Fine 1(One) flaw
Fine 1(One) flaw
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MOBAs are trash
New content comes out slower than how old people fuck
found it
>Garbage and amateurish choke-heavy map design with lots of dead space, especially on 2CP
>too many characters have abilities that slow down gameplay more than it already does
>developers actually thought a character that can stun and drag people into a one-hit kill was a good idea
>tank meta was allowed to happen
>ultimate meters not resetting on death turns matches into dragout slugfests instead of fast push-based crescendos
He said find a flaw not a plus you fucking homophobe
Well that was easy
Shit characters
awful maps
awful update schedule
made by blizzard so unbalanced
due to the awful map design filled with chokeholds, the game is more focused on spamming until you have an ult, then pushing with your team
>playing it on console
tracer isn't interested in my dick
>six events in one year
>only two full maps in that same time
Blizzard cares more about trying to sell loot boxes than making meaningful content.
Have you seen Killing Floor 2?
I honestly think the good nature of Blizzard will be the end of this game.
They're constantly talking about wanting to improve the game and adding content but at what price?
We are already starting to see the shady practices of Blizzard from the latest anniversary event and the fact that items are still event tied and can't be unlocked outside of the event they are tied to is so anti-consumer.
Instead of allowing the player the choose when they want to play, they are almost purposefully pushing you to play in there event specials so to speak.
And the amount of "community feedback" they listen to is gonna kill the gameplay!
How many times has Roadhog been """re-balanced""" and every time a new meta is found they just get rid of it.
I'll still play it but Blizzard man, if it wasn't for the xd le redit community the game would be dead
The map design is so fucking boring and stupid it makes my face hurt
this and the skill ceiling is so hilariously low.
it removes any unique mechanics in exchange for a low learning curve.
They already got your money. Why develope free content?
Better games can add 6 characters in the time it takes them to add one. All new characters have been female too.
>Maps are cramped and chokepoint-y, and yet it feels like it takes an age to walk anywhere without a Lucio
>Some heroes are so useful they show up in nearly every team, and some are so situational that just playing them makes people think you're throwing
>Fights often boil down to "which side has a bunch of ults to dump"
Isn't Blizzard adding another monkey guy soon? Or are they going to make it a monkey lady just to mess with players annoyed by the new female characters?
>homosexuality is a positive aspect of society.
Stop being a fucking degenerate.
She's also the most annoying character in the game by far.
Can you make custom content like in any source engine game?
Does it have dedicated servers?
Are there at least lobbies or only privat chats like all the other 2.0 failures?
Non-shitpost response, lootbox system is and always be bullshit, and I hate most of the maps.
>Stop being a fucking degenerate.
No-one cares what you think Sup Forums. Tracer being gay isn't the problem, the problem is that they made her gay to pander to SJWs.
You really cannot gage your true skill at the game. Team based comptetive shit is a meme.
-Crappy hero design
-Almost everyone moves like a snail
-The maps are cramped and chokepointy as hell
-Everyone talks too damn much while being utterly devoid of charm or humor
-No gore
Well to be fair the gays aren't really an issue It is degenerate though and you do have a point with the SJW's pandering.
Next will be a transexual character then i'll get mad.
The increased importance of inter-class countering means that each individual class has a much lower skillcap to compensate for the theoretical higher skillcap of team play. However since 90% of all matches are with randos the actual skillcap of team play is much much lower, leading to a less interesting game overall unless you have a six-stack you always queue with.
One and done.
>good nature of Blizzard
Let's play ''spot the paid blizzard marketer''. I'll start. It's this guy. Your turn.
The lootboxes do seem pretty silly at times. The odds of getting something you'd actually want are painfully low, and you get so few coins off of dupes that buying something can take a very long time.
Inconsistent character design.
Some characters have an E a Shift and an R. Some don't, and some have two R's.
Every character should have two ultimates to choose from according to situation and all characters should have two abilities. Would make game more interesting
There are lobbies. The rest of that stuff, not so much.
Mercy is a brainless ehoe champ that is by far the most important/op player on both teams
You do realise you just sound really try-hard fling that term around, right? People won't take you seriously if you talk like that outside of you-know-where.
>Next will be a transexual character then i'll get mad.
Yeah, that's where I'd draw the line too.
Other people
>tea bagging disabled
>literally overflowing with progressive sjw bullshit
Degenerate is a good word to describe undesirable behaviour though. Would you rather I just said it is bad for society as a whole?
Forced autistic dyke.
>being a homolover
>Degenerate is a good word to describe undesirable behaviour though
By this definition hanging out on Sup Forums in degenerate.
>Would you rather I just said it is bad for society as a whole?
There's a lot of things Sup Forums supports that would be considered bad for society as a whole, but they don't call what they want degenerate.
They made her gay for the sake of sjwism. I hate her now and I deleted all the porn I had of her.
Hanging out on some boards of Sup Forums are degenerate. I don't frequent Sup Forums desu. I mainly go to v, his and out. I'm not super familiar with what pol is all about other than the meme of "gas the kykes, race war now"
made for autistic retards with the skill level ceiling of sitting on toilet to shit
Full on tumblr.
Blizzard balance
>he thinks being a Sup Forumsirgin isn't degenerate
>pick Roadhog
>blizzcucks will defend this
Since we're throwing out complaints, I figure I'll throw in my bitching about roadhog too.
I think for characters with low health or heavily damaged characters, an option to get out of roadhog's hook like a qte would change up the game a bit. The lower your health the shorter the opportunity is.
Or better yet, just make it not stun. A lot of characters have mobility opportunities they could use. Tracer can blink out, soldier could launch some missiles at his face, or pharah could rocket out.
I dunno, I've never designed a game. I think it might end up making roadhog kind of useless.
Holy fuck is it B O R I N G when compared to the likes of Siege. I tried playing it yesterday after a couple of months of not touching and its just so fucking boring.
Roadhog out dpses a majority of "dps characters" while also having the largest health pool, a stun ability, and the ability to self-heal. Anyone who defends him as balanced is obviously a noskill Roadhog shitter.
>no loop
one job
Degenerate sounds like right word to describe progressivism, liberalism, and the overall decline of western civilization to me.
>liberal loonies hate Sup Forums because it's the only digital space where people can communicate freely without their thoughts and words being (((censored)))
Using some sort of fucked up voodoo algorithm based on stupid shit for ranking points instead of something normal and sane like ELO
>ebin jew conspiracy parenthesis
Yeah, I'm not gonna take you seriously
Roadhog is already getting a huge nerd that's about to make him borderline useless. They're weakening his gun so that it no longer 1 shots hooked targets. So now he's just a fat target with a decent CC who can't get kills anymore.
On top of that, Reaper is getting buffed. He used to lose to hog, but now that the hook can't kill him he's a direct counter.
I hate cunts like her who cosplay characters who aren't their body type
Dva isn't a fat slag, she's slim
Elo only works well in symmetric 1v1 games, e.g chess or street fighter. Having to take into account teamwork and different character roles is why the system is so fucky
>complaining about "degenerancy" in Sup Forums of all places
Loving every laugh
He can only do that if he lands a hook, or keeps them at a very specific range with his alt-fire.
I play a lot of 3v3, where hog is legit broken, but he's actually fine in 6v6.
Nah, Blizzard using metrics that aren't "winning" and "losing" is why the system is so fucky. Even XBL figured out ELO in team games years ago
>Live long enough to see degeneracy be repelled and not embraced by Sup Forums.
I want to go back to 2005...
its not fun
I don't think it's a problem they Reaper counters tanks, btw. That was just to emphasize why hog is gonna drop into F tier
It's not fair! They nerfed da kewl pig guy! He was my favouwite! Now how can I get kills when he can't one hit kill anyone :angry face:
I only got dis game because I wanted to be the cool pig guy and now he's wuined! Thanks blizzard!
>on console
So people will shit on Starcraft 64 for having fucked controls, but not Overmeme?
The fucking cooldowns. Just a tiny counter in the corner, and a blip that sounds the same for all abilities. When 3 enemies are jumping around me, taking my eyes off them to look at that corner is annoying. My gun has a reload animation, why can't my abilities? It feels infuriating seeing my character just standing there refusing to use her Tranq gun, not because it's busy reloading or recharging, but because...she just won't right now, fuck you!
At least put an icon near the crosshair; Tracer and Pharah get one, why the fuck can't anyone else?
Overwatch is not a MOBA.
For a game to be a MOBA, it needs at least two of four elements; Abilities with cooldowns, a map with lanes, towers/objectives to be destroyed within those lanes/somewhere on the map, and finally computer-controlled "minions".
The only similarity that Overwatch has with the MOBA genre is that it has abilities with cooldowns, that is literally the only similarity.
I'm uncertain as to where this meme of Overwatch being a MOBA began, but it sure as hell should end.
How about you get good with the character you're playing as and memorize the cooldown times instead of spamming the fucking ability, wondering why it won't activate.
how confused are you
MOBA is Multiplayer Online Battle Arena.
Overwatch is multiplayer, it's online, and you battle each other. It even has an arena mode if you count koth out 3v3.
By those standards, Call of Duty is also a MOBA. It's multiplayer, it's online, you battle, and it's in an arena (map).
Hell, literally any multiplayer with online support could be a fucking MOBA if that's your standard.
It's not nearly as skill based as tf2
I have terrible aim
Currency is shit
The genre is hero shooter you mongs, like said, its a shooter with cooldowns. Really, the only game to have come out recently similar to Overwatch that was a Moba was bunderborn
Top kek.
Multiplayer fps shouldn't be on consoles. They control like shit. That's a pretty big flaw user.
Pretty much, I was just being facetious. It's a dumb acronym. They should really call it dotalike or assfaggots instead of the completely meaningless "moba"
Majora's Mask has a minigame where you had to count to ten seconds, and it was quite hard, and that was just you looking at a sitting dude in a room doing nothing. Try accurate counting while arrhythmically smashing buttons and keeping track of 5 other things simultaneously.
But what really confirms your ad hoc defense of the status quo to be bullshit is that if they did introduce intuitive cooldown feedback, not a single person would complain about how it "lowers the skill ceiling" or whatever.
This is actually fair, honestly. I do dislike that "MOBA" has become the name of the genre, but it is what it is sort of thing.
Dotalike would be far better, honestly.
Tracer needs 200 hp
At least KF2 lets you play on custom maps.
>Poor balancing
>Micro transaction in a full retail game
>No campaign
>No core game play customisation
>Few game modes
>Few new added heros since launch
>No meaningful progression
>No Overall stats screen
>Clearly used sex to help sell the game then removed all unauthorised lewd pictures when it launch (shady marketing I guess you could say)
>Rank system punishes you for hero switching
>Force 50% quickplay
>Rank system punishes you for grouping with friends
>Rank system rewards you for playing "off meta" heros
>Balancing starts from the top and works down
>Its all there in the manual story telling
>1 year after launch and we still don't know the story
Theres a few for you OP, I'll let you know if I can think of more
I hope you make an effort to defend all the listed reason since you did ask for some.