Why the fuck is this coming to every platform expect the Switch? Better question, why is XX not coming to the West?

Why the fuck is this coming to every platform expect the Switch? Better question, why is XX not coming to the West?

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>MHW has been in development for 4 years, and simply wasn't being made for the Wii U at the time
>Making it for the Switch would cause a delay, and they probably wanted to announce it and release it without the next 8-10 months
>Capcom was co-developing the Switch to be the perfect Monster Hunter machine, I doubt any rumors about Nintendo and them at each other's throats are even remotely true
>XX ended up coming at a poor time, and was made to hold Japan over for the time being, but bringing it over to the west right now would probably make people confused, and they want MHW to be a success
>Capcom no doubt has plans to support the Switch, but only after things go smoothly with MHW, then it's no doubt back to the portable titles we know and love
>XX will no doubt get localized, but probably won't be for about another year at this point
>Capcom knows that they stirred the hornet's nest, even if it wasn't intentional, and all of the messages online probably confirms that there's definitely still people invested in the handheld market over in the west

I fucking hate Sony for doing this gay shit. Monster Hunter is a Nintendo franchise, yet we don't get to have it this time. They don't deserve MHW.

Capcom wants World for the west and the handheld series for the east

weak bait friendo, heres your (you)

Monster Hunter World is only coming to PC.

Sure, there are some console ports with 720p and silky smooth 15 fps, but the real 4k 60 fps is a PC exclusive.

Because it has been in development for 4 years
>XX not coming to the west
Listen here fucktard, Crapcom has said several times that they hasn't announced a XX localization yet. We will probably get an announcement in late August/early September after the Japanese release of XX switch

>Sony did it
Nice B8, why is there a Xbone version coming out? If Sony really paid for development they would have blocked the Xbox version, no matter what

spot the underage (you) ;^)

There won't be an announcement. They're pouring all their resources 100% to MHW.

I wish handheld MH don't die. Their best selling games were on handheld because nips love playing videogames outside.

Having the next mainline title on powerful but not portable systems is risky as fuck, so I hope the dev team have a backup game if MHW flops hard.

If this does well, it will probably be the new mainline, the Switch won't get shit.

>Why the fuck is this coming to every platform expect the Switch? Better question, why is XX not coming to the West?
Even better question, why didn't all previous MH titles come to all platforms instead of just Nintendo?

Because Nintendo paid for it.

generations/x/xx are spinoffs

I can see them localising XX either way, and if World does well they'll just stop future development on handheld and continue with console/PC.

Still, I know the Japanese audience love handheld so maybe they'll continue to do spinoffs like X solely on them.

Because nintendoshit

MHW is just Capcom testing the water. MHW:G will be on all platform including switch. Called it first.

Did they though? I thought it was more so that Capcom didn't have to upgrade graphics, milking it up until now.

I wonder how much they will downgrade it if they do.

>I have never played a Monster Hunter game before and don't understand just how fucking huge Monster Hunter is on handhelds
Yeah, no.

>Better question, why is XX not coming to the West?
Wait for Stories to be released first.

There won't be much downgrade. They developed it on MT frameworks for a reason.

Phone games are bigger in Japan.

>There won't be much downgrade.
Doubt it, the Switch can barely run its own first party cartoony games. Likely can't handle the lighting at all.

The trailer looked visually impressive.It's witcher 3 high settings tier, no way switch can handle that

It's not big enough.

>90% of all MH sales are in japan on handhelds
>surely the 10% will grow SO much in the west that it'll make up for losing all those sales

wow you should work at capcom you fit right in

>nintendo franchise
>owned by capcom
>originally on Sony only
You can leave, retard. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


>mfw Voice acting

Which first party Switch games can the Switch barely run?

pay attention to what I said

They better not do a portable 3rd move with this one. To see it go from this to half baked models and loss of features again would piss me off.

Because the switch can't run it

People will follow the franchise.

heh, yeah... I'm sure they will

MH world 10m sales confirmed

You don't know how monster hunter works, user. Japs follow it like pokemon. Cry harder.

Breath of the Wild for one.
It even has to dynamic resolution scale Splatoon in portable mode and that game looks like shit.

"barely" is not a term I'd use for how my experience witnessing Switch run Breath of the Wild has gone since launch.

It runs perfectly.

If it doesn't run at least 1080p 60fps, then it might as well doesn't run at all.

Durrr a game that's almost exclusively on handhelds get most of its sames from handhelds

It barely can hold 30 fps, and the game looks like shit, using next to no tech that MHW uses.

Capcom punishing nintendo fans for not buying SF2.

botw is a wiiu port, not a game made for the switch

I even told you to pay attention

I know that this is bait but just knowing that there are people out there who actually believe this hurts me deeply.

>Non-portable MH

Fuck off you dumb slants, you have literally 1 job.

Perish the thought.

>caring about portability
Not everyone is Japanese.