>Sup Forums is full of underage kiddos who are unironic naziboos and get angry over WW2 games where you kill Nazis
What the fuck happened to this place?
>Sup Forums is full of underage kiddos who are unironic naziboos and get angry over WW2 games where you kill Nazis
What the fuck happened to this place?
Sup Forums
that's where you're wrong. stop taking it seriously. this is Sup Forums. if somebody says or does something edgy it should not upset you unless you're a thin skinned normalfag in which case get the fuck out of here
>post nazi joke
>everyone knows its a joke and laughs
>except for newfags that think it's sincere
>in an attempt to fit in they go full Nazi
>more newfags roll in and follow suit
I make webm's for /wsg/ and some Nazi retards have been making and posting non-stop shit glorifying Nazi Germany. But they always leave out the part where Germany got BTFO, occupied, had lost 25% of its population over a stupid fucking war they poorly planned
>it should not upset you
Sex != gender and society should respect and protect the rights of trans people.
Sup Forums needs to get fucking deleted
never before in the history of Sup Forums has one board shat up the entire website this much
And I say this as a guy who was a regular on /new/
You remember those kids who grew up watching PDP earlier in the decade, well now they've grown up and are here shitposting on Sup Forums.
Was a long, long time since this was the case, user.
Don't get me wrong, I want secret club back. I miss it a lot.
But google the letter v and look at the 5th result
What's a Naziboo?
>never before in the history of Sup Forums has one board shat up the entire website this much
>has been on Sup Forums for 6 months
>claims to know everything about 4chans history
>Sup Forums is full of underage kiddos that scream Sup Forums at everything they don't like
What the fuck happened to this place?
hes right, newfag
B-b-but pol!
nazis,zombies and survival shit is getting boring m8, it's been the same shit for the last 20 years.
Why do you speak from yourself in 3rd person? No you aren't right. Lurk moar faggot.
a generation having to deal with the effect of diversity and multiculti is bound to turn anyone into a racist.
My classroom in highschool was 27 Whites and 4 non white. What the fuck does it look like now 20 years later?
>Sup Forums is now full of edgy teenagers who revolt against their traditional conservative parents and their liberal peers through an unhealthy
'ironic' obsession with memes and racism
>talking about Far Cry 5
>retard comes in screaming about white genocide and spams infographics on crime rates and other bullshit
>hurr durr totally not Sup Forums
I wonder who could be behind this post
It's also packed with NeoGaf refugees who think they're welcome here.
Also german technology in ww2 was just more interesting.
user what am I looking for here? The 5th result is a green v.
It's just a joke you fucking sperg.
please refrain from posting, r/Sup Forums
It's actually 3rd now
>shitty rockets that cost more than dozens of aircraft and which were far less effective is more interesting than a fucking nuclear weapon
How many fidget spinners do you own?
If you get angry that nazis are killed in new Wolfenstein, then you are probably some sort of nazi sympathizer already.
>underage tumblrites still get triggered over the fact that some of us crosspost with Sup Forums
And you thought we all left with Gamergate. We ought to make this place /mlv/. It would be an improvement.
>has been on Sup Forums for 6 months
good job you just proved you're a newfag
/new/ was deleted seven years ago
People used to laugh at blacks eating watermelon and exclaiming "aw lawd!"
Now people have real discussions about the decline of western civilization, thanks in part to black culture. Backing these claims up with statistics and propaganda. All this on a video game board. Or a television board. Or a gif board.
Things got too real. And it's not only about blacks. That's just one example of many. People don't know how to joke about this kind off stuff anymore.
The term is "wehraboo".
It's only bound to turn misanthropes into racists. Healthy people have better things to be concerned over.
>seven years ago
>"it cant be that long i remember it like yesterday"
>2010 was 7 years ago
It doesn't matter if the shit they made was ineffective or not, but they tried and this is something you can put in a videogame, also the weird shit like "The Glocke" or other pseudoscience stuff, it's cool history to build an interesting game around.
Someone answer me.
it's mostly shilling pretending to be both Sup Forumstards and anti-Sup Forumstards arguing each other
Sup Forums rarely talks about wolfestein and the discussion will die once the game is out
A nazi weaboo
>creative trolling, OC, actual hype for games, and actual discussion
>people shift through tumblr, reddit, twitter, facebook, and other forums to find some retards shitty opinion and come running back to Sup Forums to post it
>politics out the ass
I don't understand what the fuck happened and I don't know why I even bother still coming here
People always got angry over tired as fuck WW2 games.
Doesn't help that the new ones are even less historically accurate than the old "America-rah-rah-rah" ones.
I'm just sick of Nazis being discriminated against.
>never before
Oh, man, if only you were here before Captcha was forced on us.
Seriously? I don't know who I'm more disappointed in. The people the word describes, or the people using the word.
>all the reddit spacing ITT
Blame Sup Forums
They made Sup Forums really popular
Place has been in decline long before the trumplets came. Nothing left to say here.
But I have pictures on my pc that date back to 2009 from Sup Forums, so I think you are wrong. Crossposting wasn't as much of a thing as it is now, you should know that as an "oldfag"
I dislike people glorifying killing my countrymen desu, even if they were in the wrong.
We educated ourselves.
Of course losers would get angry.
I crossposted like a motherfucker back as a kid in the summer of 06
Maybe you yourself didn't crosspost much, doesn't mean it rarely happened
Why do people glorify Hitler and the Nazis? His ideology was that the superior race/country would prevail. The Nazis lost and badly.