"For the moment...

>"For the moment,Microsoft’s created a machine that the DIY PC crowd can’t currently match—not when you try to copy both feature set and the cost at the same time, at least. That might be a first, given how often PC gamers tout the benefits that console fans miss out on."

PCWorld magazine tries to build a PC that matches, Xbox One X at the same price, concludes that it's impossible


Other urls found in this thread:


>selling a console at a net loss is a new concept
pls go

>But if you build it with no case and second hand free mouse and keyboard with a shitty 4 year old, 102 degrees gpu you can get 60 frames on low suck on that plebs

290/390.is still btfo 1070 and rx480 580

390x is the best card until vega

>BTFO a 1070
HAHAHAHAHA AMD does not have a single card that even matches the 1070 or high

PC does more than a console and lasts longer

there should be no debate that it is superior gaming platform

So what is it that you people don't fucking understand? PCs can play literally every game that has ever come out besides 360 games/Sunset Overdrive and PS3/4 exclusives (which is going to change in the next couple of years) PCs have mods. PCs don't require you to pay more on top of your Internet bill to access online. PCs let you use any controller you want and also use M+KB. PCs have access to Internet browsers that aren't total fucking garbage.

Cool, Xbone X is cheaper than the PC equivalent, that's great. It's also just for playing games when PCs can do so much more with less restrictions. I will never understand this hangup about the prices of systems for a hobby.

Yeah but can I get degenerate porn on the One X to fap when I'm not shitposting?

I like owning a non-gaming laptop and having an Xbox for gaming. There's no fucking reason for me to own an expensive desktop that I can't take with me everywhere.

The hat sits too high on that frog's head and it's triggering me.

"from console is better!" to "see! console is almost as good as PC!
almost there kids

PC is only initially more expensive if you don't already have one. Upgrading from PS4 to pro or Xbone to new Xbox costs hundreds of dollars for an entirely new machine, while upgrading a PC that beats out an Xbone to one that beats out the new Xbox costs significantly less. Of course gaming journalism doesn't understand this because they can't wrap their heads around not having to buy an entirely new system, they completely ignore PC's greatest advantage to make an "argument".

PC costs more. But it's also better.

Consoles have always been the budget option. That is their main selling point.

That's how cool people like Chad wear their hats these days.

>What is economies of scale and selling consoles at a loss to recoup in sales of software?

In a year or so, better products will have trickled down to lower prices and besting the XOX at a lower price will inevitably be possible.

But yes, at the current time, XOX's hardware is meant to look appealing for the upfront cost; but that ignores the online network fees and high retail prices of console games, which always leads PC to be cheaper in the long run anyways.

PCs are for work, consoles are for play.

>What is a console?

Overclocked R9 Fury X and unlocked R9 Fury do.

I'm a console fag, but I agree with this. I think the true test here would be, can you take a PC you built for $500 around time of launch of the X1 and can you upgrade it for $500 to match/better the X1x. (KBM cannot be cheap and useless or free like most these builds do)

>Consoles have always been the budget option
Not for the case of Nintendo. They legitimately have things PC never gets until emulation works properly.

Paid article. Games on the Xbox One use checkerboarding upscaling and shit like dynamic resolution, If games on PC used these you could throw in a 1060 and play 4k games at 30fps on low just like the Xbox One X.

explains why PC is better

False, Xbone X 4K is native

Give me just one example.

Fucking lmao
It needs to replicate it EXACTLY therefore I need to buy a $130 Blu-ray player

It's mostly children's games like Mario. I gamed on Nintendo growing up but ever since i hit my 20s I couldn't tell you what their latest console even has besides another Zelda game.

Kek no. Only racing games will be native 4k since racing games are not resource intensive and you can play them at 4k with a 380 and be fine.


Literally all of their first-party games?

Does anybody even have a disc drive of any sort on their tower PCs anymore?

I don't remember the last time I've had to use one.

Most do for installation discs.

>Buy console
>Also have to pay for online for as long as you have it, so depending on how long you own the console your price just keeps going up until it eclipses the PC price

Dang, hard choice here, but I think I'm gonna stick with PC

>concludes that it's impossible

>hur dur 570!
Yes, the 570 will outclass the gimped 480 in the xbox one x
>b-b-b-b-but WINDOWS!!!!!!
You can get windows 10 for free from microsoft themselves and the activation tool as well
Stay mad MS cucks ;)

>Overclocked R9 Fury X
Dat extra 5% core clock must be fucking amazing

>PC, essentialy hit or miss DIY crap hobbled together from components that will not work with each other properly as they are untested, extremely expensive in order to exceed console performance
>Consoles, a highly specialized product designed by the worlds best engineers in order to deliver flawless bang for your buck performance at overall low cost, do not require browsing autistic forums for 1000 hours before you decide on a setup that will not crash to desktop on your first game

I know what I'm gonna choose


too be honest i don't care about how games look anymore or console specs. It's always the same games that get realesed with slight variation.

typical AAA Eighth gen game
>Open world
>2DEEP4YOU story
>Forced multiplayer

It doesn't matter what platform you play, you will get the same games with a slight graphical improvement

Amigo if you go to where your xbox is to game you could have a better desktop pc instead and if you're hung up about being able to bring your xbox places you can have a mini pc that outperforms the xbox and is just as easy to move around.

Why not? A cheap keyboard lasts me about as long as a cheap controller and in most cases longer.

>require browsing autistic forums for 1000 hours before you decide on a setup that will not crash to desktop on your first game
brainlets everyone

But we get games for free user

I've had my current computer since 2010 and I've never needed a CD drive.

The consoles are undercut in actual value, and the profits come from overpriced services and games instead.

At the end the comparison becomes a zero sum value, but the PC stands stronger with all the other services, games, modding, programs etc etc consoles simply can't do.

Nigga I used google and 2 youtube videos to put together my current computer having never done this shit before and it's been running fine for years.

You can copy paste this into any one of these threads. It's the most sensical reply. Also,
>paying for windows

>this much bait

Also I said KBM, you could probably get away with a cheaper keyboard, but not a mouse. Prove me wrong. Been using my same DS4 since launch and still looks brand new. Just like everything else, don't treat your products like ass and there wont be an issue.

I think the biggest factor most people forget about controllers is how easy they are to throw around/drop and stupid niggers do this all the time then complain "oh build quality is shit". I still have N64 controllers with tight joysticks when I was kid because I wasn't a dumb fuck.

goddamn nobody truly thinks that it isn't superior, but for all the superiority comes caveats like higher price, ongoing upgrade costs, (for a "living room box") harder to use, takes up more space etc etc
Superior gaming platform? Yes
Best/most desirable option for everyone? No

why would anyone want to build a pc that runs 4k/30 instead of 1080/60?

yes, it was the first thing I did when I got my xbox one. Voice commanded a search into the web browser and watched porn

>consoles only play video games
>pc plays video games and does a million other things
>pc is more expensive

woah.... really makes you think huh...

That's beside the point.

>xbone x will stay current in 5 years time
>will have to shell out another 400 dollery doos in 5 years?

Can i toss 400 doller doos into my pc and have it last 10 years? Yes

This. I upgraded my 6 year old 2500k pc to a used i7 and a r9 480 for around €300 and now it's good for another few years. I also sold my old stuff so really it only cost about €150.

I mean its technically a feature of the X, but the point is proven even minus 130
Also, for a lot of people who own nice tvs and are using this as a family entertainment box as well as a gaming machine (like myself and many others) it'll be nice to enjoy a movie in the highest quality. I know most people don't care about that but many people do.

Fucking hell the shill our out today.

>what is being stuck with that hardware
>not realizing hardware gets cheaper with time
>you are currently running the heat you ever will.

Dude you are so full of shit and you must not actually play games on your systems. I went through several n64 controllers as a child due to mario party alone those joysticks were not that sturdy.
DS4 build quality has already been lambasted for being lower quality than the DS3 which was already worse than the PS2 controllers.

Not really, since the gap between a Fury X and 1070 is much larger than 5%, indeed it seems to be ~13.6%, so the insignificant OC on a Fury X won't match a stock 1070 even if it scaled perfectly as in-game performance, not to mention an OC'd 1070 with raised power limits and a decent cooler.

>FX 8300
>i5 7400
Kek, is this for real?
The CPU in the XB1X is nowhere near either of these CPUs.
More accurate:

>posts a 6 core cpu when the X has 8 cores
>8gb of ram when the X has 12gb
This is still the most accurate and will btfo the X

Depends on what the consumers value. Some pc cucks only play League of Legends. Some PC cucks play games at 30 on Max settings.

Same for consoles. In Microsoft's case they have a PC model. 249$ entry point, 500$ premium device. Not as customizable or versatile, but hopefully they will have a boost mode similar to ps4 pro for all games so DF can test the machine.

Don't see the difference in terms of business model.

Forgot the link

>>posts a 6 core cpu when the X has 8 cores
>Only 8
Kek, my phone has 8 cores, XB1X confirmed for on par with phone CPUs.

3 0 F P S


X1X has 12 GB total, that's system RAM and VRAM together.
That build also has 12 GB (8 GB RAM + 4 GB VRAM).
Also, corecount means nothing, otherwise the AMD CPU you posted wouldn't get blown the fuck out by Intel quadcores.

Overclocked 1070 beat those, duh

>which is going to change in the next couple of years
This is how you can tell PC gamers don't have friends. Not being able to play games until almost a decade after they came out is not acceptable in most circles.

I blame AMD for this core meme shit # of cores is largely irrelevant for gaming what matters is the actual throughput.

This argument is so fucking stupid. A PC with matching performance will never be as cheap as a console. Consoles are designed to do a handful of things, PC's are designed to do dozens, not to mention consoles will haver cheaper manufacturing costs do to mass production of parts.

I blame dumbfucks not knowing what the fuck they're talking about, that's why whenever someone brings up that a PC build has less cores than the XB1X I just bring up my phone.
Corecount means nothing if the cores themselves are low-powered trash made for laptops or SoCs.

Only reason I mention core count is because when you make a pc list that will be better than the X1X with a 4 core intel cpu (which will btfo the x1x still) people will say "REEEEE ITS ONLY 4 CORES AND NOT 8 CLEARLY ITS NOT BETTER HURRRR" so I mention the 8 core cpu to shut those people down and STILL destroy the X1X

Sorry I wasn't a stupid fuck as a kid and played that repetitive bs mario party. Sounds like you enjoyed purposely ruining your controllers with a dumb fucking game like those.

DS4 was never lambasted for lower quality than DS3, if anything thats a joke of the century if you believe yourself making up that nonsense. The only issue the DS4 ever had was the launch version has joystick nubs tearing, but as I said my launch DS4 still looks and plays brand new.

>Not being able to play games until almost a decade after they came out is not acceptable in most circles.
You say that as if most of these games aren't single player.

I'm aware but not everyone can afford the inital cost of a gaming PC. Some of us have to rely on consoles.

>inb4 PCfats say shit like "I can build a better rig that plays 8k at 500 fps for $12.50"

>I'm aware but not everyone can afford the inital cost of a gaming PC.
If you can afford a $500 console you can afford to build a PC.
That said, the XB1X would make an ideal HTPC-type living room media station.

So not only don't you play games now you didn't have friends to play games with as a child, so sad.

im pretty sure they can hit 4k if they use checkerboarding and turn off AA and ambient occlusion

And in 5 months when it finally releases you will be able to build a comparable machine at the same cost.

It's idiotic to try to compare the market value of parts now for a console that isn't releasing until the end of the year.

I still have high hopes for Crackdown 3 but even I have to admit it looks almost exactly like Crackdown 1 graphically. Even the amount of NPCs, cars and props on-screen at any one time is about the same.

try-hard underage b& detected

what comes with install discs anymore?
if you need drivers, you can just set up the computer and download the drivers

Whenever retards try to argue about cores I just bring up phones.
Most modern Android phones in the $250-$500 range have octocore CPUs, many of which are clocked higher than the PS4, XB1, PS4 Pro, and XB1X, so just use their own retarded logic and shitpost that these consoles are weaker than phone processors.

there's also the fact that I'm sure some devs are too stupid to actually use all the cores. Having 6 gorillion cores is pointless when only 1 or 2 are going to be used.
Paradox Interactive in particular is infamous for only using a single thread for their VERY CUP intensive games.