ITT: we act like Sup Forums

I hate video games.

You already fucked up by talking about video games.

I hate you.

I hate everything.


I hate my life.

everyone but me is reddit

Quality thread. I hope you all consider senpaku.

Everybody is a retard for liking anything.
Everybody else opinion is crap
Your system is garbage

Shut the fuck up, weeb

I adore everything, hate is a meme.

I like DICKS.

guys please feels sorry for me I'm an extremely sheltered upper-middle class white guy who flunked college and has """""crippling depression"""""


My world view is formed almost entirely by my time on the internet(all my time) so I hate everything and have almost no friends.

I have strong opinions about the type of device other people use to entertain themselves with.

Games should only be about graphics, difficulty, and nostalgia.

dragon porn pls

Why do you seek attention so much? You're probably a WOMAN. Why are women so shit?

Favourite vidya girl thread

Everyone on this website who types something I don't like obviously frequents another website.

Guys, Hillary has to go to jail! LOCK HER UP! Trump! Trump! Trump!

Wow, you're such a degenerate.

I'm gay!

They've changed a minor aspect of this nip game that I love, now I hate it because it's western casual normie garbage.

Remember when the game was more punishing and less accessible to people? Wasn't it great how no one liked it but us?

Even though I have no financial stake in the billion dollar international company I will defend them and anything they do online.

stop shilling. someone get the mods

E3 could have been better; why haven't you literally smashed your (console) with a hammer yet?

I FUCKING HATE little girls.

Nah I don't watch that channel

I will start a thread with a twitter post/Youtube video/Metacritic score because I can't possibly form my own opinion on things.

I want to catch that rabbit as she falls.

You just wanted to post bunnies didn't you?



>We act like Sup Forums.
>Didn't start with obligatory "THICC" and "WE WAS KANGS" posts

This isn't a "we act like stormfront" thread.

its okay when nintendo does it

I want to hatefuck that rabbit.

Let me make a shit meme thread thats not accually about video games but ill post a vidya immage and the mods will ignore it.

Is there a difference?

AHAHAHA NINTENBABBIES BTFO delete console war threads

Traps aren't gay


no, you're gay

I've invited myself to disrupt your actual discussion about this particular game, indicated by the pic and title. Here's why your game is bad and why mine is better.

Im going to shitpost about Todd Howard dispite him making some of the most groundbreaking and fun games the indrutry has ever seen all wile being a 6'2" chad.


futa isn't gay lmao

loli DOES NOT makes you a pedo! they are just cartoons and japan rape statistics

I'm ironically gay lmao xDDD
traps are so le epic haha I pop a boner to men's asses LOL fuckin hella fidget spin epic bruh :ppp

Objectively wrong.

I like the bunny, user.


Objectively right.

I think Trump is the best president in recent history.