No new SOTC bosses

Famitsu: The next question is about Shadow of the Colossus. Is this a remaster version, or is it a remake version?
Shuhei Yoshida: “It is a remake. The game content is the same as the original version, but all the assets are being remade. I figured we could use such tech to make if we’re going to make Shadow of the Colossus in the PS4 era. Bluepoint is the development company behind the PS3 remaster versions of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. So we know them rather well.”

Famitsu: So the game will have the same content it had in its PS2 version.
Yoshida: “It’s the same, but player preferences for controls and such change over time, so we’re working on implementing a more modernized way to play. And of course you can play with a feel of the original version, but what we’re doing is showing how great the original work is, using today’s technology. Ueda-san (ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, and the Last Guardian lead designer Fumito Ueda) wasn’t that involved much this time.”

>same game
>no new bosses
>art style decimated
>ugly Unreal Engine-esque graphics
>casual friendly controls

Still hyped?


i will get it if i'm convinced that the graphics actually improve the atmosphere.

doing a side by side comparison i kind of think something has been lost, the visual noise and jankiness was a part of the original game

I was never really hyped. Ive already put countless hours into the game like ten years ago. This is good for new players but i don't really give that much of a fuck.

I always saw this more of like PS2 technical demo, or "interactive movie" rather than game. So not really interested.

>visual noise and jankiness
what do you mean?

no, graphical upgrade isn't enough of an improvement and doesn't fit as well because of the style they chose anyway

Nah, I already bought it twice.
Are they going to change how the challenges work finally?

PS5 remake will be the tits though

Not really

Still gonna buy this shit
But I'm really depressed, how can you mix up remaster and remake ?

20 fps cinematic experience boy

>the visual noise and jankiness was a part of the original game
I definitely agree with you there. It's like watching a movie with that nice film grain. And the slightly unclear visuals made the human characters' faces feel slightly unreal. I don't know how it will look in modern graphics.

Oh yeah I noticed that in the comparisons with the PS3 versions, when the colossus falls down it actually looks better at 20fps.

Would have been cool to fight the Spider, but oh well

i don't mean the fps but the ponderous animation of the colossi

Disappointed they're not adding new content, but I'll still buy it when it's on sale for $20.

>casual friendly controls

Fuck off. The controls in the original were clunky as fuck.

>art style decimated
>>ugly Unreal Engine-esque graphics

Nostalgia fag need to be gassed

agreed. The new game looks amazing.

>Knack 2

wow bros, where were you when SONY FR*CKIN WON

Dude, ferns. I especially like how they're keeping the same art style oh wait they aren't. They are also using Unreal Engine so I don't get your argument.

>Game industry is so devoid of creativity nowadays they're resorting to remastering a remaster of a 2-console-old game.
Just you wait till the PS5 or 6 where no new games will be made, but you'll get upscaled SNES games games with a shitload of bloom

Right looks better, get your eyes checked

they could remake this shit in the minecraft engine and i'd still be hyped
>another SOTC game
can't fucking wait senpai

Is this how it looks? They kinda went overboard with the grass. The ps2 graphics might be crap but the barren fields gave the game a great athmosphere.
This looks too lively.


>no new bosses
Weren't the cut bosses like almost done? This would have been the perfect opportunity to put them in the remake, since it's not just an HD remaster and you're making everything from scratch. People would be much more excited for this, if they just added like 2 of the cut bosses.
But nope

god damn i love the half-life cinematic mod
glad the gaming industry is following that example

I am seriously upset at all the grass they are adding.

Do you fags not remember how this game works?

but will it have...

you don't honestly think the original looks that way because of "art style", do you? It's because of technical limitations.

Honestly? No. I have the original and pleayed it to death. I was hyped about this if it introduced bonus Colossi to have fun with, but if it's the same, I'm not about to double dip.

Bro i wish they kept the blurry shitty visuals, that was my childhood!


Why don't they just restore the ones that were cut? Fucking lazy faggots.

Not him, but I think his point isn't about which one is better, but whether the remake will stay true to the original. SotC is one of the games where the graphical enhancements and post-processing effects actually has some meaning and point to it. Like why is the game looks washout, hazy, or this . The dev autistically researched those shit for months, they didn't put those shit just because.

Not him, but it definitely has a different look. Left is more barren while right is more, empty. If it's done right the right could well end up looking more haunting.

>"casual friendly" controls
I think in this case he means "not shit". The controls in the original """classic""" were garbage, get over it. Of course that's to be expected in """"""""art"""""""""


>PS2 original
>PS3 remaster
>PS4 remaster remaster

nice games faggots

One word man.


>doesnt know the difference between remaster and remake

Off to reddit

Recently got a console since the N64, haven't played the original..

I'll still get it. Looks fine to me.

What do you think this is, the Crash Bandicoot trilogy? This is never going to other platforms, just buy it because Sony said so.

They probably gonna add some effects to tell where the lizards are, like the grass is swaying or some shit

What was so garbage about the old controls? I don't remember them being shit at all.

It will still be awful compared unless you see and shoot them before they start scurrying. Thats a lot of extra tedium to get my stats up if once they get to the ground are impossible to track.

We can only hope the glow or move the grass, problem with them glowing is the day night bullshit, probably only viable to search at night which is annoying as hell


Wait this "remake" is just being done by a remaster/port studio?

What an odd announcement all around. I'll probably pick it up at some point because I never got the PS3 version, and playing the original on an hdtv is painful.

I'm not convinced it'll be any better than just the simple remaster though.

that horse tho

Did you forget that bubsy game that was announced

The same people that did it on ps3.
Except back then we actually had a chance for new colossi but ueda too much of a perfectionist so he didnt want to and instead focused on staying as faithful as possible.

No more ueda this time around though so no chance of good new content.

I believe that's more of a physics problem than the actual controls.

>Old controls

Only if you're physically inept.

What was wrong with ti? I remember really liking the horse

better graphics =/= better visuals


Horse had some shit moments but overall wasn't too bad. You don't even need it for the vast majority of fights, and when you do you can get away with running in a straight line most of the time.

I can only think of like 4 battles that need the horse, and they aren't horribly hard.

art style and technical limitations go hand in hand

literally every video game's look is defined by technical limitations

That's not the point you fucking autist. God only graphics matter to you morons.

The bloom, fog, and the general weather is all messed up in the remaster v2. I won't be getting it.

I don't get it. There was a HD remake on ps3, why make another? Not to mention that I'm satisfied with my ps2 game anyway, not gonna buy it

>Sony's only new games at their E3 conference were a remaster and a multiplat
Post yfw

you're satisfied with the game your parents bought for you and see no need to make a contribution of your own to the business that provided you with such a great experience in your childhood? great stuff user.

And most interesting

I agree with you on the overall concept, but im gonna disagree with you on this specific example.

Remake actually looks bretty gud. The problem is you can never have the exact same atmosphere because it comes down to shit like draw distance and lack of details that bring it together in that specific way.

Only way to leave the atmosphere completely untouched while improving the graphics is to do an HD port with high res textures and that's it.

I think they did a pretty good job overall from what they have shown, especially considering it's using fucking unreal engine

Hopefully your stamina bar increases after each fight this time, as it would make sense that way.

>Trying to guilt a nigga into buying s game he already owns for the second time

Get lost Sony-pony

They can fuck up a lot but if they change the soundtrack it's dead to me.

>>same game
Yes, that's what a remake is.
>>no new bosses
Yes, that's what same game means.
>>art style decimated
Its the same art style though???
>>ugly Unreal Engine-esque graphics
Looks better though???
>>casual friendly controls
Its a console game you dimwitted fuck, by the very fact of it being controller-based controls were always casual friendly, besides, the original controls were garbage, which, if you ever played the game, you'd know.

No point in even doing this if they aren't adding to it. Fuck this gay timeline. And fuck Sony.

>the visual noise and jankiness was a part of the original game

This isn't silent hill, shit visuals weren't style, they were byproduct of the games looked like shit age.

Dammit you guys are right and I totally hate it. The forbidden land came off as a gloomy, desolate place. It seemed barren and gray where nothing could live. If they turn it into a lush paradise they'll completely ruin the atmosphere.

It did increase after every colossus, it was just very incremental

>Dude, ferns.
You don't actually know what a fern is, do you?

>people seriously thought they would add all of the cut colossi

>he problem is you can never have the exact same atmosphere because it comes down to shit like draw distance and lack of details that bring it together in that specific way.

you can work to replicate them.

as it stands i think the remake looks a little too lush, the sky is a little too bright and the air seems too clear. there are effects they could employ to replicate and even enhance the sort of white noise effect of the first game. i think they could probably get closer to the original atmosphere if they're prepared to depart MORE from realism and pursue a more watercolour sort of look.

>the barren fields gave the game a great athmosphere.
But they weren't barren... they just had grass as a texture instead of as physical objects because the engline/console couldn't handle grass.

>The problem is you can never have the exact same atmosphere
You could at least try, which they aren't doing.

Look at MGSO, they perfectly retain the art style while making the game look amazing.

This just looks like some autist remade the game in unreal.

>This isn't silent hill, shit visuals weren't style,

why does silent hill get away with it and this doesn't?

the way devs respond to technical limitations defines how their game's look, the two are inextricably linked. even crysis is defined by its limitations. silent hill is no exception.

I said this during the e3 trailer; "if they're going to release the cut monsters I'm buying a ps4, otherwise it's just another shitty rehash"
It's just another shitty rehash

>That's not the point you fucking autist.

>because the engline/console couldn't handle grass.
It could though, it had grass in several areas.

>why does silent hill get away with it and this doesn't?
I can't tell if you're retarded or just pretending ,but if you don't understand the subject being discussed then don't fucking get in the conversation you imbecilic fuck.

the texture was of much shorter grass in any case

>So the game will have the same content it had in its PS2 version.

Then it's not a remake, what a lying kike.

It's an old Sup Forums joke you fucking newfag.

You dont know what remake means

Yes he does. Stop shitposting you delusional sony nigger.

Looks good to me. Definitely will be picking it up at some point.

congrats on making no point in response whatsoever.

SotC is nice and all, but remaking it for PS4 after it was ported to PS3 from the original PS2 release feels a bit excessive

:( i really wanted some new content

The lighting and such does look very unreal engine default settings, and the character models a bit jank (especially the face), but they can fix it

my only problem is how lifeless and ugly the new Wander model looks, but considering he's only seen from the back in the trailer, i think he's still a WIP model

no they weren't, why does every cunt complain about the controls

i don;'t remember how the controls felt. were they tanky?

>making my favourite game more accessible

also, where do we draw the line with remakes / remasters? There'll be a point when this PS4 version looks like the PS2 does today; is an infinite amount of remakes justified?

is there an obvious reason (apart from $$) that these games aren't left the way they are? The idea that graphics are enough of a reason to (re)rerelease the game again is an injustice to the original.


Remakes dont have to add new content retard

>There'll be a point when this PS4 version looks like the PS2 does today; is an infinite amount of remakes justified?

absolutely, why not? if there's something to be gained from a remake why shouldn't it be done?

Anybody else buying a PS4 just for this?

The only issue I'd complain about is how slow the controls could be at times, but I imagine that had more to do with the game running at 5FPS than actual ergonomics for which the game was pretty damn easy to control

>but they can fix it
They wouldn't have made it broken. They actually think they did good.

When did the Crash remakes become the standard for putting effort in games?