11 minutes of pure fap material
If you aren't excited for this, get the fuck out of my face
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
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The casting time for spells seems ridiculous now
Reminder that the first Pillars of Eternity was a great game (especially with the patches and expansions) and this one is gonna be even better overall.
Shills shilling.
Hopefully my 2h berserker will still be relevant.
Combat looks much slower in general. I'm not sure I like that. PoEs fast pace was one of the few things I liked about it.
Reminder that it fucking wasn't.
I could only stomach one playthrough in a genre I've almost always ended up with several playthroughs for
It's to make up for the fact they're no longer per-rest. Gotta be balanced some way without taking away their power.
Maybe they'll let you go fast-mode like they let you in Tyranny.
Based balance man! I cant wait to play another bland game in the name of balance!
You finished the expansion?
That's the thing. I played it before the expansion came out, even though I backed the game before release which included the expansion. I just couldn't manage to play it a second time to try the expansion. I found it that gruelling of an experience
This but unironically
>New Obsidian
Damn right.
You don't need to play the whole game from the beginning. Just grab your save before you jump into the hole and go to White March. The content scales up and it's great. Then you can go back to the hole and quickly finish the game again with your Level 16s, if you feel like it.
Hmm, I might give that a try then
>No Durance
will there be romance
Still hoping we get a cameo or some references from him
ign website is so terrible. playing "which one of these 57 scripts is the video?" is cancer.
Mashing together per-encounter and per-rest was a halfassed system to begin with. It made mages into weak little shits, druids more averagely rounded and ciphers were GOD-TIER MOTHERFUCKERS who could do anything a little wizard bitch could do but do it more effectively. Except for that one high-level paralyze spell which was so strong it broke the strongest encounters in the game--only wizards and scrolls got that.
So, you can pick pocket anyone you want now?
Mages were great, especially if you spammed resting and just got infinite camp supplies at inns. They should have made it so that you couldn't leave dungeons before you were fully done with them. Would have balanced everything well.
Seems like it
Making it open world like Fallout New Vegas (only with an actual overworld system instead of a shitty Bethesda million miles simulator) is pretty cool
This all looks nice but reminder that the writing is gonna be even worse than the first game and it has a lot of the writing team from Tyranny
I hate it because it's gonna make me explore the entire world before I even get started with the main quests. My autism cannot be contained.
so in the first one your main character was able to run a fucking castle even though he has no prior knowledge to do such a thing, and in this one he's a ship captain?
holy crap, obsidian is literally worst than bethesda.
The writing of the first game was fine. It had flaws but the overall story and world building were good.
Learn by doing, nigga. Plenty of examples in history where people are given these sorts of important roles. It's not like you don't have advisers and people to help you out on the task.
>It had flaws but the overall story and world building were good.
literally lying on a chinese image board.
I liked it
>Plenty of examples in history where people are given these sorts of important roles.
name one guy who goes from being a nobody to having to a castle to being a ship captain in the period of what, few years to a decade?
>I liked it
ye, but those are two different things.
Your magical throne wife handles everything though. You just pump money into her.
>And lastly, with some exceptions, the history of Obsidian and your big successes, there's a lot of other IPs in that, and now you got a current legitimate big success. Do you see maybe the Pillars IP in other contexts in the future? Speculative, of course, but can you see you guys using it in the future in any other ways and any other genres, maybe?
>Yeah, I think so. So, we already had a board game that we collaborated with. I'm writing the basics elements for a Pillars of Eternity Pen & Paper game. And we've also talked other ideas ranging from a turn based tactical combat game to something that is more in the vein of a first person open world exploration game
>Something a bit like Skyrim, maybe?
>Yeah! I mean, like, I certainly think a game like that would be possible and I know a lot of people at Obsidian would be excited to work on something like that. That's not my choice to make. That's up to Feargus. But I think there are a lot of possibilities for it, and that's one of the nice things about the IP being ours, it's our choice what sorts of things we want to explore.
>just got to the trial in Act 2
What is wrong with these people? The Dozens representative keeps yelling, the Doemenels representative doesn't say anything except "I like money" and the Knights representative humiliated me infront of everyone despite inviting me to the hearing. And then Thaos just strolls in and kills everyone!
Please tell me Act 3 is better or I might start killing every NPC
I really love Act 3 but I am in the minority when I say this. It gets much comfier as you go to the generic tribal land and everything gets much more focused and also related to the gods.
You're also at a point where the expansion content should open up, if you have it. Everyone agrees that stuff is great.
>can't leave dungeon to rest
>have very little hp, many wounds and overall get OHKO
>good system
Yeah, no.
>And we've also talked other ideas ranging from a turn based tactical combat game
Hell ye-
>to something that is Skyrim
Fuck off
That's how this kind of games has to be played
Would force players to git gud or play in Story Mode
TL;DR from Sawyer on the writing of this game that makes me hopeful (in the context of the first one)
While I enjoy playing hard games and gitting gud, most players do not enjoy invasive "features" like this, and will not get the game or refund it because of it.
You can guess where that would take
>No Kana
We get his qt sister that is probably much cooler and not as obnoxious as him
the trial was dumb but Thaos had arranged the whole trial to be a farce so that the citizenry would burn down the animancer's sanitarium and drive them out of the nation since apparently they're the only people who might've realized it was me, Thaos, behind it all along! even though they didn't have any inkling of what was actually causing hollow children and certainly never suspected a 1000 year old zealot routinely sucked a whole generation's worth of souls out to feed them to his goddess.
Irrelevant. Thaos objective as a whole is to make sure Animancy never gets advanced enough to even get close to being able to replicate and understand the gods it created. He just killed two birds with one stone with that trial.
>the trial was dumb
they did nothing wrong.
How were the 'gods' created again? I can't for the life of me remember.
It's not outright stated with complete clarity, but it's heavily, heavily, heavily implied by the flashbacks and Thaos actions that it was with Animancy.
Gathring up countless souls and compressing them into one.
>romance included
>can't romance top qt albino elf because she's not a full companion
Fucking Balance Man! At least I can still romance Iselmyr, r-right?
I'm playing through the first one as a Monk and having much more fun than I was having with my Paladin
You gay?
So this is it for Obsidian huh? Make CRPGs until the end of times, cashing in on that 90s nostalgia? I know most of you are completely fine with it but not me, they used to branch out and make different games in a short amount of time and now they're just a one-trick pony. Sad.
I wish. Unfortunately, Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are working on a big time RPG for all platforms that is probably gonna be based on licensed shit and is already confirmed to be a casual-fest.
Do we know anything about Monk subclasses yet?
>that garbage waifu bait won't be a full companion
I fucking love based Balance Man.
>tfw it'll probably be garbage like the first one
>like the first one
So, not garbage at all? That's nice.
I wanted an Animancer companion, though
PoE is worse than the first Baldur's Gate, the story is dumb, the world building/lore is pointless, underused and dumb as well, the gameplay is repetitive and bland because all combats literally play out the same, items are so boring that you will generally use the same weapons and armor you can buy the first time you get to Defiance Bay until you finish the game, a lot of classes are pointless/useless, like ranger, because others can do everything they do except better, the whole tanking/sticky aggro mechanics is wonky as fuck and sometimes doesn't work, the passing bot story and gameplay wise is absolute trash, etc...
it was probably my worst experience with an isometric RPG since Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader.
Lets get this out of the way once and for all
What did Eothas actually represent as a God?
Did he really inhabit the body of that farmer?
Is he really dead?
What were his intentions?
Every single design choice related to this game looks good. I can't even come up with a single thing that looks or sounds worse compared to PoE1.
>PoE is worse than the first Baldur's Gate
>the story is dumb
Better than BG
>the world building/lore is pointless
How so?
>underused and dumb as well
>the gameplay is repetitive and bland because all combats literally play out the same
Not all, but there is an excess of trash mobs
>items are so boring that you will generally use the same weapons and armor you can buy the first time you get to Defiance Bay until you finish the game
True, the expansion did a bit to help with this but it wasn't enough, expecting better itemization on the sequel.
>a lot of classes are pointless/useless
Straight up the wrongest statement ever made, at least post 3.0
he represented the god of plot progression and exposition
once I got my party fully set up, basically 1/4th into the game, the only fights that didn't play out exactly the same as all the other ones were the dragon in the temple and the final boss
>Is he really dead?
He's obviously not dead, since he's in PoE and yes, he did inhabit the body, otherwise he would not have ended up in the statue in the first place.
>PoE is worse than the first Baldur's Gate
PoE has actual challenge, so it's automatically better than both BG1 and 2, where you automatically win the game the moment you pick a Wizard.
You think he inhabited the body as a way to warn us of the plot of the other goddess?
I can
>Party of five
The big plot twist of PoE 2 (that has been foreshadowed all the way through the series) is that Eothas was a fucking asshole and really did deserve that nuking.
>PoE has actual challenge
the only challenge it has is the handful of combats that don't abide by the same rules as 99% of the rest and make your party composition unfit/useless
>muh challenge
what a dumb fucking argument
Pillars 1 was trash, the most cut and dry generic rpg I've ever played, it was like eating burnt steak.
If you actually liked that piece of shit op you need to kill yourself, because you're the cancer killing RPGS.
How so? So far the explanation that he did the invasion as a way of letting us know of the plot of the goddess to gain power makes more sense to me.
Since he couldn't directly tell us "yo senpai, she be bad" he made himself look bad in order for us to connect the dots
>Pillars 1 was trash
Your opinion is very important to the RPG playerbase, please keep us informed.
>the only challenge it has is the handful of combats that don't abide by the same rules
That's infinitely more, than the challenge BG2 had, where you can instakill any boss with a chain contingency without even making an action, LMAO.
And some stuff in the expansion, too, assuming you played that.
Eothas did nothing wrong. He tried to prevent the Hollowborn plague from ever happening, Magran conspired with Woedica to stop him.
I haven't played PoE1 yet but damn does PoE2 look good so far. I wish more devs would offer level scaling as an option, it's a great idea.
again how is challenge relevant to the quality of the game ?
unless you metagame, BG2 can be challenging as well, the issue with PoE is that whatever you do all progression leads you to the same difficulty, or rather absence of difficulty plateau.
I didn't because I hated the regular campaign so much I have no will of playing the game again although I still have it installed.
I'm telling you guys, all the stories about him are going to be true. He's going to be an arrogant asshole that did everything wrong. The other gods will be right in having fought against him (including Hylea not standing for his shit)
Pic related is gonna be a quote of his. It's his symbol.
He literally starts the second game by fucking your shit up and killing hundreds.
>8.3 user score on metacritic
Huh perhaps if they spent the money they made from this game on pillars 2 instead of on paid reviews they wouldn't have had to beg.
We coming for Magran next.
>again how is challenge relevant to the quality of the game ?
If the game has combat, but offers no challenge, it's trash. If you like easy combat in games with a lot of combat sequences, you're a walking, talking pile of garbage.
>metacritic userscore
>a system that allows anyone to post a "review" without proving that they've actually played the game
This is the reason why Steam reviews are the only reviews that matter, because someone who does not own the game cannot review it.
>Take one L away from it
Classic Pillars of Eternity naming strikes again.
Original concept, DO NOT STEAL
>Take one L away from it
Classic Norse originality strikes again.
The problem is steam reviews are made by people who use steam; eg. fucking retards.
It's about as accurate as aggregated facebook reviews of a game would be (not to mention there's no guarentee they've played the game either, just that they own it)
Reviewers don't have to play the game to review it either, so I'm not sure why you're citing bullshit that disseminates your previous argument.
Fuck. Don't I look like an ignorant asshole now. DELETE THIS!
It has a 4.4 out of 5 in GOG
I literally played PoE on my first playthrough on the second hardest difficulty and the only challenging fights were the final one because the guy's statues oneshot my chanter tank and the vampire count or duke or whatever because he kept mindcontrolling half my party
pic rel is the party I ran with for most of the game, used Sagani a while before boring mother
yeah, we should trust professionnal reviewer then.
>Reviewers don't have to play the game to review it either
They have to actually own the game and you can check how many hours they've played and what part of the game they have completed through achievement unlocks.
>steam reviews are made by people who use steam; eg. fucking retards.
It's OK to be jealous of the only social gaming and distribution platform that matters, GoGcuck. Have you bought any air on GoG today, by the way?
>MFW I loved both BG 1, 2 and PoE