Whats your wish for monster hunter world?
Whats your wish for monster hunter world?
to have brachy bro
cute girls to play as
For the PC port to not be shit.
The only thing I wish for is for video games to stop with this gross objectification of woman
Crossdressing armor
crazy monster like zino or brachi i dont whant everything to be "muh realistic"
and cute girls for customisation
>No flexing
>You move while you drink/eat
Game not to be locked at 30 fps like consoles counterparts lel
I want Gore/Shagaru, Astalos, Gammoth, Mizutsune, & Glavenus to all to stick around.
Cross Platform multiplayer
My fear is that the game fails in consoles and the west and the playerbase will be too small for group hunts.
At least with cross platform play, the playerbase pool isn't segregated
to be gotyay, since that's the only way i'll be able to accept not having DD2 or DMC5 at E3 this year. and solo only urgents.
Already said no go. Would have thought Xbox One and PC would have it at least but not even that.
Bowguns being able to solo
whats the point of bowguns then?
>Playing solo monhun
Also, 20 minute gameplay here:
I just want to go full /fa/shion hunter without worrying about suboptimial gear.
I just don't want something like Grand Divine Ire Obi to happen again
>best in slot for its stats
>used in pretty much any high end clownsuit
>doesn't match with any other armor other than itself
A fun game.
>relic kirin armor
Superb taste, OP.
Double Cross had glamours, so Capcom at least knows that the fans care about that.
A bunch of new monsters. For them to fuck off with khezu and gravios already
New MH doujins.
also, the option to turn off the firefly thing so you are forced to track the monsters your damn self, looking for footprints, fallen trees, huge piles of shit, etc
the 5th gen weapons, Wyvern Boomerang and Hunting Hound, I just want to use the Boomerang already, Capcom, stop teasing us with it and your 'it almost made it into X and XX' bullshit, GIMME