>we want a cringe worthy sassy brown womyn who thinks she's relevant but really is not
We want a cringe worthy sassy brown womyn who thinks she's relevant but really is not
Pic unrelated
minus the sassy brown
what's her name?
>we want EA at E3 at all
Janina Gavankar
the fuck you talking about she was nice and humble in the GB interview
Holy fuck Id play games with her if you know what I mean
>tfw to qt3.14 braphog pajeet gf
>sassy brown womyn
she was clearly trying to do some authoritarian acting up there, and being pretty bad at it, but you immediately interpreting it as sassy brown womyn shows how much of a scared cuck you are
Uh oh, another Sup Forumsirgin needs a safe space.
You gonna be okay, kiddo? Here, look at this picture of Sorceress to feel better.
>she was nice and humble
no she wasn't
>in the GB interview
only compared to her shit on stage, not compared to a normal human bean
my E3fu
I'd let her play games with my joystick if you know what I mean.
She was great on the Giant Bomb stream. Knowledgeable about games and good at talking.
>Knowledgeable about games
only compared to Abbey
I missed the presentation, so I'm watching it now. She did say she is looking forward to cuddling on the couch with someone to play some BF2 Co-Op, so maybe she'd play games with you too, user.
you need a break man, E3 was too much for you
sweden YES
you JUST know
ITT: virgins white knighting for some dumb cunt who got paid to act hyped about another DICE scam
Roberta Paulson
>who thinks she's relevant but really is not
Why does Sup Forums like to project this hard on people?
please don't say those things about mommy
>Paid to act hyped
Soo??? It's on you if you are the idiot who falls for it.
I'd do the same exact shit if someone was willing to pay me to act hype about something.
>It's on you if you are the idiot who falls for it.
but I didn't fall for it, retard. which is why I'm pointing it out. read this thread for the cucks who fell for it
Shivakamini Somakandarkram
Fall for what you absolute dumb ass? Are you saying that it's bad that she was paid to do something for someone else even if that means hyping/advertising, and no one should ever be doing that?
>Fall for what
>Are you saying that it's bad that she was paid
I'm saying the cucks who fell for it are cucks. learn to fucking read you absolute mongoloid.
also why are you even mad, do you fap to her pics or something?
If I wasn't white I would breed with her
>Sup Forumsirgins are this insecure.
>we want a cringe worthy autistic fat manchild who thinks his opinion is relevant but really it's just shitposting
ITT: projectors
Fell for what? Not cringing?
>wanting to fuck someone means you're falling for their marketing hype and will buy their new game
Really made me type this post.
>Fell for what?
holy shit are you literally brain dead?
You're the one who is mad you dumbfuck. Look how hard you are replying and responding back. Something is absolutely bothering you and it has to be related to the chick on OP's image. Are you MGTOW niggeroid who has to immediately overreact when he sees a female picture?
women got cooties
>OP cucklord who is scared of women tries to deflect by calling the people laughing at him white knights
every time
So are you implying everyone in this thread thinks she's a huge gamor gurl and will buy Battlefront 2 because of her? Because I can't see anyone saying that.
Nah she wasnt that bad compared to others stars of EA conference. You tube creator was far worse.
She wants Papa Vinny's wang?
You mean his salami?
>compared to others stars
wow someone is not shit compared to literal shit? what a great standard to have!
How was she cringe? Besides talking about Star Wars anyways.
underrated post
Seriously just get your developers, directors, and/or producers to talk about the fucking game and quit hiring all these strange personalities.
To be honest she wasn't even that bad as an announcer
Ummmm.... uhhhhh... nig- user, can I present NFS Payback though? I know it's all about being a.... youtube creator..
She clearly didn't feel in charge.
Then why target her specifically if she's not even the biggest problem?
You're pathetic.
Had a pretty cute dress.
I'd bang her.
What kills me about thanks nig is that his youtube doesn't even have video games related shit on it. It's just some ""prank"" channel
I'll never get the appeal of the hipster aesthetic. These people look like a mix of queer and nerd stereotypes. It'd almost be offensive if it wasn't so over the top.
That's the point, being a homo and being a "nerd" are both popular at the moment, so it stands to reason that people would combine the two.
With a brown lady as the head of its most elite spec ops team?
Yes. I do need a safe space. Back to plebbit with you
I will bet any money that she ends up defecting to the rebel side at some point in the game.
>elite team
>Just a barely modified TIE armour alt skin
I care about this even more than the race and sex of their leader, desu.
That would so shit. Much better to just have her continue raiding the Alliance with her squad on their own until they finally make contact with the First Order. Then you can have her make a cameo in the movies too since the armor is distinctive.