It seems like hitman is saved

It seems like hitman is saved

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Holy shit this is unprecedented. This explains why they let go of a fair few of their staff. But while this is great for creative control, it pits a great deal nore pressure on their titles to sell well. In any case, hyped for Season 2.

Wew boy
Hopefully they can find a publisher to bankroll their games


Thank god!

>i just hope hitman can get more money, while highly polished lacked it in some departments mainly the voice acting.

We're truly living in the best timeline.

Alright then there's no fucking excuse for the episodic model and always online bullshit in season 2.

what do you guys expect from season 2

>transferring over old weapons

>more missions per map

>accents that reflect the location

>no always online

>go with the previous model of 3 maps per a release so that it can be more easily marketed

Hopefully Elusive Targets stay the same way. Fucking plebs crying about content they missed out on when its the entire fucking point.

>indie hitman

in b4 season 2 kickstarter

This is pretty cool

>transferring over old weapons
important, I will riot if this isn't a thing

>more missions per map
couldn't hurt

>accents that reflect the location
desu I don't care, it's kind of hilarious and becoming a trope

>no always online
I could do with that.

>go with the previous model of 3 maps per a release so that it can be more easily marketed

I just want a little weapon customization, like from blood money

i really hope for a good, but small weapon upgrade system.

You mean transfer of S1 weps to S2? Thats a no brainer. S2 is just going to add the new maps to the current platform. Dont really care about the accents, if they have the cash to spare sure, but its not a priority. And I doubt itll continue to be always online.

>shitty reskins


yeah. (i hope square enix keep working japanese localize.)

What about Freedom Fighters and Kane & Lynch though?

This, I'd love to see a KL3

Thank you based IO

PLease make more episodes

lol if Squenix was willing to let go of Hitman like this then I doubt they give a flying fuck about IO's other stuff.

The first good news to come out of 2017.

>/nuV/ defends episodic releases

what happened

Man I am still waiting for Freedom Fighters 2. the first game is one of the best third person shooters and that fucking soundtrack ohh soo good

We need Jespyr Kyd for whatever IOI does next

And on those damn beautiful cutscenes

Hopefully they fix some of the bad aspects of Hitman 2016. I wouldn't be surprised if they keep it episodic considering they've already started doing it so they probably feel that they may as well finish the story that was going in the same fashion, but there is no excuse if they keep the always online part of it.

on one hand it encourages people to play the game the way it was meant to be played, and get the game out sooner. Helps justify it's larger levels

on the other hand on the other hand it's harder to market.

>but there is no excuse if they keep the always online part of it.

Why is this a problem? You have to use steam anyway

it's a shit system and the targets have been awful lol

(i have all the suits btw)

It's just a pain in the ass for me because I live in a shithole with bad internet and it makes everything take forever to load in. It doesn't add anything to the game by having it be always online either, so I'd really prefer they just remove it. I also hope they finally add the briefcase with the WA2000

>I just want a little weapon customization, like from blood money
blood moneys system was too big perhaps. turning your silver ballers into pic related monstrosities was kind of wrong imo.

i would like to have more cosmetic options, perhaps combined with a small weight system. Like choose a different wood type for your pistol which weights 50g more.

I really liked the weapon system from some stalker mods. but it wouldnt make much sense to give an elite assassin a half broken pistol. Another option would be the splinter cell path. But it doesnt really fit the tone of the game.

Man, the Silverballers in Blood Money got over the top as fuck as the game went on.

yep. the dumbest thing was the automatic upgrade, which made the pistols worse and not better.

I haven't been following this thing even though I love the new Hitman. Why did Squanix want to sell them? Hitman was really well received after people understood that the episodic model wasn't that bad. Didn't it sell well?

>not only giving them suppressors and then leaving it at that

I know right?

You could literally snipe using them by the endgame.

Thank God 2016 added bullet-drop.

>Use magnum ammo
>Dual wield
>Shooting a guy makes him fly across the room

I dunno, I always thought it was kinda charming in a way

The episodic model is completely fine and as a matter of fact might be one of the only ways to fund a niche title like Hitman.

The always-online shits gotta go though

It actually kinda works for nuHitman as it is more of a sandbox game. You have time to explore the whole level and do all the shit. When you are getting bored with it the next one comes out.
If you don't like it then just buy the whole package when everything is out. I don't care.
Only shitty part of Hitman was the online bullshit.

how would you rank hitmans levels

Best to worst

1 Hokkaido
1 Sapienza these two are tied
2 Colorado
3 Paris
4 Bangkok
5 Marrakesh

America is saved

1) Hokkaido
2) Bangkok
3) Sapienza
4) Paris
5) Colorado
6) Shit
7) Marrakesh

1. Sapienza
2. Paris
3. Hokkaido
4. Bangkok
5. Marrakesh
6. Colorado

just the levels themself?

You can play Steam games offline. It doesn't really matter to me but I can see it being a problem for some people.

Regular Spaienza
Landslide Sapienza
Marrakesh Night
Sapienza Night

Holy shit, that's actually great news.
I hope they didn't get too neutered in the process though, what with all the news about lay offs and such, but even so that might be worth it in the long run if they actually hold the reins now. Actually excited, let's hope they bring it back with a vengeance in S2.

what's wrong with Colorado

Akimbo silverballers
Blood pools being noticed
Human shields

>1. Sapienza
Just great, only the lab part gets tedious eventually
>2. Paris
Equally great but I've played it to death so it's kinda boring now
>3. Hokkaido
Nice and compact but the door system makes it feel somewhat linear or too systematic
>4. Colorado
As a map it's pretty good but the theme is meh
>5. Bangkok
Pretty boring lump of nothing interesting to do
>6. Marrakesh
See previous with also a really boring theme

I'm just not a big fan of compound infiltration type missions.
I'm more of a big public event level type of guy

not them. but it the setting isnt really intersting (hilly billy farm in bugercountry)
some areas and they access doesnt make much sense (explosion area or the hacker thing in the house)
it always ends with you going into the cellar.

entire map is hostile territory
main mission can only be finished through the bunker

I've never understood what's so great about elevators. Yeah you can piano wire people in them but what's the big deal?

Also didn't they say lack of elevators are an engine restriction so they probably aren't coming back?

Best to worst:

>The World of Tommorrow
>A House Built On Sand
>Situs Inversus
>The Showstopper
>Freedom Fighters
>A Gilded Cage
>The Final Test
>Club 27
>The Icon


They don't need excuses to keep it episodic, that works perfectly for Hitman.

>the door system makes it feel somewhat linear or too systematic
yes but they are a lot of ways to bypass the door system besides putting on a costume.

>dragging a dead body with the right costume near a door

>hacking a door, you can find some disposable scramblers if you lock pick certain wall containers.

>walking in behind some one

Are they going to get another publisher? Who would pick them up?

this nigga gets it

>use magnum ammo
>shoot multiple people with one bullet

It's mostly because I want them to overcome those restrictions. It's pretty lame that a 2016 engine can't handle something that wasn't a problem in 2000.

I havent playd these new baby's first hitmans past Blood Money. What is season 2?

>tfw Square is actually one of the worst publishers but people give the gooks a free pass

Fuck Square Enix. I hope they put the Thief series up for sale so someone with a brain can have control of it.

reminder there's a 'big update' coming out at the end of June that will probably remove the always-online shite.

>new baby's first hitman
be quiet if you have no idea

I am so fucking happy. Now next game they can get rid of the online only bullshit.

No wonder hitman is shit

Can i expect them releasing the full game in a single package now? If so, i'll be the first to buy it.

I'm not sure how they could get around it honestly.

The reason the elevators in Absolution were cutscenes was because of those limitations, but they can't get rid of the engine now because they're on a shoestring budget.

Fucking publishers ruin everything.

The only way it could be saved is if they scrap the episodic meme model and just release the entire fucking game when it's actually finished.

They already did that in January.

>The reason the elevators in Absolution were cutscenes was because of those limitations
Or because Absolution's level design was terrible and elevators were a great way to split levels up. It also had a working elevator in Death Factory.

fuk ye

TM was my goty 2016

why are you so assblasted by the episodic model? they released all they promised and more

not big on the episode format so I just bought them all at the end
the game was fucking good though

fuckin sweet. gg IO you crazy bastards. Let's hope this gets us non-episodic Hitman.

They'll spout something about the business model even though they're now an independant studio.

What's up with all these retards that hate episodic releases on principle? I understanding the hatred for always online bullshit, but episodic release models aren't always a bad thing. It depends on the type of game, and I think it works for Hitman.

I'm honestly surprised Square Enix wasn't shitty about it and was willing to sell it to IO instead of saying, we'll just store it for later.

You're on Sup Forums, gotta hate everything that's new. If games were still available on carts people would be defending those.

I don't see why they wouldn't.

The episodic format actually works well for the game. I hope they remove online requirements, though.

Well they already started developing season 2 as episodic so that's probably how it's going down.

How in the fuck did Square Enix not end up owning it?

This is actually good news

It was SE's decision to let them keep it.

Going forward, they're probably going to focus more on Plinko or whatever those Nips play.

I meant the people who dislike the release model, not IO. Usually people tie the business model as a shitty thing publishers like Squenix create, when in reality independant studios may rely on it for cost reasons which makes perfect sense.

I don't know, but I'm glad. All I need now is for them to sell Sleeping Dogs off to a good dev.

So no more Square or Eidos getting on their goat about how Hitman should be made?

But episodic Hitman is great. The only problem is always online and the elusive targets.


>But episodic Hitman is great.
Not really: the best I can say it that it never made the game worse, because of how Hitman focuses on replaying levels. But the episodic format certainly never elevated the experience.

>Not coming in every month on Sup Forums to discuss all the cool ways to fuck around in the new level
We're literally getting the content earlier and at a pace that doesn't harm it. Why would you be mad about that?

they chose not to
it's probably the most altruistic move I've ever seen made by a big publisher, and even then I have to assume it's because they feel the IP's value is too low to be worth it, as well as too volatile to survive being given to another developer.

>Hitman games are a relatively small seller
>it has extremely niche appeal (you have to love obsessively replaying a handful of levels over and over)
>the userbase is violently autistic
>attempts to introduce things to the franchise essentially guarantees literal years of toxic word of mouth
>it's fairly expensive to develop

so that means either
>we can keep the IP for name recognition and pray to fucking god that it doesn't self destruct when we get a dev who isn't IOI to make a new Hitman game, knowing full well that realistically the moment it's announced it's going to rain shit from the sky, cost us too much in development, and we'll have to fight tooth and nail to retain our already small audience while getting no real pickup from the mainstream anyways
>we can say "you know what? do you, IOI, gl w that"

Yay, another episodic Hitman on the way!! :)

Hitman(2016) surpasses Blood Money in level design. Only Absolution was shit.