Low probability: -Pikkon -Hit -Zamasu -Tao -Roshi -Another Vegeta -Gogeta -Mr. Satan -Yamcha -16 -20 -Bardock -Chiatozu -Dabura -Super Buu -Raditz -Zarbon -Nappa -Recoome -Ginyu -rest of the Ginyu Force -Bojack -Cooler -Janemba -Any GT character or form -Any Super character or form not mentioned above -Any Movie character not mentioned above
Wee I'm playing the newest Xenoverse now we don't have to pretend to like fighting games
Lucas Sullivan
Cameron Perry
Blake Nguyen
Samuel Johnson
Lucas Gonzalez
James Murphy
I hope Yamcha gets in because if they make his remote control energy ball like Millia's he may be very high tier.
Oliver Sanchez
Puar summon
Jacob Walker
Has there been a game that had 18 but not 17? It just seems weird to be that people put them in different tiers, she was grossly irrelevant in Buu.
Dominic Clark
18 is the only viable female fighter in Z
I'd rather have Super 17 than vanilla
Isaiah Harris
This and make Puar like Atrocitous's cat Dexstar in IJ2.
Elijah Nguyen
Missing the elbow drop Cell did on Vegeta right after he turned perfect.
Dylan Sanders
She fought in the world tournament and hung out with the zfighters whereas 17 disappeared. Also she's one of the only females in a sausage fest of a show.
Carson Gutierrez
Easton Hill
You do these yourself?
Alexander Jackson
>-Another adult Goku: either Blue, Black or SSJ4
No. Demo's Goku is called only "Goku" (just like teen Gohan is called gohan)
Let's pray we won't have 1000x variations of the same character
Kid Trunks and Future Trunks are acceptable tho, different characters
Anthony Cook
They'll probably shoo in a bunch of females like Videl and that super saiyan from Super. Maybe even Chi-chi or Bulma.
John Johnson
Only female will be 18, the Super female sayajins don't have enough material yet
Christopher Murphy
Ryan Bennett
thanks for the karma faggot
Caleb Williams
I think Ginyu and Satan have a pretty good chance They're really prominent characters and Arcsys loves dumb gimmick shit
Lincoln Hill
I could see them having Great Saiyaman in addition to Gohan
Jack Campbell
>Goku kick, 3 column 3rd row this is from the Kid Buu vs SSJ2 Goku fight.
Ryder Thompson
Both Shin Budokais on PSP.
Matthew Moore
>she was grossly irrelevant in Buu. And still more relevant than 17 was. In fact, Toriyama on a split decision edited Launch giving energy to the spirit bomb into 17 doing it. 17's character was over after Cell died, 18 still had a little bit left.
Elijah King
Which is funny, because they could at least show 17 visiting 18 and the kid before he flies off to do ranger stuff.
Liam Walker
I wouldn't make much sense, but I could see Bulma being the Faust/Teddie of the game.
Levi Wright
Who else picked up rev 2 to practice?
Ian Johnson
>uchiyama trash
Aiden Gutierrez
The only problem I have with this game is that there will probably be a distinct lack of waifus.
Julian Wood
Best girl is guaranteed to make it though.
Colton Nelson
And to think, the game's only 20% done according to the devs. This may be one of the best fighters we've gotten in years. Crapcom and MCU gonna get BTFO this fall.
Logan Wilson
What would a realistic number of characters for this be? Previous licensed ASW games had a roster of around 10-15 characters (first versions), but this is a 3vs3 so I can see it being around 21. Aside the already confirmed ones, I expect to see: >Future Trunks >Gotenks >Krillin >18 >Adult Gohan >Kid Buu >Ginyu >Beerus >Broly
And maybe others like Tenshinhan, Roshi or Mr Satan, the rest are wild cards for me. I guess it wouldn't hurt to include some variations, just keeping them at minimum.
That's just the nature of Dragon Ball, both Hokuto no Ken and Sengoku Basara fighting games made by arcsys had a grand total of 1 female playable character, so unless a miracle happens, I don't see this being any different in that regard.
Brandon Gomez
That's what happens when every female character in the series gives up fighting to become a housewive full-time never to be seen again.
Asher Roberts
base roster is gonna 22
Daniel Diaz
This, I still wish videl was still a fighter.
Cooper Scott
I just hope they have different character skins. I really wanna play as Goku with the torn up suit from the final fight with freeza at destroyed namek.
Juan Adams
Like it or not Caulifia and/or Kale are going to be in the game so they have some semblance of females in it.
Nolan Phillips
Reminder that Fasha/Selypa died fighting.
best girl tb.h
Daniel Williams
no they won't, they have no fucking moveset yet
Camden Nelson
Dtagonball the best DLC
Jayden Allen
>tfw Videl will never acquire retarded lore breaking strength to save the world >tfw the family of Mr. Satan will forever remain a family of losers and frauds
Thomas Ortiz
I literally just got back from getting it for that same reason. But now I've fallen in love with it, shame it took a new DBZ game to get me to try it.
Elijah Butler
They'll be DLC. They haven't even had any real fights in the show yet. For female fighters though I always wanted to have Bulma playable in these games. She could pilot that power armor like on Namek and use all kinds of other shitty gadgets, maybe even have Launch or some other forgotten side characters as assists.
Jason Gomez
>implying they won't have a moveset in the next couple of months >implying Toei won't simply tell them a moveset so they can market their new cash cows
Face it, DBZ doesn't have many females. Video is a possibility, but she'd have even fewer possible moves than the female saiyans.
Captain Commando style? That'd be great, might even main him if that's the case
Jacob Rivera
>9 DLC characters >perfect
Camden Jackson
Was the only one who gave a shit about her and saved her life, wished for the bomb removal etc.
She repaid his kindness with loyal pussy because she is best girl
William Powell
Where is Goku Blue?
Jonathan Moore
Yamcha's more of a "lock" than Gotenks because he's memetically popular whereas hardly anyone remembers that Gotenks even exists.
Base roster's probably going to be something along the lines of >Goku >Krillin >Vegeta >Piccolo >Teen Gohan >(Mystic) Gohan >Future Trunks >Android 18 >Tien >Yamcha >Roshi >Majin Buu >Beerus >Frieza >Cell >Kid Buu >Broly >Arale >Goku Black
Kevin Bell
>whereas hardly anyone remembers that Gotenks even exists. I don't know where you get that impression, but at least when it comes to Dragon Ball fighting games, Gotenks has been playable in pretty much every one of them.
Luke Taylor
I would love if they added 19/20 and gave them a grapple move that would steal meter. I like how Street Fighter 5 gave Nash that ability but it's just a shame that game is garbage.
Adrian Sanchez
>DLC characters >perfect roster
Eli Walker
no satan no buy
Gabriel Ward
Why do people want Videl?
Adam Russell
People remember Gotenks, literally the only actually memorable thing to come out of the fusion nonsense the series pushed for a while It's Goten that no one (both in-series and out of it) gives a shit about
Ian Nelson
Not to mention he's got potential for one of the most unique movesets
Jack Nguyen
Yeah 19 would be perfect honestly but I just don't know if there will be room for him
Camden Garcia
Either they are Videl fans or just want to see more female characters in what has always been a male dominant franchise, so there's not much were to choose from.
Mason White
Lack of memorable females I guess. Being able to run a family team of Gohan/Videl/Piccolo would be cute though.
David Barnes
>It's Goten that no one (both in-series and out of it) gives a shit about Post your address user I'll fight you
Nathan Brooks
They will probably do skins/costumes.
Samuel Rivera
OP is a joke. >100% chance Future Trunks Piccolo Krillin SSJ Blue Goku Kid Buu
>75% chance Beerus SSJ Blue Vegeta Adult Gohan Super Buu Broly Bardock 18 Gotenks Hercule Califlua Zamasu/Goku Black (One or the other) Vegito
>50% chance Hit Kale Ginyu Recoome Nappa Raditz Dabura Tien Cooler Roshi 16 17 Janemba Gogeta Videl
>25% chance Bojack Roshi Pikkon DB Goku Bulma Chi-Chi Yamcha Guldo Great Sayaman Kid Gohan Spopovitch 13 20 16 Meta Cooler Supreme Kai Characters that haven't debut in DB Super yet OC Donut Steel
>10% chance Zarbon Dodoria Tao 19 Tarble Goten Kid Trunks Garlic Jr. Lord Slug Tapion First form Cell First form Frieza Cyber Frieza King Cold Demon King Piccolo King Kai Arale
Gero's implants were designed to make her desire undesirable males
Jack Scott
I'm so fucking hyped to play this, imagine this at EVO finals
I think that I could never really get that much into other fighters because a lot of the characters are unknown most of the time while in this I've known all of them for 20 years, which really makes me want to play and learn each one of them. I think this is also the reason why so many people are attracted to smash bros
Jace Adams
I don't think Arale is that unlikely at all. You guys do keep saying that there's a lack of chicks to choose from, like her or not she's the most 'unique' one available. Also Toriyama likes her a lot but admittedly I have no idea how much of an effect that'd have on this game.
Julian Anderson
>DBS characters on a DBZ game I hope you're both wrong.
Luke Walker
Guess that malfunctioned then because she ended up with the most stable male in that group.
Owen Rodriguez
>inb4 fusions actually merge 2 of your 3 characters into one instead of being a selectable character
Isaiah Roberts
There's no way Beerus won't be in the game.
Cameron Ortiz
He's in, right?
Henry Price
>No Kid Goku with Flying Nimbus
OG Dragon Ball needs a rep, and Kid Goku seems like the best choice.
Jonathan Cook
Gold Frieza is already in the game. This means we're pretty much 100% getting Beerus, some sort of Zamasa/Goku Black, and Califlua.
Brayden Rogers
who /gotenks/ here
Michael Hill
>no Supreme Kai Why do we live if only to suffer?
Ryder Gonzalez
>DBZ game According to the title it's a Dragonball game where's Tao, Eighter and King Piccolo?
David Bennett
He never did enough fighting to really give him a moveset
Jason Morales
Honestly, I wouldn't be that shocked if we got one of those three. Unlikely its Eighter though.
Jose Phillips
Arale would just piss off countless people. Gotenks is almost mandatory and hes a "crazy" child fighter as well, no need for Arale. Chi-Chi and Videl are both possible (once you "allow" Krillin to beat SSJ3 Goku, you might as well put those two in, power levels are invalid at that point). Maybe even Launch or Bulma with capsules if they want to go super crazy, not bot fucking Arale.