why are MMOs never good?
Why are MMOs never good?
because you're here bitching about them instead of playing them
Pretty much this
they can be good for anything but combat
Genre got ruined by wow
Is all about friends. Even shitty korean mmo p2w is fun with friends.
Because the concept is inherently flawed. Grinding isn't fun. RPG combat in general is bad. Even in "action" MMOs there's no real point, because it's not like you can interact with all the thousands of others on the server at one time. There is literally zero reason for that many people to be in one world at once.
It's a Skinner box and those only work on the kind of people who lead lives shitty enough to have drug problems.
RPG combat is very fun if done right. The thing is that after WoW it all was dumped down to holy trio and hotbar rotations. MMOs used to be about preparation and stragety, battles were not fast paced because they required interacting with your party members mid combat.
never modernised
combat especially
Because by their very nature, they are laggier, shittier versions of some better singleplayer game, some of which already have a good multiplayer mode. MMOs are never good and will never be good because devs only view them as a social hangout spot.
This. And forgot to mention how especially action games, never ever play as good as their offline counterparts.
Fucking this. Now everyone has a "role" so there is no reason to interact with ANYONE on the spot. It perfectly shows the problem with western ideology. "Do what your told/supposed to do and shut up. DO YOU ENJOY OUR GAME??" And unfortunately it infested Japanese ones too.
the novelty of talking to others ONLINE has worn off.
people don't care about each other anymore
The combat is shit compared to dark souls.
Put some RPG dark souls combat in it and maybe I'll play it.
No tera is shit too. It looks and feels like shit
Because they're the worst things about rpgs and multiplayer games combined and none of the good.
This. The MMO concept is meaningless unless the game has an underlying infrastructure which actually makes the presence of everyone else relevant.
Namely a player driven economy and a skill/class/profession system where everyone has their own part to play in keeping the system running. However, such a system is one that effectively equates to "work" for most players rather than fun adventures. That's why games like Star Wars Galaxies plummeted in playercount as soon as it launched, and EVE Online has a tiny but dedicated playerbase.
Job simulator MMOs are simply not appealing.
Themepark MMOs are things to be consumed and discarded.
Sandbox MMOs are irrelevant as players would rather make their own Minecraft or Starbound or whatever server.
It doesn't really matter after a few dozen players or so, or even one half dozen. Unless it's Planetside, you aren't going to get anything meaningful out of having some 100+ player clusterfuck, and in Planetside's case it's just the spectacle and target rich environment letting you fuck around when a fight gets that big.
Not to mention, the old school mmos were designed from ground up so that the _latency_ which will always be there, is not problem. E.g. auto attacks, huge margin for synchronized actions, no dodging bullshit.
This could also be sort of result of making things way too effecient. Instances and such are also cancer in mmos. Basically MMOs are nowadays laggy single player games. It's funny how interaction with others is severly discouraged by not allowing to party in quests, making crafting useless, untradable items and so on..
Because most MMOs usually focus on combat and the that part always sucks ass.
mmo newfags only look at the game and not the cumminty. So you are just playing an grindy rpg instead an mmo
Because they employ shared world, which means they have to adjust to lowest common denominator, which inevitably makes them shit.
>That's why games like Star Wars Galaxies plummeted in playercount as soon as it launched,
you sure it didn't have anything to do with the patch that made becoming a jedi a fucking joke?
not that leveling the 32 profesions were hard but sure as hell was harder than grind experience
Since WoW went full theme-park mode, it has the lowest sub numbers of all time. The two people I know that still casually play don't see it as fun adventure, more like a thing to just press buttons and shiny stuff popping up as rewards
>you aren't going to get anything meaningful out of having some 100+ player clusterfuck,
also warharmer pvp battles were fun
planetside its shit , everyone is around the fucking map , may aswell have a few million players and map wouldn't feel too huge for so little people
they don't focus on combat. They focus on grind
too casual
No, the game was bleeding like a pig on release. SOE was scrambling to make ANYTHING work just to keep the players it had. NGE, CU, Lightspeed, Wookie, Jedi for everyone, all long after SWG went from a few hundred thousand players on Day 1 to fucking nothing just a few months in.
NGE was just a mercy killing for the scant few people who were still playing at the time. Several of my friends who had gotten Jedi the hard way through holocrons as soon as Jedi became available all quit once Jedi became just another class for anybody.
Basically this. I wouldn't say talking to friends isn't fun. But I usually talk to friends but we play some singleplayer games while we talk.
Casual/solo oriented
Need an MMO with monsters that can't be solo'd
Make monsters/armies of monsters that can't be beaten alone.
In my opinion most monsters should have escorts that have to be distracted or something to be beaten
it is called vanilla FF11 and it fucking bombed in west
Vanilla WoW elite quests solved that well. If you did them in zones it gave a ton of xp and good rewards, but you could still level alone if you wanted to
Too time consuming. Are there any perma death style MMOs?
>soon as Jedi became available all quit once Jedi became just another class for anybody.
i did the same
>sold a jedi account the same week it was just another class