It's up

It's up


what a time to be alive.

50th viewere here. So you do shill.

There's a new Max Payne coming out??

stop shilling your shitty videos

Buy a banner, shillbat.

Based crowbcat

fuck off

Crowbcat here

Continue to bump my thread, lads. It's all just more views for me. Thank you

I'm the real Crowbcat here

>That Spongebob transition

no im cowbat

>It's another "look at my totally unprecedented and cynical views on the game industry" episode by crowbcuck

Same lol

o fucc

hes fucking epic based doe

How can I get as good as editing as you?

he sucks that ninty dick hard tho

>We are very proud to show you how the game looks like on xbone one -xbox one x
my sides

Why is E3 so awkward? Everything feels so stiff, it's painful.

>Le Xbox is bad meme XDDDD
Die in a fire meme youtuber. Stop shilling your shit here.

>earliest access
Jesus fucking christ

Thanks again man.

20 / 5 / 16 / 4

idk if i can watch this lads

my stomach has already started to feel fucked up

I don't care what people say about crow being a cynical fuck his Dead Rising video was great

max payne 3 was shit. go back to gritty nyc again.




>e-celeb thread
This window will close after three seconds.

Didnt watch it yet but im calling it out, its gonna be anti MS and Nintendo and pro Sony

>it's real
bitch aint even hiding it, calling "gamers" straight consumers. what a play.

Sure is summer in here.

reminder to sage and report eceleb threads


announcing reports and posting the text from the report window isn't allowed here


The madman did it. This is going to trigger the fuck out of neogaf.

Seriously, how do I get good at editing

Crowbcat is a cuck faggot and so are (you). The definition of a meme youtuber.

>announcing reports

Enjoy your ban faggotron

wait whats up? what do you know that I don't

Which one of your favorite games/devs/console did he BTFO?

guys. I make videos without even so much as recording my voice, let alone showing my face. look up the defi of celebrity.

Wow, incredible

A thread related to video games died for this eceleb trash.

This guy's a god

i started playing mad max 2 for the first time

is the 3rd any good?

>get stuck looking at mona's ass when you switch roles

>Le cynical gamer that hates le E3
You're the cancer killing this industry, I bet you're one of the faggots sucking his dick in the comments. Get fucked.

I know right? He's got even more subscribers than DSP

Based. Gonna get comfy, hunker down and watch some crowbs.


He has started the fire.

>we wuz kingz
neogaf btfo

>actually defending E3


What do you like the yearly catastrophe that is E3?

this guy is a goldmine of kino vids.

Kill yourselves, e-celeb dicksuckers. You're fucking cancer.

>le company dicksucker
Have you bought the most powerful console yet?

>the cancer killing the industry isn't early access, corporate theatrical events like E3 showcasing stuff that will look nothing like the finish product, exclusives, pre-order bonuses or pandering to faggots who want to shoehorn 'diversity' into absolutely everything
>it's some guy editing videos and posting them to Youtube


Who is this cuck?



Seen better videos shitting on e3 2017 already

Ptetty kino so far, had to report in on Sup Forums.

>"A grand prize of one million dollars"
>no applause
>"O-one miiillion dooollars..."