>Monster Hunter Worlds won't be casualised
>Someone recorded a closed door presentation on the gameplay
>It has QTE's out the ass
>Monster Hunter Worlds won't be casualised
>Someone recorded a closed door presentation on the gameplay
>It has QTE's out the ass
Other urls found in this thread:
Shhh, it's alright Nintenboy. Everything will be alright.
Switchfags are pathetic
The qte shit was when you're mounted, basically the same shit as 4u and gen.
Ultimately the core gameplay still looked the same
Button prompts or QTEs?
Looks like a button prompt in the OP pic.
Why is there a picture of Vince Wilfork and his wife on the wall?
Thats the prompt you get when you mount you fucking moron.
Ai-chan is CUTE
Fucking kill yourself you retarded waste of human life and oxygen.
Do it right the fuck now.
It's exactly the same mounting mechanic from 4, but with a button prompt instead of a filling bar.
>make a thread trying to hate
>immediately outed as a Nintenbro
lmaoing @ ur life OP
>prompts out the ass
>one single frame showing you to press a button to mount
>button prompts when mounted
>same shit as other MH
Hahaha switch cucks really mad as fuck
>n i n t o d d l e r changes to nintenbro
These mods have blatant favoritism
Its not to mount its when youre already mounted.
At this point I don't know if its falseflagging or not
>When the betrayal sets in
>Coming to both PS4 and Xbox
>Also coming to PC for the first time ever
>tutorials shows you how to play the game
SONYKEKS are pathetic.
>samefag console warriors
I hope you get permabanned. And before you continue more console warring bs, I'm an idort so just shut up.
I know you're shitposting but mounting has been here since 4U
It can't be
>Sup Forums doesnt even know what mounting is
I always thought Sup Forums not playing vidya was a meme but this is just sad and pathetic.
lol it does the same for other companies
which reddit post did they recruit you from today
Hope I wont run into any of you online.
On the bright side, I can play this with more friends on PC.
>drinking while running
>automatic tracking fireflies
>implying that 20% slow isn't a big deal
>can walk but still locked in the healing animation.
What's the big deal here.
it's that green thing guiding you where to go? i have never played mh
>slow as shit and still can't do other things
>fireflies are an item you have to use on the tracks of a monster
>Try to shitpost about a series that you've never played
>Get absolutely btfo
Wew op are you gonna be ok?
>tfw you will never be an ugly Nintenigger
>tfw you didn't fall for the Shitch meme
Feels good.
How is this any different than paint balls.
Okay, this kinda sucks, but I know how to fix this. Drop the flies after low rank, and/or make them into an armor ability like the one that auto paints monsters in the other games.
Never played Monster Hunter because I hate Japshit, but this honestly looks pretty fucking epic. Might just pick it up if it reviews well.
>being this much of a shitposter
You do realize you have to level up the tracking bugs by finding footprints, and when you get spotted by enemies the tracker bugs disappears right? Stealth is making a hugeplay in this game.
Are MHfags the biggest cry babies on Sup Forums right now?
Oh no, the game shows the controls during the tutorial, unforgivable!
>"""slow as shit"""
>takes the same amount of time as normal chugging but you can move
>Monster Hunter always has had optional ways to make it easier for people
>nobody complains about those things being in the game
>but now that the game is going to be "focused on the west" and for non nintendo platforms and suddenly it's a huge deal.
>this handholding
>this voice acting
Burgerclaps win again
You can cancel out of the drinking animation now
>Shitposters don't even know what the video is about
Sasuga Sup Forums
Read the filename retards
He's mounted. Mounting is button mashing in 4U. This is actually better.
It seems the people who are claiming that MHW will be casual garbage are the people who play MH because it's difficult to feel better about themselves rather than playing for fun.
Sorry, I assumed people were complaining about the actually significant change and not fucking nothing.
But I forget, this is Sup Forums.
thks user
you all sound like faggots
None, cocksucker. I just rarely visit Sup Forums. I spend my time on /k/.
>This is what Capcom was hyping up
This. And also Why are nintenbros so desperate to shitpost? Flexing was retarded
>salty nintendo nigger upset worlds won't be cominng to the switch
Better upgrade ya pc, nintendobro
>tfw everything MH did that MHW doesn't is faultless, or you're a drone
Keep aiming for that flop bros
Because for Nintentoddlers losing MH exclusivity is the worst thing that could happen to them.
>people claim that MHW will be casualized
>leaked gameplay is casualized as fuck
Don't even own a Switch and have a PC and PS4, by the way
Guess what faggots
MH was ALWAYS anime
I guarantee my PC is better than every shitposting cuck shilling this game in this thread.
You're really trying too hard m8
no really, you sound like a faggot
delete your thread
confirmed for not watching the video and never playing monhun.
It's a tutorial demo. Of course it's going to show how to use certain moves, dumbass.
so you can get free hits if another monster shows up?
Here lies Sonyfags
They never had a real MH
j-just a press demo thats it, theyll make it actually a challenge later
>tfw nintenbro butthurt because he won't be playing any monster hunter on the switch
>assblasted Sonyshills
>doesn't know the difference between a button mash prompt and a QTE.
I thought all the Nintendo salt was just a meme but I'm starting to realize it's not, and retarded anons like this are the rule and not the exception.
Still beter than XX/Frontier's anime MMO movesets.
Nobody realizes you are a shitter because you forgot to buy paint balls.
>Getting a better game in 1 month
I guarantee you started on tri because you're a shitposting nintenbro.
>monster vs monster
>environmental bullshit
>other players can drop in straight to mount
Pure chaos. I love it.
I have never played monster hunter in my life.
I liked the monster hunter maps in Peace Walker.
I fell bad for you men. You did nothing to deserve this. I am sorry for your loss.
>everybody I don't like is a Nazi: Sonyger Edition
wait doesnt MH4U have QTEs?
Jesus christ nintendobros, it's not even exclusive! Have you never played a monster hunter?
Not coming west
>MHW is on everything but Nintendo
>Nintendo gets Doublecross
Sometimes the universe is a fun place
I bet the female voice over is a tutorial
And those button prompts prove it to be one.
Overall I'll stay cautiously optimistic.
However if instead of "Gather 10 shrooms" they start the actual game with this, I'm all for it.
The first hour has always been the worst part of any MH I've played.
Fuck those bowgun shots look fucking amazing
>Didn't fall for the Switch meme and calling games "good" and "coming" before they did
I'm pretty happy I'm saving $400 from buying a console I would use twice a month if that.
>b-but sony!
KEK, i guess you did start with tri you fucking casual loser! You finna mad
This actually looks good. Also it is clearly a tutorial where you mount and the game tells you the button to attack with.
combat looks good
grappling hook looks dumb
still will buy though
What loss? We've gotten two great MHs in the past two years. This will flop and then we'll get something cool for late 2018.
I had to wait five fucking years for MH4U, that was rough.
>Being retarded
>MHO is on everything but Nintendo
>MHO 2.0 is on everything but Nintendo
>annoying female that won't shut up