I don't accept craaaaaazy explanations or other bullshit.
What's wrong with all the posts that doesn't do "craaaaaazy explanations or other bullshit" above yours?
Why did you just straight ignoring that?

The story is so fucking weak in this game.

They all sound craaaaaazy to me.

SMT in general is miles crazier than this, yet I don't see you complaining.

I've played Persona 3 and half of Persona 4 and the stories in those games didn't bother me like this one. In Persona 4 for example Inaba is a small town so it makes sense that you constantly make random encounters, make friends with everybody etc etc. The same shit doesn't cut it in a massive megalopolis like Tokyo. Every main enemy and character is literally across the street or goes to the same school despite all being famous, rich and powerful people with control over massive parts of society.