Are you prepared for the GOTY 2017?
Are you prepared for the GOTY 2017?
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Have you even played? I did in the beta and it's pretty horrible.
Especially the moba part, the arpg part is somewhat ok if you like speedruning, but gets repetitive very fast.
It's fun. I wish Bloodline Champions will do something similar. Thanks for reminding me op. I really like playing this game. The moba part is lame, but everything else is cool. Having two characters to pick from is sick as well. I wish there was a dota 2 mod kind of like marvel where you could tag heroes in and have assists. But, it'd be hell to program.
I played closed and open beta.
CB was fun. OB was a huge improvement.
I really like this game. Wasd movement just completely changes these types of games.
I did not play a lot of arena or pve, but 5v5 seems nice since the games are not too long.
I like that you can either go full tryhard or max casual and still enjoy it. Most games do not really have a middle ground.
I played mostly wc3 dota and league since beta before I quit mobas in favour of real life and other games. Meta gets stale really quick each season. Mxm seems to be different because you can do all kinds of weird crap. I am playing hots since a week or so, and mxm seems to be kind of similiar in terms of early fights and that you can do a lot of stuff. (Maybe hots gets stale too in ranked. no idea though) Mxm seems like a faster, more skillbased hots. Overall a pretty fun game.
how bad is the cash shop?
I just signed up and stuff, but I can't download the client.
Is that for founders only or something?
Mostly skins. There is a "premium account" option. No idea what its called. It gives one more piece of loot after every pve stage and more exp and gold (gold buys you pve upgrades, exp lets you unlock new champs).
Leveling is pretty fast. In the beta at least. There are players who reached max level after three days. So even if they cut the experience gain by 90%, which is not very likely, you can progress at a reasonable, and probably faster) pace than you do in most mobas.
You can unluck characters faster if you buy them, but there is really no need to do so.
Casshop seems to be mostly cosmetic. It is hella expensive though.
founders can download the client for name reservation only. servers go up for all players on the 21st.
It should be downloadable for everyone though.
Alright you convinced me, i'm downloading it now.
I just request of you that you make a thread on the actual launch day so i don't forget to play, I tend to forget about stuff like this, I'm a clutz.
Thanks user, blessings to you.
Short rundown of important game mechanics that you might want to know about:
Elemental system is in place (like pokemon).
PVE stages have a certain element associated with them. Attacking the weak element gets you 15% more damage. Getting hit by the weak element lets you take 15% reduced damage.
This is in place as a balance measure.
You always pick two characters.
You can tag whenever you want (there is a short cooldown).
Tagged out characters regenerates resources.
>ult usage
Ultimate bar maximum is 4 and it is shared by both characters.
Lets say, one characters has a three cost ultimate, and your second character has a two cost ultimate, you will not be able to use one ult and tag to instacast the other ult.
>ranged vs melee
Ranged characters do 20% less damage to targets at close range.
Many attacks generate heat. it is not possible to hold down lmb to fire permanently as a ranged character.
Every attack is different, and some melees do not generate heat at all.
>movement and stamina
Use WASD to move and space to jump.
Jumping is actually usefull.
Every character has a stamina bar. How much stamina they have depends on the character.
You can jump over a lot of skills or bullets to avoid them. Requires good skill and timing though.
Stamina is also used for character specific defense moves (right mouse button).
Once the stamina runs out you can not use defense skills or jump. Climping up a ledge without jumping usually takes you forever because you either have to wait untill you can jump again, or walk up a ramp.
Tagging system allows for some insane combos, and lets you deal with multiple elements.
The possibilities are enormous but it is also quite confusing at first.
Every character has four skills and an ultimate.
You chose two out of four skills for each character before a match.
The fuck is this?
Is it a moba?
Is it another ricefest mmorpg?
Any shareable ingame screenshot?
I can post some.
Its basically an action game.
Use wasd to move, left mouse button to attack, right mouse button to dodge, and space to jump.
Every character also uses two skills (you can chose which skills to run before a game) and an ultimate ability.
Got a Moba mode, an arena 3v3 deathmatch mode, PVE dungeons, a 4v4 king of the hill mode (you capture and hold points) and minigames.
Between games you idle and spam emotes in a lobby. You can also customize your characters there and stuff.
PVE starts very easy but the higher difficulties are pretty intense. Gamemode for the hardcore crowd.
So, to keep thing's a top down Battleborn-like?
You customize your characters with nodes, skill and weapon upgrades.
Nodes are stat boosts, kind of like runes in league. Different characters have different coloured node slots. Tanks for example tend to have more blue node slots. Blue nodes give defensive stats.
Nodes can be unlocked via pvp medals or as drops from pve dungeons.
Basic nodes that are pretty ok for their value can be bought with gold, which you get lots of.
The goldsink in this game is mostly skill improvements. In pve stages you do not level up. Instead your character has the skills leveld that you unlocked previously. Skill unlocks are permanent and pve relevant only.
In the highest difficulty pve stages you drop nodes with bonus stats that do work in pve only. High difficulty levels have an entry fee though. (some Gold) You more than cover that fee if you complete the stage though.
Weapon upgrades work for both pve and pvp, like nodes.
Every character can unlock three different weapon improvements. For example more damage per hit, faster attack speed or more range. Those unlocks are different for each character (healers for example can upgrade healing etc.)
You upgrade weapons with materials from dungeons and gold.
You can also trade pvp token for those materials, and get lots of them from quests.
Weapon upgrades and Nodes are only 50% effective in non ranked play.
Don't worry, even though NCsoft is known for their moneygrabbing scemes, you can not buy any upgrades with real money.
This game is surprisingly not p2w for an NCSoft title.
I don't even know what this is
Don't forget the endless jukebox spamming of that one song. It's literally all anyone plays and you get flamed for playing something else.
Has some similar modes. I'd say simplified battlerite + PVE + tag.
Excuse me, kind sir, but thee game looks like a complete fucking garbage.
Post the waifus.
I only play online game for waifus nowadays.
Some characters are based on other NCSoft games. Those need special upgrade materials from special, game themed dungeons.
They rotate daily and drop their respective upgrade material.
Kromodes bow for Aion, Poharan Eyepatches for Blade and Soul, some flaming sword for GW2 Rytlock and some more.
You can spam those stages on the days when they are available. Those pve stages only come in two difficulties though.
I never played Battleborn, so I have no idea. A friend told me that its basically topdown Smite, but I did not play that either.
Assets and UI look like they were ripped straight from HotS. Art style is typical uninspired garbage you see in most Korean/Chinese games.
The game play is pretty amazing though.
Looks are not that great desu.
On the bright side, a toaster can run it.
Sounds like you just gotta UP ~ SIDE ~ DOWN, user.
Because everyone had coins and its the meme song.
does being max level mean you have all the characters?
that's all I care about, I want a full roster available to me as f2p and not having to spend months just to get 4-5 characters instead of paying. 2weeks-1month for a lot of the roster would be reasonable. Otherwise there's less jewy games out there.
You get crystals when you level up and trade those crystals for new characters. By the time that you reach max level you have more than enough crystals to unlock the complete roster.
Crystal cost varies, depending on the character that you want to unlock. It is not proportional to the character strength. Many cheap characters that cost one crystal cost are considered to be amongst the strongest. But balance overall seems to be pretty good with some exceptions
Some characters are locked behind achivements (like win a certain amount of games) but you should get those pretty quick.
You also get those crystals as a reward for the highest level of pve stages, so if you want to go hardcore and grind them you can do that too.
Those are pretty fucking hard though, even in a party.
Minigames are restricted to certain days during the week. They give good rewards for some fun.
It's just minigames though.
This guy seems goofy as hell. Is he any good, or should I just play him when I want to annoy people?
Lol no.
He does have a lot of cheese strats going for him. He can stack huge buffs as long as the buffed player does not die, and the buffs stay active during tagging.
I like to pair him with one of the snipers for insane crits. Can two shot squishies with buffs and good aim. He is also surprisingly hard to kill. Slippery jew is slippery.
But yeah, if you are trying to annoy your teammates you can just drop buffs in front of the enemies and they will pick them up and use the buffs themselves.
this is pretty accurate