What's with all the black women in gaming in the last 2 years when there were practically none before?

What's with all the black women in gaming in the last 2 years when there were practically none before?

Do black women even play videogames?

>Do black women even play videogames?
Yeah, I've known some, and every single one of them always makes their character black if there's character customization.

I could care less if they put black women in video games, all i ask for is make them interesting characters and not just shoe horned in because its 2017

stop being so bigoted :^)

These threads bring out all the racist blacks and their white liberal pets.

black women are 5x more likely to have STDs

at least one of the four women in the OP have an STD

>Do black women even play videogames?
No and that's why it has to change

That's how business works. You market for the demos you don't have. Because unless you're expanding your markets, you're literally failing. Expand or die. That's how business works

redpill material incoming

>the negress market
Im crying

That's fucking retarded and not how business works. You don't market to a demographic who has historically had zero interest in your product. It's like marketing Christian self-help books to atheists.

yeah because negresses have lots of disposable income and are equal to whites and asians in every way

>all these black women the last 2 years

Name more than 10 characters the last 2 years, in the hundreds of games that came out? Name more than 3 the last decade that were the actual protagonist of a game.
>do black women play games

Who cares if they play or not. Black women exist in the real world, so if a game is set on earth why wouldn't the game have a black woman?


>That's fucking retarded
Yes it is
>not how business works
It is now. This is the 21st century. Expand or die is a law when it comes to corporate leadership.
Why do you think there has been so many stupid decisions? Because billions of profit aren't enough. The guy who says "I will make more" will always win out over the guy who says "I will secure us right where we are".
It doesn't matter if the expand guy is retarded and gets fired later. It was him who is incompetent, not his idea.

The movie industry lives by this. And that's why it's crashing

Only right answer

the (((movie industry)))

2 off the top of my head are Alyx Vance and Kendl Johnston. Those games were over a decade ago.

>wolfenstein 2
>you play a black woman in afro killing nazis

why this is genius

when is the game coming out? I can't wait for the ass explosion on Sup Forums

De niro is a nut though. He is so obsessed the white men raping black women stat is all him.


They make my dick tingly and funny

>white and asian facial features and skull structure
really jogs the noggin

How is Alyx a black woman?
She doesn't have a giant afro or a sassy attitude.
She doesn't even call Gordon "white boi".

Shes a quadroon

god niggers are just so physically repulsive, even the cleaned-up ones they shove in vidoegames

So is Lana from Archer, but she has a sassy attitude, occasionally an afro, and has said "white boi" on at least one occasion

Pretty sure Eli got cucked by a white man with a tan. Alyx has never even worn giant hoop ear rings. Black women are born with those.

Yup, its their fucked up skull structure.

>black men want white women
>black women don´t care about diversity in videogames
>White women only request black women as a diversity because they are not jealous of black women. You can see how white feminists NEVER ask for japanese women because they feel ugly near them

She is half black half Asian.

>yeah bro let's throw away huge amounts of resources at something with a very low ROI haha it'll be great
this is why Berniecucks can't into business.

Yes. At least I play video games you retard. What kind of question is that?

The powerful and independent black woman stereotype from blaxploitation films?

I'm cool with this. Boss Nigger and The Big Bird Cage are fun movies.

Funny thing is when that guy did the hd alyx he turned her into Adrianna lima

>thread stays up
>until the local SJW cuck gets utterly BTFO by normal human beings
>"this thread has been pruned or deleted"

What did the mods mean by this?

They have to wait for their text msgs to reach the mods.

following from another gamergate thread, I'd like to say this:

you were pissing into an ocean of piss, and now the tide is coming in.

good for you guys, you really showed them.

literally the same skull structure as monkeys

Typical Sup Forums "ReD PiLl Me!!!" bullshit. You retards eat these stats up and incorrectly jump to the dumbest conclusions.

>The powerful and independent black woman stereotype from blaxploitation films?
That's the only type of black woman that nerdy white devs know
Look at OP's image for proof

>7 more years of Trump
how does it feel, cuck?

The mulatto looks ugly, but Clint's son looks worse than him too.

Meanwhile, AMWF hapas usually look better than both parents and are the master race.

lmao i don't even give a fuck because


>presented with scientific evidence
>resorts to name calling
You're worse than Christians
I bet you don't believe in evolution either

So? Why is this a problem?

Aren't there more diverse game development studios now who if they had a problem with this shut it down immediately?. Clearly this is a vision they are trying to bring back, not exploit.

when will this meme die

I just want any inquisitive blacks to know that i hate white liberals more than you. Also that i wish you would realise they use you.
Also there are asian hapas spreading the hate. Please be aware.

>you retards eat these facts up and then incorrectly jump to their logical conclusion, you racist BIGOTS. my gender studies professor said you're all full of shit

But it's true. Blacks are the most dangerous. If you sympathise with them, you deserve the same treatment as them. Fucking Third-class citizen.

I understand why statistics and data make you mad.


You could make a pic of all the magical blacks and protags in games and it'd be greater than this pic in number

Wow a graph with no references or sources. Sure thing brah I'll believe it.

Won't be long until we have a list to match this one.

this. How the fuck does whitey not see past his own bullshit? They trip over themselves to pretend they "get it" but all have this fucking hivemind answer to a "problem" that no one has. No one I know has ever had issue with diversity or what the fuck ever you call the shit. Shit pisses me off as its patronizing as all fuck, and I GURANTEE the fucking suits who push the quotas are more racist than the anons who call that nigger whenever he posts his ps4 games under his hand.

There is no evidence to deduct from this data that black people commit more crime simply because they are black.

Unfortunately you "redpill" retards embarrassingly choose to willfully believe that correlation = causation.

Have game devs actually ever met a black woman? They're using the same one over and over again.

>reddit spacing
Opinion rightfully discarded :^)

Very well then. Hope you get mugged and raped in the near future, nigger cuck lover.

Its white liberals.

>The mulatto looks ugly, but Clint's son looks worse than him too.
>Meanwhile, AMWF hapas usually look better than both parents and are the master race.
Found the Reddit asian masculinity faggot.

Fbi stats say otherwise. Hell in my country it was stated blacks commit 8x the amount of crime.

You know most of the race baiting is from the asian masculinity fags. They are doing it a lot lately.

You can believe anything you want to. Hopefully you won't end up regretting it.

>Christian self help books
The Bible then?

>there are more black protags than white protags in video games

t. actual retard

I honestly don't care about the inclusion of multiracial characters as long as they're fleshed out and there doesn't appear to be a massive flashing sign from developers shouting "look, token character, aren't we progressive?".

I never knew it was so easy to stump "redpill" nerds.

Link me a source from the FBI that states black people commit more crime simply they are black.

Once again, you're drawing an unsubstantiated conclusion from this data.

If you disagree with this, you don't understand how statistics work, and you may be certifiably retarded.

The politically heated situation and media being exposed as super-partisan.

They're just going all out now, knowing, the people who won't eat their propaganda won't it up anyway. And the people who will, will eat it up anyway.


You yourself have yet to provide anything to counter us. Looks like blacks aren't as intelligent as well.

Just stick to Nintendo.

gaming is the last refuge of the white male

white men can't have anything without being invaded by women and niggers

Men account for 80 percent of violent crime in the US. That's just the facts.
When will you politically correct cucks admit that there is a male problem in our country?

I said magic blacks and protags dumb fuck. Theres at least one token black hero or playable character in every single western game.
Even ff13 had a negro.

It's too easy to claim something is token. Pretty much any media with a single black character is guilty of tokenism? I think that's bullshit.

It's not just video games. They're doing this everywhere for a while now. Also raiding Sup Forums with afro nigger porn threads and mods don't delete them.

He didn't say main character. Now back to NeoGAF with you. Shooh, shooh.

In what way did you "stump" me? Honest question here.

>white men can't have anything without being invaded by women and niggers
How fucking insecure do you have to be to tremble at the sheer sight of a nigger?

blaming all men for niggers

Nice source friendo

Well we can't get rid of men, however we can get rid of the most violent races of men.

>quick we need to market our Disney's Frozen™ little tea set to lumberjacks
>what the fuck
>that's how business works, expand or die Mark, expand or die

Do you like getting a pizza with a turd on it? Same thing.

you see this people

classic liberal projection

It's not like Ubisoft didn't warn you already.

>muh ebin redpills
There's a place (((you))) need to go back to, Righty.

It's for the Transnigger demographic.

I like that. Pisses me off to see someone ashamed of who she is. You don't see many black women in games. I got a friend who wants more Asian men in games too. I don't see it personally, but I do try to make characters look like me if given the choice.

>reddit spacing
Like fucking clockwork

Is there a problem with that?

>first worlders want more crime

Oh god, /r/asian"masculinity" is here too. Can you retarded hapas stop forcing your AMWF meme in every single board into conversations where it doesn't belong. God damn it.


t-thanks for letting us know user...

Of course you have an asian male friend that says that ignoring all the asian game industries.

>You don't see many black women in games
I think you're missing the point

Mmmm....how about no sweetie

it used to be called Sup Forums spacing before you redditfags invaded

>muh exceptions
What's next white knight are you going to seperate the "based black men" from the common nigger also? Not all niggers are bad amirite?

They are the ones spamming cuck porn and attacking white men in every thread.

White boi jealous of the tiny chiney I see.