Will you help her reach Elysium?
Will you help her reach Elysium?
As soon as they change her name from Pyra back to Homura, sure.
if they scrap runt MC
I'd rather help her reach Orgasm.
Only if I get a mech along the way.
When did Xenoblade turn into a Tales game?
When it decided it wanted to be a good game.
only if her game has dual audio
What an awful design
it doesn't
>Anime generic character #12546
This. It's kind of sad that this is the pinnacle of Japanese character design.
>copy paste character body
>throw autism clothing on it
>it doesn't
...and dropped. I'm not about to listen to those shitty britsh accents for 100 hours.
You'd rather listen to high pitched anime women that sound like children?
>creates anime game that is harem shounen genre
>no japanese voices
What did they mean by this?
Better than western design
>copy paste generic dude
>add tits and Skin color brown
Does the concept of irony evade you?
Yes. At least it will match the visuals then.
Can someone please explain why she's so boner-inducing?
Like, whatever, we see girls hit huge breasts and lots of skin all the time.
Is this design 100% skirting lewd on purpose or something?
Is it the red hair? Because my experience with Inyouchuu says that also might have something to do with it.
No, but parody seems to evade you.
Is this an onee-san game?
As much as I kind of agree Sup Forums suddenly reversing course on this whole thing when it had been absolutely moaning about how superior and prettier Japanese style designs were during the whole ME:A fiasco is pretty bad. It's like shit this stuffs in a big time Nintendo game now even though Nintendo has been animeing up certain franchises for years now, time to hate it.
Yep Sup Forums hates anime style design now about 2 months from raving about it, just really think about that sliding scale of contrarianism for a moment and consider the plausibility of these topics
Do not stick your dick in a Sword.
Only if she starts doing squats to get an ass first.
>no ass
>boner inducing
youre gay mate
The boner happens well before I notice that.
>implying that's not even more puzzling
Yo, two things I love, is Justin Bieber, and yo ass, nigga, wassup with you?
>Xenoblade sold out
This, as an ass man it confuses me too.
Heh that's a fun play on words. You are very cool.
Parody requires criticism or commentary, not a complete lack of self awareness.
You're more of a farse.
Did you ever think, maybe, Sup Forums is more than just one person?
sooooooo you want me to kill her?
>not liking patrician british accents from XC
not really puzzling when the answer is youre gay
>You're thing about how much you want to **** Homura, aren't you?
>implying dub voices don't have more awful screeching than jap voices
Sorry but hearing weebs try to sound anime in English is much worse.
I will buy a switch to help her get there.
I guess I'm open-minded, if I can be real whichu, I ain't gay, but I will suck a nigga's dick.
Now that this series fell for the moe meme, is there any other JRPG that deals with dark and taboo themes?
>Sorry but hearing weebs try to sound anime in English is much worse.
>fell for the moe meme
where were you FOUR GAMES ago? fuck off XCfag this series was never MUH WESTERN ANIME.
Came here to post this.
I want to see a sword ahegao.
Are you mature enough for mature games with mature themes for mature people?
Those games still had pretty messed up shit in them.
>I only like dark and mature anime for mature people such as myself
Go jump off a bridge already you sad sack of shit.
>is there any other JRPG that deals with dark and taboo themes?
Wew lad.
>still had messed up shit in them
>he thinks Homura is going to survive the whole game
He's just shitposting, they can literally implement the option to change the language in 1 hour since all Switch games include all localization files out of the box. In the worst case you will still be able to change your region to Japan and the game will run in Japanese.
Nah, but XCX was such a breath of fresh air from most JRPGs, no moeshit, no shonenshit..
It felt like the only series I've seen that was brave enough to be it's own thing in this day and age.
How does Pyra sit does when she has no ass?
>Fiora lives through being killed off and becomes a human just to NTR Melia
>Homura gets JAPAN end and dies after the final boss
No justice
Dude, it's been confirmed this is gonna be a happy adventurous game with a "timeless" feel for children.
This should have been the first post.
She will. She's his fucking sword, she can't die until the ending for gameplay reasons. Now whether she survives the ending is a different story.
>in a game where eating a side character is a running gag
fuck off.
>puffy pussy
You can have funny moments, I just like the dark moments too.
It feels like no game wants to show the fucked up shit that can happen anymore.
What are some other series that progressively got worse with each new addition?
>inb4 all of them
Technically speaking, he never actually had it until near the end of the game.
>moe and edginess are mutually exclusive
You haven't seen Elfen Lied or Madoka, have you?
He got a Monado back 5 minutes later and that shit happened right at the end.
I'll even settle for a patch or free dlc to have dual-audio. If I have to run the game in full Japanese just for the Japanese audio, I don't think I'll bother getting it.
Yeah, but this clearly isn't that.
Those were made to subvert your expectations.
Then don't use the term moe. Use the genre, like shonen. Xenosaga characters are all moe by design (MOMO, Kos-Mos, Shion).
They're aware people like to have the option to change the dub in this kind of games, they even did it for Zelda. Unless they run out of space I think it's very unlikely that we won't get the option.
It really doesn't matter what I call it tbqh, that's not the point I'm trying to make.
Shounen isn't a genre you retard, it's a demographic. Usually reserved for manga.
And there are millions of things you can do in "shounen", some of the edgiest bullshit is technically shounen.
>it doesn't matter whether I'm able to communicate the point I'm trying to make
>You can have funny moments
you are implying that any of the Lin shtick was funny.
>Wanting to hear a britbong pronounciate a Japanese name out loud
It's bad enough when Americans do it
How were you being ironic?
Heres hoping. I enjoyed XC, but I had to change the audio after the first cutscene. I just didn't like the voices. I wouldn't think they would remove the option for the sequel, but Nintendo have made some dumb decisions in the past, so who knows.
Absolutely as long as Treehouse doesn't touch it.
Cause non-degenerate teenagers realize just doing that sort of thing doesn't automatically make a games story fucking amazing. This is where the whole mockery of "edgefests" comes from. Most games that do that sort of stuff are pretty fucking shitty for it too or visual novels on PC or something. Like cool people don't want to see shonen inspired adventure romp storyline redux, I have even less interest in edgy nihilistic pointless drab story with barely one dimensional non-characters getting fucked in the ass by the narrative at every turn.
Silly? Stupid?
Call it whatever you want, that's not the point.
>It feels like no game wants to show the fucked up shit that can happen anymore.
you realize Homura's Homuras have the most significant and powerful emblem in the meta franchise right?
I thought the English dub in XCX was good, I prefer to understand all the shouts during battle so I played in English, if I play in Japanese I only understand like 1/3 of the dialog.
I'll be probably playing XC2 in English too.
She's on her own.
I don't want to see edgy stuff, you're misunderstanding my point.
I want to see a game that deals with situations beyond the black and white "Good VS Evil" type of story.
I like games that make you question your morals.
SMT was perfect, but that's gone now, Xenoblade was all I had left, but now that's also gone.
I was asking if there was any other game like this, and you guys got triggered.
Gakkou gurashi
Fair enough, but shonen series typically follow certain types of themes, like the "power of nakama." Xenogears/saga games wouldn't be considered shonen because they deal with deeper, more psychological themes. It's still a viable way to distinguish between the game's themes, mood, and tone, at least much better than "moe."
>shitting on cherami leigh
I will fight you.
And that's just fine. I just hope Nintendo gives us the option like they have. That way everyone gets to play it with the audio they want.
I would like to
That's not a sword.
I'm glad somebody's taking the plunge into tumblr to find good art of Pyra.
I follow the artist. They do good work when I want cute but not lewd.