Co-workers start talking about videogames

>co-workers start talking about videogames

>skyrim mentioned

>have to regulate your speech to not seem extremely knowledgeable so as to not be taken for a sperg, but also participate so they think you're alright

the balance is real!

>coworkers start talking about firearms
>all "facts" are learned from video games
>"They take shotguns into pirate boat sieges because they spread out more"

They're good people, but man they have the shittiest taste ever.

>Posting the same thread every week
>Being a wageslave

this desu

>they start talking about your favourite game and you get excited
>accidentally slip and momentarily reveal your true power level
>feign ignorance of the next game discussed

I've recently been fired from my job, I'll be a NEET for some time now. How to not feel dead inside? I want to be NEET the right way.

>See someone playing their 3DS
>"Hey what are you playing?"
>"Fire Emblem Conquest"
>Have to hold back on asking on his choice of waifu

>coworker stopped playing video games in the 90s but still fondly remembers commando series and talks about downloading that samurai commando clone when he gets home

that was nice

>co-worker laughs at you for playing games
>they go home and watch tv for 6 hours straight

every time

shadows tactics

>offhandedly mention that I go shooting
>"woah user, don't shoot me haha!"

>co-workers start talking

>classmate asks whether you're a gamer

>coworker brings his Switch to work for lunch breaks
>watch him play BotW
>he's exploring the volcano
>spends the whole week hoarding food to survive the fire and completes the shrines without even realizing there's fire elixirs or fireproof armor

>co-worker start talking about ark
at least it wasn't the group talking about fucking fifa


The only release we will all get is the sweet embrace of death.

This is guaranteed. Do what the fuck you like till then kid.

I thought calling yourself a gamer was the hot normie thing among 18 years olds.

Have a life.

>everyone in my work is a pc gamer
>some play casual shit like overwatch, others only play single player rpgs, I play everything so I get along with everyone just fine
>one guy has a switch and will not shut the fuck up about it
>wouldn't shut up about botw until I told him I pirated it but I'm not into puzzle games
>since e3 he's been praising nintendo non-stop
>told me I'm making a mistake not buying a switch because I won't be able to play mario and prime
>told him I'd just emulate it when the time is right
>he laughed and said "that won't happen for a decade"
>I said "5 years, probably just in time for metroid prime 4"
>the look of salt on his fucking face

tfw too smart to hide my powerlevel

so long as you dont dominate the conversation about your favorite Skyrim futa mods you'll be ok

>Got that quest near the end
>Because of how easy everything was I was actually annoying finding strong enough enemies to kill me quickly
It was a dumb fun quest but I kind of wish I did it as soon as I could.

I don't think you know what NEET means, newfag.

>Even when you try to dumb yourself down you still sound like a complete fucking sperg

>trying to hide that you know every name of everyone and everything when they start to talk about a game you played or a movie you've seen

If you can't be content with your life without being a wagecuck and constantly feel an emptiness in your life. Then you cannot be a NEET my friend, the NEET life has to choose you. I'm sorry user, but normie blood runs through your veins.

Sound like your work is literally Sup Forums minus Sonyfags.


>Co worker laughs at mention of video games
>Spergs out about any kind of sport, spends thousands of dollars on merchandise, follows all his favorite players twitters, instagrams, and snap chats, has decals on his car, and gets upset when his team loses a game

Sports fags are literally worse then anything else in a workplace.

>you can't call every game they like shit

>the game they're talking about has an exploit/cool secret
>don't want to mention it for fear of sounding like That Kid spouting bullshit
>stay quiet instead
>someone else mentions the thing
>everyone thinks it's really cool, thanks the person that mentioned it
>that could have been me

Occupy yourself. The more time you spend mindlessly browsing Sup Forums the worse you'll feel.

All my irl friends are sonyfags, my life is Sup Forums.

>Normies hanging around my cubicle area.
>Mentioning meme shit I don't care about like Fallout4, MGS2, FF7, and WoW.
>Of all people, one of the female (yes, born female) pokes her head into my cubicle and speaks
>"Hey user, do you play videogames?"
>I keep typing away, "I used to in college, but not much anymore."
>She continues, "Oh, did you ever play WoW back then? We're all thinking about rolling new characters..."
>I stop typing and turn around to look at her, "Nah, those things require crazy amounts of time. I rather read, go jogging, or work on something creative."
>Her eyes gloss over and she nods before walking out.

That face when I went home and played Dwarf Fortress.


Autism. You're a burden on everyone around you.

>they keep talking to me about vidya even though I barely talk about it
>never seem to want to talk about film or music

>girl mentions she plays siege casually

As a genuine autist, this is my biggest fear if I ever get a real job.

That and finding the proper way to ignore female co-workers. Too mean and I get complaints about being rude, too nice and I get dragged into their bullshit, get bugged for favours, or have to hear about their boyfriends 24/7.

>Co-workers start talking about video games
>FIFA, Racing games, Skyrim
>user do you like video games?

Dick her user. She has good taste

>have you played skyrim user?
>man I still haven't beat it, it's such a large game and quite difficult
>it's like, the best game ever

Sounds like you are a hardcore autist that got mad someone wanted to talk about a game you were no knowledgeable about like the insecure micropenis autist you are.

>never talk about video games at work for fear of being branded a sperglord
>go to office kitchen one day for coffee
>two asshole hipsters are discussing the witcher 3
>girls join in
>my fucking face when they are having a lively conversation with girls about TW3

how the fuck did normies rig life in their favor so much, what the fuck

It sometimes feels like life is a P2W simulation after all, normies are in on it and they all have premium accounts. How the fuck do I get one

Holy shit what a world we live in where normies are meeting up to roll WoW characters.

If the secret / exploit is real, just go ahead and tell them. It's not like we don't have ways to instantly check on 'that kid's bullshit these days, right?

Found the nintendofag.

She's a roastie, older than me and simple as fuck.
Also dated a 16 year old when she was 28.

>co-workers start talking about Borderlands and 'how good the writing is'

>Sup Forums starts talking about video games

>Spergs out about any kind of video game, spends thousands of dollars on collectibles & DLC, follows all his favorite publishers twitters, instagrams, and snap chats, has figurines at home, and gets upset when people make fun of his game

the above can be applied to any hobby, you're just retarded

You could have just walked up and joined the conversation sperg


this is the only acceptable post describing what you autists should do if you get triggered

>be attractive
>do something
all you have to do to make something "popular"

>I've recently been fired from my job, I'll be a NEET for some time
get a life

A friend tried to buy me a game on Steam.
He nearly failed because I own a lot of games.

Except 99% of that is never openly mentioned by a gamer at at workplace. Only sports fags.

Go play more Fifa you faggot cuck.

>You can't make money and your friends and family happy and proud without working 9-5 for laughable wages for some old fool in a suit

You fell for the biggest meme society will ever tell you. There are literally thousands of better ways of life if you're not a normie drone and can think outside the box.

>they play just first person shooters and/or sports sims

>How to not feel dead inside
Well you're doing a great job of fucking up that plan as we speak.

>coworker adds me on steam
>I only play online when I'm drunk
>inevitably I'll play PUBG with him while drunk
>inevitably he'll see my true personality

it's not that bad honestly; being able to tune out and pretend you're listening is a valuable skill to learn.

just find a set of non-committal replies to stuff, it works perfectly. I have a set of generic answers and shit I spout out like a cassette player and only about 3 people have called my bullshit on it.

>spend time and effort hiding my true power level
>co-worker adds me on steam
>full access to my profile
>sees the 50040 hours played past 2 weeks


>chef is in his 30s
>quotes reddit memes
>talks about Skyrim and CS:GO all the time
He is cool ass dude though, really happy to have him instead of some old boring grandpa utilising micromanagement ethics.

>Work at night alone
>Don't have to deal with co-workers shit anymore

It's funny because you'd give this reply in real life too you know it. Autist.

We have a coworker just like you at my job. He's an insecure little shit that thinks videogames makes him hot shit, and he's a harcore pcfag too. He absolutely can't handle it when people talk about videogames he doesn't like. We'd tell him we want him to stop talking to us, but we're afraid he's gonna end up shooting a school or something in an autistic rage.

>Talked about games we are playing or going to be playing soon
>One of them was Persona 5
>Quickly changed the subject for fear of offending a super religious coworker near us

>it's almost 10am
>having a good morning
>you post this fucking shit
>too close to home
>need a beer and need it soon
thanks a lot asshole

where have you been? WoW has been normie territory for fucking years man. I hear all kinds of people talking about WoW and LoL, it's kind of bizarre but it no longer elicits a response anymore because WoW is mainstream as fuck.

How do I get your job user

>Adding co-workers on anything resembling social media.


I think that was the point he was trying to make friendo



Remember to buy a Sup Forums pass goy.

Become a normie

>being that guy that doesn't participate and makes stupid threads on the internet behind their backs


Holy fuck kid, look how mad you're getting because someone mentioned that the switch isn't that great.

>Work overnight with coworker
>Quickly get whatever we need done
>Spend most of our time playing MH4U together
Sometimes we played solo games too. Sadly I got promoted and now have to actually do shit while working.

This but I hope you realize you can't be attractive with just looks alone. Being a sperg always nullifies good looks.

honestly my facebook would be fine, I don't fucking use the thing so my profile is all but blank. I only have it to maintain the image of normalcy.

I should have just pretended I only played on console.

>hey user, let's play together some evening, what's you steam account?
>have 500 games and 1000 playhours

>work with one person who likes video games
>always listen to him when he talks about his shit
>I want to talk about some stuff I like
>he stops me to tell me why its shit

just kind of stopped talking to him at all

I know, but any faggot who talks like that in a workplace are equally as bad, whether its about sports or games doesn't matter.


>"woah user, don't shoot me haha!"
heh yeah I'm trying my best to avoid it

You speak out of my heart, user.

u gay, or wat?

Fuck, you should've told me before

>Add co-worker to steam
>Set profile to private
>>Hey user, why is your profile private? Got anything to hide?"
End of the conversation. And then we played RTSs every weekend.

I just completely deny that I play vidya altogether, best to keep the power level completely concealed.

the worst part is, he's incredibly judgmental and high strung, probably doesn't even drink at all. It's all downhill from here...

>unknowingly get matched with my boss in tf2 one night
>drunk off my ass and talking shit to everyone over voice chat
>call my boss a stupid nigger because he cant headshot a heavy
>He must have recognized my voice
>Get called into his office the next day
>Got fired for calling my black boss a stupid nigger in tf2

> sure haha so long as you don't give me a reason lol

>Religious coworker hear you talking about it
>*shakes his head*
>"Tsk tsk user this is rather sad"
>"You shouldn't fille the void in your hearth with false love"
>"You know what ? Come to church with me sunday I'll present you to some nice girls"

Humans are shit, talking about anything is a waste of time, the only irl conversations I've had that I didn't hate were Sup Forums-style shitflinging. As well as being fun, it has the added benefit of weeding out the thin-skinned soft-headed faggots who can't stand up for themselves.