who else is waiting in line for Best Served with Cold Steel
They still haven't fixed it?
reporting in.
Fucking everyone is.
Calm Down
*cuts in line*
Leviathan reporting
They're not going to. They posted a notice about it that basically amounts to "Try it again later and hope that it's sorted itself by then."
>Still on free trial
>Don't have to deal with this garbage or pay monthly fees
>Things looked grim for us after Carteneau didn't they?
>Things looked grim for us after Carteneau didn't they?
>Things looked grim for us after Carteneau didn't they?
>people are waiting for that instead of doing the other MSQ path
fucking idiots.
>tfw Raubahn isn't actually black.
>teleported to Ul'dah
>went to piss
>90002 error
>2.3k queue
already finished it, now waiting in line.
Kind of hyped for PvP changes.
Has anyone tried a match yet?
Guys, if i can't recover my account this time too then i think i will give up. I seriously don't want to buy the whole fucking game again just to play it even though i love it so much.
Wish me luck, also what the fuck is this retarded queue
I spammed and got in after bridgecucks lined up
>waiting in line.
What kind of dim witted retard actually thinks that matters?
>people actually play MMOs on launch day
for what reason?
>It never gets fixed.
>They add another story quest to circumvent this.
>Raubahn is left sitting there with the MSQ icon forever.
The best part is that it isn't like the servers are acting up or are getting really hammered or anything.
I got roadblocked on one character so I loaded up an alt that still had some of the 3.5 MSQ to go, and the solo instance there just started up without so much as a hitch.
They're basically saying "Okay every solo instance gets an equal share of the servers, no favoritism to this one just because there are literally thousands of times as many people trying to do it as the next-most populated solo instance."
do you guys think fates or potd is faster for 60+ leveling?
It works for me :^)
How the fuck do I use the red mage coffer
To be special.
go to a city before using it, its in your inventory.
>no Garo katana or rapier
but why.
also why is Garo stuff the only gear that's still level capped as every other pvp gear is now lvl 1 cosmetic.
Why are people actually standing in line? Isn't there a bunch of shit to do? I'm at work, so I don't know that status of things. Can anyone elaborate?
I know that feel
>Got past raubahn the cuck
>Quest to go to limsa so I can go to kugane
>90002 error
>2000 queue
Kill me please
So Free Trial players can't get it.
Character distance doesn't show the whole thing, some are, some arent. I'm trying every few minutes or so.
MMO players are fucking morons.
Have you never been paired up with an exceptionally stupid player? There's a reason the dungeons are all linear
fates since they give bonuses now
Though I've read pvp gives like 200k xp, not sure how true that is
Ex-Konami employees can't put their years of experience with the company on their resumes or Konami will sue.
>Konami's authoritarian approach is notorious in the industry. Employees are not allowed to have their own corporate email address. When they have to communicate with outside parties, they are given an address consisting of five random numbers and letters, and the address is terminated within a few months. Lunch breaks have strict time limits, and timecards are used to record how long they take. The names of those who go over the time limit are made public throughout the company.
>Employees' social media activities are also monitored. In 2014, Konami workers who liked a Facebook post by an ex-Kon saying he started working for a different company were shuffled to different positions.
Source: asia.nikkei.com
>Isn't there a bunch of shit to do?
There is, and I already did it. Outside of leveling RDM/SAM, the entirety of Stormblood is gated behind this quest.
Jesus, all that for what?
wrong thread?
>Ex-Konami employees can't put their years of experience with the company on their resumes or Konami will sue
how could this in any way even go through, sounds like bullshit
>so user what happend between these years here, were you unemployed, a neet?
redpill me on Swiftcast for RDM
outside of leveling RDM/SAM, not really since you can't proceed without doing the MSQ
cucked, nothing is saved.
I decided to do some grinding instead. 62 sch now
"Impossible to retrieve character info due to server congestion"
>PVP only requires lv30 now
>equipment is entirely for show; stats are determined purely by job
>you get EXP from it
PvP seems kinda good now. I'll try it in a few days.
Also, 967 queue. 90002 killed me
Do levelling roulette, gave me 1 mil exp at 62
I'm new to PvP. What mode is the most recommended for someone who has no idea how to PvP?
Did you try pvp? Is it fun now?
>fuck lines
I'm hoping Siren isn't a shitshow
That's pretty much exactly right, yes.
i think pvp is a lot of fun now actually
go to wolve's den pier. Fuck around with your new skills, once you think you know your skills go do duty roulette frontline and do what everyone else is doing, just don't rush in alone.
its bad
Does PvP give exp?
frontlines gives 650k per run at level 62
don't be a queuecuck, just go to the front and spam
Still lines?
I want to get some sleep, but after mericucks will return from work everything will be even worse
I miss Bio 1 and Miasma 2.
Fucking amen.
>load into potd
>3 samurai cat girls with the same hairstyle
I miss being able to do solo duties.
Does making a line even do anything?
The recast time for shadow flare it's so long
>Literally every girl has the ponytail from the GS event.
I get that it's new and shiny, but save it for a rainy day, fuck
no but shitters want you to do it anyways cause they saw a reddit post about one mmo that did it
What makes a person want to play a lalafell?
Anyone else having queues that seem to be stuck for a really long time?
who's the cuckshed healer? I see a lot laughing at whm but sch looks really boring now.
It lets people jerk each other off about how "you guys are so awesome, I love this community :)".
It does not, however, make it easier to get into the solo duty.
Lalafell are cute CUTE
Post queues.
Won't get hit on.
Free headpats and hugs.
Deep RDM lore if anyone cares.
It's impossible to be anything but a cuckshed healer since they fucked up cleric stance
In order from most cucked to least cucked
>grind out Valerian Wizard set before Stormblood
>leveling gear is a dyeable version of it
>See a giant line of people
>Walk up to NPC and click it once
>It works
fuck my whole shit up, senpai
I miss touch of death and my potency. Forbidden chakra is not that satisfying at level 60.
are you fucking kidding me? why is people even queueing for POTD??
Im staying in game for the entire day maybe longer.
I had to go out for a bit so I stuck a piece of cardboard in between the S and W key so my character was running into a wall in my apartment.
I like how people get mad if you take up that spot "wahhh give someone else a chance to play >:(((("
The cutscene where Relghar's Rise gets attacked is pretty nice
>tfw on lowest pop server
Why are people in line for him anyway? Does he not just send you into an instance?
That sound when you get 5 chakras is really satisfying though.
Reminds me of FF3
That was my plan except I got 90002'd.
Shout out to that user in last thread about SB being cheaper on GMG, thanks to you i got it for 29,29 Euro.
only 5 people can go in at a time and it's a 20 min duty
just started the expansion with my pally.
like a third of my skills are gone but whatever.
also my paladin has permanent attack up or defense up stances
there's even giant fucking icon to make sure i know which buff i have active. not sure why.
I'm gonna do it. I'm going to pay to play a game. Alone.
The exp is pretty great. I just did one match shortly after unlocking SAM, and even with us losing I'm like a quarter into the level.
I know it's to jerk off the losers who want to be Kirito, but I'm so fucking sick of jobs where the player is one of the very last of their kind.
An elite group, sure, but fucking knock it off with the special snowflake garbage in a game where I'm going to see a dozen others with my job in any crowded area.
And the expansion is still unplayable 8 fucking hours later
Why haven't they fixed it? Why can't they increase the amount of quest instances and lower the amount of irrelevant shit like dungeon and potd instances instead? This is absolutely retarded
Any 6/20 non brainlet non early access players here? Comfy play trough soon after all the plebs beta test the servers for us