Paradox Interactive Failing!!

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People are finally waking up to paradox's dlc jewry bullshit and ripping them a new asshole.

Quick rundown:
>Paradox raised the prices of all their games a week ahead of the steam sale (as much as 50% increase in some cases)
>Removed features in game and repacked them in a new dlc you had to buy to get the utility back.
>Charging $10 for a handful of poorly drawn buttons and cheat buffs for an already overpowered nation.
>They refuse to bundle their dlc so your forced to buy it separately at full price.
>Paradox went public in the stock market a while back and now their dlc quality is dropping like a brick.
>People are angry and taking it too paradox in the steam forums causing them to lock some of the threads as "off topic".
>EU4 rating has dropping from overwhelmingly positive to mostly negative.
>All their other games have dropped to mixed as of now.

(Made pic related years ago but was to lazy to post it then enjoy)

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I suspect they were responsible for having Tyranny get released way earlier than it should have and are now gonna attempt to make a million DLCs for it over the years to try to nickel and dime every single person that bought it. They literally just put a DLC that is 7 bucks for fucking random events happening in the overworld.

I'll buy Tyranny when it's the complete edition at a 90% discount five years from now.

>90% off
Sorry user but that's never going to happen with the way paradox is doing things. 75% at most.

That explains why Pillars of Eternity suddenly got a shift of negative reviews. Paradox are pretty scummy.

Funny how they've been fucking shitty for years yet everybody gave them a pass for the dlc spam yet companies like EA got roasted alive. It just finally came back to bite them in the ass

anyone have a list of all regions raped by paradox?

I've been pirating DLC since 2015, so the time has come

Nice image, I wouldn't notice if you didnt mention, thx.

that is honestly unwarranted, paradox is not PoEs publisher on steam, they only shifted the physical copies.
And PoEs expansion is great and easily worth the money, so there is no "paradoxical" behavior there either.

Yeah, they are. They raised the money for the base game, too.

Remember to report and ignore all shitposting

If i remember correctly it was russia, south america, some parts of SEA and eastern europe. There's more but that's all i can remember right now

White and based



Fuck off Johan

Call me when the overall rating drops to mixed, now that'd be a punch in the gut.

Anyway, I haven't been playing EU4 since El Durito. It was getting pretty obvious Paradox had no idea what they were doing.


>>Paradox raised the prices of all their games a week ahead of the steam sale (as much as 50% increase in some cases)
>>Removed features in game and repacked them in a new dlc you had to buy to get the utility back.
>>Charging $10 for a handful of poorly drawn buttons and cheat buffs for an already overpowered nation.
Can I get source on these?

Oh shit, and they can't pull the "muh anti SJW trolls" card anymore with this. What a glorious day!

Paradox games are probably my favorite in the entire industry but I have never spent one single dime on them. Overpriced and jewish DLC practices.

Hey faggot, when will you use accurate history for your historical accurate games? When will you stop deleting threads and banning people that mention your SJW faggot agenda? When will you stop banning people for wanting a correct and playable Nazi Germany in your historically accurate games? When will you stop rewriting history for your destructive agenda you filthy asshole?

lmao this faggot got his review marked as abusive by the devs because they didn't like it

>>Removed features in game and repacked them in a new dlc you had to buy to get the utility back.

They raised Yurop prices because their currencies are weakening versus the dollar.

American prices didn't go up.


>buying paradox games

when you can literally pirate every single paradox game with all the DLCs with working multiplayer cracks

You are just miserable

Here's hoping the Russians finally manage to fuck them up a bit.
Anyone knows how well Third Rome did? I didn't see it in the Steam best seller list, while their DLC usually made it. Wouldn't be surprising, since the DLC is just a couple buffs to Russia

Province development was a core game feature but (I forgot which dlc removed it may have been common sense) it was taken out in an update for their new dlc.

So the only thing you could do was to either conquer land the ai owns (the ai could build the new stuff while you couldn't) or buy the new dlc to enable building on your provinces again.

okay so literally nothing to be upset about then?

Examples: half the DLCs for every single paradox game from CK2

The closest example I can think of was the Common Sense dlc.
It added development, basically allowing you to improve provinces, but without it all provinces had a base development that you could not change.
This made colonizing impossible since your colonies in the Americas could never sustain themselves without development so they either were in a constant state of bankruptcy or a constant drain on you.

PC gaming sure is great ain't it?

>purchasing Paracucks DLC
Let's be real here

>Not using this chance to kick paradox while their down

No it wasn't, it was just like EU3, each province had a single value, called basetax

>Province development was a core game feature but (I forgot which dlc removed it may have been common sense) it was taken out in an update for their new dlc.

By province Development, do you mean actively developing a province and adding to its existing province development?
I started playing with Common Sense with a group that had been playing since vanilla and beta. It seemed like a new feature to them.
Can you give me a source showing that it existed before common sense?

He can't because he's lying.

>It added development, basically allowing you to improve provinces, but without it all provinces had a base development that you could not change.
So it added a thing that didn't exist before?

>>Removed features in game and repacked them in a new dlc you had to buy to get the utility back.
Nothing like that?

not true, you never had the ability to directly improve your province's development until it was introduced in the DLC
however what people DID rightfully complain about is that the entire game was reworked with the new development feature in mind leaving the base game in a significantly less playable state than it was before

Top kek

>mfw I never paid for Paradox shit except for Warband and got 3K hours out of that

>>Removed features in game and repacked them in a new dlc you had to buy to get the utility back.
What game did they do this for? EU4?

>They literally just put a DLC that is 7 bucks for fucking random events happening in the overworld.

It's like they're begging to be pirated

The thing is how Paradox fucks you over.
See the DLCs add a lot of mechanics and ways to interact with them.
But Paradox also releases a "free" patch that implements the mechanics in the base game but doesn't allow you to interact with them.

Common Sense added Development which replaced Base Tax. Before Common Sense provinces in America had a base tax that was high enough to allow colonies to prosper. When the DLC was released all provinces in the Americas received utter shit development because colonies were supposed to improve those areas. But if you didn't had the DLC you couldn't interact with Development so you were stuck with utter shit development. So you either bought the DLC or colonizing was impossible.

Oy vey, shut it down!

Like shit. People already fucking hate it. Like 4 or 5 new buttons, some shitty troops and a buff their religion.

>Would have taken a modder like a few days to do this for free they are charging 10 bucks for it

>The thing is how Paradox fucks you over.
Yeah maybe, but the statement in the OP is a confirmed lie anyways.

Some starts get worse/better in some updates.
That's the nature of updates.

A DLC made an important aspect for countries like Spain, France, Portugal, UK and any other country that you want to use to colonize literally unplayable.
To make it playable you had to buy the DLC.

Paradox always had shitty dlc policy

>I suspect they were responsible for having Tyranny get released way earlier than it should have
Kek, it's literally never Obsidian's fault, is it?

>I'll buy Tyranny when it's the complete edition at a 90% discount five years from now.
This is what I planned on doing for HoI4 but honestly I don't know if that game is ever worth playing.

Taleworlds is self published now too

I'm not forgiving Obsidian nor placing blame on Paradox for how badly written Tyranny is.

Obsidian's fault here is not giving any kind of shit about this game and it's quality.
They put their interns to work on it to see who they keep and only did it because Paradox payed them to do it.

Obsidian mediocrecy has nothing to do with Paradox, PoE and Tyranny hardly have anything salvageable

PoE was a decent game, don't kid yourself

I haven't bought a paradox game in years.
I thought everyone else was pirating as well.

I guess that prick Johan is finally getting what he deserves. You can only screw over people who love the shit you produce for so long before they wake up and smell the coffee. Though I would love if they actually gave a shit and did something, but they probably won't.

My friends call me a scumbag for pirating and then turn around and call Paradox DLC pricey and stupid.

>PoE was a decent game, don't kid yourself
Back to you, PoE was so forgettable that I dropped at the druid town

Ofcourse 80% or more is going to happen, the joke is that in case of crusader kings 2 for example this practically means a that it drops from almost $300 to a full price triple-A when the sale is running.

Looks like the paradrones have come out to defend.

>I started playing at common sense

THAT'S WHY YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! You have no idea what it was like before. Wish i could find some old screenshots of the old mechanic to shove in your face.

But Path of Exile is a great game.


Path of Exile has nothing to do with Obsidian, we are talking about Pillars of Eternity, the kickstarter scam

>Removed features in game and repacked them in a new dlc you had to buy to get the utility back.

Granted you have given no source for this shit but everything else about their jewy Jewishness is shat that so many other people and corporations in anything and everything do.

Digitally and physically this shit is all around so why are they soley picking on dev/publisher instead of all of them who do such shit?

>Playing vanilla EU when Mayo and texas 2.0 is out

Are you people insane. You can actually play a good game now.

Never heard of it.

HOl4 is fucking garbage. No amount of dlc is going to fix it. Just pirate it and play it yourself because it sure as hell will NEVER be worth the money.

That is unless they completely change the core gameplay. Which they never will or they'll charge money for it.

Why would I play something the Death & Taxes team worked on, Meiou was alright, but DnT was fucking awful

Yes I see basetax, as it existed in eu3 basically.
I don't see the province development that you could actively improve and add to the current development.
So an old feature wasn't removed, and then sold in a dlc.

2.0 is much better than old M&T

doesn't matter if they raised base prices because it can be seen if you still get a good deal or not with certain sites

Good, I hope they do fucking crash and burn to the point of bankruptcy where they have to sell their franchises and then a noteworthy company gets their hands on the VTMB IP and something something amazing with it.

Imagine a VTM game under fucking Parajews.

That's not source.

They had a reputation, they traded their reputation in for more money.

Now their jewry is getting them what they deserve. People don't want to pay $90 in DLC for a $60 game. Give people a full game, or get bent.

Go ask DDRJake then, he's streaming right now.

>swedes shooting themselves in the foot

this is just like my pottery class where we made bowls out of clay

I sincerely hope they see a huge drop in sales, but I have a hunch that they won't. Dumb cocksuckers are going to keep buying half-finished DLC and "immersion packs" and they're going to tolerate it.

I used to pirate their DLC, but I turned around and started purchasing it on sale after I stopped pirating altogether. But now I'm changing that stance, because I got fucked over one too many times by them.


I'm not against DLC as a form of small but more regular expansions at a much lower price. The problem with Paradox is that they take the 'small' and 'regular' parts very seriously but expect you to pay full expansion pack prices. This isn't new, the price hike is just the catalyst for community anger over it.

Just look at how much they charge for 'content packs', the ones that consist of a few models and retextures that were cut from the expansions and are being sold separately. They've had this backlash coming for a long time, I just hope it's not ineffectual.

>New Hearts of Iron DLC
>$9.99 for 4 new focus trees for literally who nations
>All of them are just the same old shit - do you want to be communist or fascist? Do you want some civilian factories? How about a doctrine discount?
>Somehow they fucked up the AI even more and now you'll have the Soviets running 10 million men into a wall of forts and you'll walk away with about 5000 casualties on your side
This Jew company has gone too far

There's a steam sale?

This. As much as this board likes to bash Bethesda, they've got one of the best DLC policies (horse armor aside). 20 euros for content that provides a complete new experience and gives hours of playtime and yet is different to the main game

Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me.

In all honesty: Has there ever been a company that didn't get ruined utterly by going public?

Here's province building before Common sense pay walled it off you retards. This was removed and replaced with the new system all you babies know of. The AI could used the new system but you couldn't and had no way to use the old system either since it was removed.

Now stfu while the adults are talking little paradrones.

Yes, their several-year-old games & all the DLC (except for everything published in the last year) is now 75% off!

You still have to pay $5-$10 more for the game than the last time it was on sale for 75% off, but don't let silly things like numbers get in your way! Make sure to buy all the latest DLC to get the best experience in your grand strategy gaming!

I got a copyright claim so...I'm buying games for the next year if I don't want the jews knocking on my door....

Bethesda has said it before that they were trying multiple models of DLC with Oblivion to see what worked best.

They tried to sell little cosmetic improvements like Horse Armor, and that backfired horribly (why they want to try that again with this Creation Club bullshit is anyone's guess).
Then they sold little quests, and that got some more positive feedback.
Then they did big content packs like Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine, and they realized that had the best positive response, so they stuck with that model for FO3, NV, Skyrim, and FO4.


back in the day we called these expansion packs, not DLC

It used to be that the expansion pack was almost a sequel/new game.

See Starcraft and Starcraft Brood War

> Wanted to buy Pillars and Tyranny during the summer sale
> See the price increase
Guess I'll pirate them now. It's their loss really.

Broodwar was a pretty crappy expansion in terms of content. A campaign that was shorter than vanilla and only two or three new units for every faction. No new factions, no new mechanics, nothing fundamentally changed.

>A campaign that was shorter than vanilla
I don't think you quite understand how expansions work...

>raised the prices of all their games a week ahead of the steam sale
this is legit illegal, please source me famoli so i can report them to ACCC

Why are people shitting on Tyranny last i heard people were sucking it's dick? Was it that bad?

Extremely disappointing. And this is coming from someone that loves PoE.

I did some research myself, apparently the first half of the game is superb, the last half was garbage.

Also the ending is decided by a choice you made in the tutorial, which defeats the purpose of any decisions you make later in the game.

>specialize in a niche genre most people never even heard of
>"to cope with the low sales we will just rip off the few paying customers we have. these retards are gonna buy it anyways."

I like EU and HoI but Paradox really needs to go bankrupt.