
Other urls found in this thread:

fuck niggers

go away crowbcat

Reminder to sage CrowbGAF threads.

Now why would you want to do that, user?

>cries like a bitch when he gets caught shilling his own shit here


non nintenigger version

>eceleb threads


oh boy, NOW i want to kill myself

He's not a GAFer now, he's clearly a racist now!

How long until he deletes the video and reuploads one with the Kangz joke?

It's funny how neofaggots are attracted to "problematic" people and then they slowly try to ruin them with political correctness



Watched it, I avoided the PC show after I saw the announcer. I'm glad I did too, that was really bad. I did watch xbox show and can say that video pretty much sums up the cringe from microsoft although it didn't point out that most "exclusives" were on PC&X1.

Nintendo had a few cringe moments, reggie needs to quit and japanese people are just always weird. He really had to try hard to make sony cringe moments, but it was all out of context and some of it wasn't even related to sony moments.


>CrowbCat eceleb


they're currently being triggered by WE WUZ KANGS, so i dont know why you're saying this

>neogaf loves him
>makes a kangz joke
>suddenly neogaf hates him

Removed again;)

fucking no talent faggot get a real job you bum

>we wuz kangz, nigga!"

>People are fucking scared!

Okay, those got me.


wow he sure is impartial especially when he ignores how bad the nintendo conference was

This was fucking underwhelming, to say the least. Better version here:


SJWs never could take a joke.

God these people are a fucking joke

furies are degenerate


What else do you want him to add?
Aside from the weird Reggie segments which were included, the only other spoken segments were they guy saying he's relieve the Switch is doing well, and the Pokemon announcement, none of which were particularly cringy.

he doesnt go to shitty gaf

Nintendo won though

This isn't video games...

You rang?

>Implying Ubisoft didn't put a frame of a pyramid with a "WE" on purpose to make react the Sup Forumsfags so they can make the game viral

I love you too Terak

/ourguy/ did it better

Do they mean there like neogaf threads because his videos are like there shitty echo chambers.

Stop shilling your videos you cunt
You'll never be Crowbcat

Is this the neogaf hate thread?

How the fuck can these people live being this thin skinned?

did ubi really start off the trailer with a pyramid and the first word the guy said was "WE"
That's comedy gold

>still not a single recap video that spliced in sub zeros theme in for these guys
get it together




>Sup Forums forum


Wow rude, they just want to take revenge on those who have sworn false oaths and be spawned from Uranus's dickblood

Whatthe FUCK is a teraflop?


gaf humor?
what is gaf humor?

just internet meme humor?
because that shit has been around for a while

10^12 of a flop

How delusional can one person be

I mean, is that really the wrong idea about the place these days?

>TFW just finished jerking off and now there's new crowbkino

It's the BLAST PROCESSING of the modern era.

Where's the cut of every clip with Audrey's thighs?

He focused on Microsoft a bit too much.


i can't believe people still use forums
fuck signing up
fuck user names
just post you fucks!

its why i left those places like SA and NG because i hated being tied to a system like that. i just wanted to post and get my fucking shit out.

is this what neofags actually believe goes on here

What I don't understand is how neogaf users talk about this website in an ominous manner as if simply clicking on this URL puts you into deep web territory when this is simply an imageboard. How do people even unironically think about Sup Forums in this manner?

kino dropped?? i will be back.

>that one guy on neogaf who stood to retards get banned



Nintendo didn't give much ammunition. Their "conferences" are carefully pre-recorded video without a whole lot of flair.


FAG backwards, is this some kind of hidden gay agenda going on over there?

He's probably here.


Neogaf is all about appearances

You either obey the humorless faggots there and from time to time yell cringey shit like
"Thats so gaf omg! 'xddd"
As if the opinions on there are any different from the masses

Or you get isolated and eventually banned


he's a sonycuk, fuck him

Pretty boring desu

Its funny because niggers are subhuman scum

>doesn't shit on Nintendo
Bad video

> positive advertising for Last Night
> game director stammers a shitty apology and Reggie says his game is not fun

I pre-ordered already.

reddit doesn't anymore

Sup Forums used to be avoided simply because it was Mos Eisely of the net. Sup Forums used to be the gatekeeper and you would have to sift through 10 pages of crazy shit to find something interesting.

now we have the catalog and its super easy to find things and avoid being shocked by something you don't like.

>hacker named Sup Forums


that twinperfect video makes sense now.
he was making fun of all these other idiots.

First Jontron, now Crowbcat. The SJWS just don't know when to quite

Which one is it?


I still can't do it, I just can't watch it

Jesse Wellens.

What did he do again?

>getting triggered when people show that Nintendo did a good job

You do know Crowbcat is the one who made the video about Launch switch problems right?

Your butthurt about E3 is still showing

Neofag is the prime example of what the ideal nu-liberal society looks like. A police state with different interest groups.

The one time he actually shit on Sony a little, with his PS4 Pro is loud video, NeoGAF went apeshit on him.

Racist shit is not funny and never will be.

he created youtube

Sup Forums made Trump the president. Why shouldnt they fear us?

Didn't go in at Sony enough

I still watch them, I like that guy who's still on the channel a million more times than I ever had Fungo.

wtf i love crowbcat now

CrowbCat and TerakJK did a shitty job with their video on the E3 honestly, CrowbCat's one is better but still they are both shit and it's just about pandering to Sup Forums/Reddit/Tumblr trio of the Internet.

I'm pretty sure those people frequent here to complain about Sup Forums

Enjoy your ban crowbcat

I don't understand this fucking "crowbcat is racist" bullshit. I'm black, and that shit makes me laugh everytime I see "WE WUZ" meme. Thos retards get triggered by everything.

Did they not watch the video where he recorded Sup Forums's reaction to GTAV's PC Port?

They frequent everything they can possibly frequent to complain about Sup Forums. That's all they do, since they have no job and live with their parents.

The true propagandists were at cripple/pol/, though.