So the metroid announcements got me hungry for a Metroidvania game

So the metroid announcements got me hungry for a Metroidvania game.
is this one good?

Eh it's alright. Combat takes too much time I think, the game would be loads better if all the enemies had their HP cut in half.

I didn't like it and I'm a pretty big metroidvania fan. If you haven't played Hollow Knight yet I suggest you try that first, also Ori and the Blind Forest.

I'll second Hollow Knight

Ori was good, pretty psyched for the sequel.

The mix between classic-style graphics and modern techniques is neat. It's a nice game.

it's really well made but I didn't enjoy playing it very much. Ori is still my favorite

I really, really like guacamelee. Its got this good difficulty that's hard but not infuriating and getting all the optional relics for the good ending is FUN and challenging. The combat is also pretty solid.

People will tell you its a bad game though because it has MEMES from REDDIT!

Guacamelee was so fucking good

Buy the actual Metroid games off the VC so Nintendo sees more people wanting Metroid.

Check out valdis story, bunny must die and la mulana

I'm going to have to heavily not recommend hollow knight, because the gameplay is extremely boring

Severed is really fucking nice too. Its got the metroidvania feel of obtaining a power up and opening new areas to explore but with 1st person dungeon crawling.

Axiom verge was pretty good but i enjoyed hollow knight more.

Those meme's were REALLY out of place though. Fuck, it makes me sad to think about this. This game released during a period that le meme's were on the top of their game. 2x2 comics ruled the day.

Didn't the re-release remove the memes?

I really enjoyed the game. Great music and exploration

I got about half way through (I think) and got burned out. There's a few nice mechanics, but all the guns kinda bleed in to one another and the rules about the glitch gun in particular annoyed me a lot.

Running from one end of the map to the other isn't fun.

if you want a dark souls-esque metroidvania you should play salt and sanctuary, not hollow knight

Hollow Knight is better esp. for the price

if you really want to be cool play environmental station alpha

I thought axiom verge was extremely boring. Especially boss fights. It's always the same pattern over and over again. You can find yourself doing the same 3 moves on repeat for like 5 minutes straight. It's disgusting. Also, you can find shitloads of weapons but they're all trash except maybe 3-4 so don't even bother finishing it at 100%.

Game aesthetic is fucking lit though, i was sad when I saw that it was so bad

The memes were annoying, but those aside, it was a legitimately great game. I should 100% it sometime.

I remember casuals whining about how hard the game was, but it was actually fairly easy to me outside of a few of the bosses, which weren't even that hard.

I need to get on all these indie Metroidvanias I need to play still.